Below Deck Finale – 5/27/24

No reunion again. Because of ‘covid’ in 2020 they set the precedent of having them virtually, and now with the season a few years back where they canceled it claiming social media activity by Alissa (lie) after the Captain Creep on Crack season, they have now normalized just not doing them at all and now not even giving a reason. Yeah I know ‘Andy hates them.’ Well isn’t there part of everyone’s job that they don’t particularly like? Or they just hate more than they hate other aspects? And they’re not even in person.

This convo resumes of these brats that decided to blow off cleaning their room. Kerry is funny. ‘How RUDE!’ Okay Michelle Tanner.

Aside from Captain Creepy’s weird season when she stepped in for Lee, and that volleyball game where she made the stews play against the deck crew (which was basically girls against guys -that’s fair!) as a ‘team building’ exercise, this was the dumbest request by a captain ever.

Is his anger with them somewhat exaggerated? No not on Bravo! Never!!

Okay Kerry here’s the thing – just because you help out the crew when you ‘don’t have to’ that does not give you carte blanch to make unreasonable petty ass requests from the crew to serve your every whim. That’s ridiculous rationale. It’s a little dictator-y type behavior.

Dylan stammers that they didn’t have time. Kerry orders them to read it up immediately. Ben seems to be now regretting his decision to be insubordinate.

Oh my God who cares.

Is anyone else just soooooo effing SICK of hearing about Barbie’s mom and dad and her ‘lifestyle?’ Prior to this she says, she couldn’t fathom being with someone not raised with her ‘lifestyle.’

Girl, we get it. We GET IT. You are pretentious as fuck.

I’ve never dated a poor kid before – it’s a lot!

I’m hoping she’s cringing watching herself on these episodes and uses it as a learning experience.

The guests want to have a ‘Beyonce fashion show’ and the crew is doing some sort of Beyone shout-out dance?

She’s been very popular on Bravo lately.

So this is the shit that pisses off Xandi, and probably why she got told she would have fired her if it was up to her. This princess act that she thinks is so cute, just doesn’t fly here.

She lies on the seat bitching about the schedule and how she needs a nap.

But I’m Conservative Barbie, and I’m classy, and rich ? Did I mention that??
And I’m an irritated witch – did I mention THAT?

She can’t have it both ways. She can’t be bragging how she’s this extra hard working super stew, that’s been busting her ass, then act like this. All of the attention need to be on Barbie at all times.

Nick’s dinner is going great, no salt complaints even, much to Fraser’s dismay who seemed to want all of the chefs to fail for some reason this season. So weird.

Do none of these ladies even drink I just noticed? They literally all have waters at the table.

That would explain why they go to bed at 10:00 and are boring as hell. Lame lame lame lame lame. Loosen up!!

Ben has a change of heart about his decision to blow off the room tidying assignment and wants to apologize to Kerry.

The last very dramatic and nail-biting docking!!

I’m just not sure I can pull this off for the 8000th time!!

The very boring ladies hand over their envelope and leave. They were nice though.

The tip was fair. Not great, not terrible. They were pretty easy and respectful, and the stews didn’t even have to make cocktails.

The Queen of unseasoned food and most boring friends ever is leaving you!!

I’m sure the crew will be making up for their non-drinking later.

Kyle and Barbie are funny thinking that they’re so in love. Cute but funny. Nick looks about one hundred times better when he applies product to his hair. When he doesn’t, he sort of looks homeless.

I can’t imagine how good that must feel when they finish the last charter.

They have dinner at this scenic waterfall destination restaurant, and you can already see it’s going to be a big huge issue because the guys are going to want to jump in the water, which is against Barbie’s bougee ‘class-act conservative’ rules. She runs after him like a mom when he starts to undress to jump in.

Pussy Pina Colada Man feeds Sunny a bunch of propaganda about how into her he is. I don’t like Ben. Maybe you noticed.

Can you stop ordering Pina Coladas though? How about a Strawberry Daiquiri??

Kyle does end up jumping in after dinner. Barbie has this to say, just when you think she can’t get anymore tasteless in her ‘I’m better than everyone’ rhetoric, “I’m a class act and I’m not going to date anyone who’s not.”

We classy people have to keep reminding the peasants how classy and important we are!!

Sunny who is friendly with her, looks at her like ‘wow bitch, enough already’

We all feel that way Sunny. Sunny is so nice, she’s not going to say anything. But she should have. Someone needed to put this dumb ass in her place.

If I wasn’t Canadian I would punch you out right now.

All of the guys except Nick jump into the water. She confronts him later about it, and he’s completely shitfaced and does not care.

I’m watching this whole van argument debacle closer now and I do see that Fraser totally starts it by saying something along the lines of, if he said what he felt it would be really ‘dark.’ Dark? Like wtf Fraser?

Assuming that had to do with Barbie who honestly was not THAT bad of a stew. She’s annoying AF. She clearly took this little ‘princess’ act a little too far, it’s cute to a point. But for the most part, she did her job. Xandi was a little more into it and takes it more seriously.

Xandi did say that she had a bad attitude but then adjusted and she’s glad she made it, so it was actually I guess a back-handed compliment type of thing. Barbie’s reaction is not warranted. Xandi’s opinion has a lot to do, as I said earlier, with Barbie’s NON-STOP fucking – ‘I’m better than you, I need my lashes and my breaks, I don’t really need this job, look at my purse, look at me, I’m the prettiest and my daddy is rich’ fucking relentless song and dance.

But did I mention I’m classy??? Have you not seen my wardrobe??

Not sure why Barbie took it to the place that she did. Xandi even tries to back pedal but it’s too late. Kyle and Paris try to shut her up and she keeps going, yelling at Xandi about what a hard worker she is.

It’s a hot mess. I thought Xandi was a witch. Didn’t she have some kind of spell she could cast to shut this bitch up?

She packs her shit, yelling at everyone in the process, and bitching at Kyle about what a disappointment he is. Has to get one last pretentious comment in and announces she’s going to a ‘5 Star Resort.’ She leaves.

Kyle wasn’t backing anyone else. He was telling her to stop yelling the same thing over and over.

Where’s Kerry during all of this? He didn’t wake up?? I kept expecting him to show up with his famous line – “what’s going on heeeeeeeehhh??”

Why wouldn’t Fraser try to console her?? They show him doing some fake Kyle Richards mouth open pretend shocked face. We need to start referring to this as ‘The Kyle.’ Just like Jennifer Aniston’s haircut in Friends became ‘The Rachel.’

Or Xandi could have apologized? She cries in her room she feels bad about what she said.

I guess we’re trying to end this as melodramatically as possible.

I love how they play this gloomy bagpipe music and show these melancholy scenery clips the next morning like she fucking drowned.

RIP Barbie in your 5 Star Resort!!

It’s really not that big of a deal that she left on the last night, to go to her 5 Star fucking Hotel.

Nick has a severe snoring problem. He should get that checked out. He passed out in the galley and Paris enters laughing.

He immediately wakes up probably feeling her bitchy mean girl negative energy staring at him.

I’m going to ruin his life over this…

Barbie texted Kyle to change his flight since she was supposed to come to Miami with her. She didn’t even say good-bye to anybody. Who really cares.

Now the dramatic good-bye’s…

Kerry gets filled in by the guys about Barbie’s sudden 2 am departure that he apparently heard none of.

I must have slept right through all of that door slamming and loud shrill screaming mate.

Barbie calls him to explain and say good-bye. She doesn’t like the hotel she’s in. Guess it wasn’t 5 Star enough.

I don’t know why Fraser is suddenly being so pissy and rude about Barbie. He basically started the whole thing last night with his ‘dark’ comment.

You would think a gay guy could identify with a spoiled brat drama queen chick. She did do her job.

Kerry made some comments about Ben in his yap but I didn’t understand what the hell he said.

Sunny keeps trying to justify being with Ben. You know when you have to keep justifying and explaining why you’re with someone, maybe you shouldn’t be wasting your time with them. Pina Colada Boy is a player, a loser and disrespectful to women. But whatever, not to sound like Glinda, the good witch, but she needs to learn it for herself. Apparently they’re still dating from what I was looked up.

I’m really not sure what to make of Fraser after this season. I don’t think I’m a fan anymore. I know that makes him very sad. Kerry calls him the best chief stew after his girlfriend.

I don’t even know what to say. Maybe the bar is pretty low??

I’m sure Fraser was liking working for Captain Kerry more than Captain Kreepy.

And you weren’t nearly as annoying as Captain Creepy.

No reunion. As I said, Andy doesn’t like ‘em. They don’t even give an explanation anymore. I saw some headlines of Ben now saying Kerry was rude to production and crew.

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