So Bye Bye to Raygan last week. No one in shock over that. Seems like she had no clue of even what to do. Could she not even watch a few past episodes?

Opens up with the oh so dramatic cabin swap. Tash irks me so much. At the end of the previous week, she says “Hopefully he never does this again.” Okay well, how could he? He was upset that you were IN A RELATIONSHIP with him, and then you just up and started acting like he made your skin crawl.

Now that you’re OUT OF A RELATIONSHIP, there will be no expectations. You are free to ignore him all that you want! Also I hope this comes up at the reunion, because she is adamantly denying that they were even in a romantic relationship. She’s contradicting the shit out of herself when she keeps saying things like “I didn’t want anyone to know to not disrupt the crew but it’s just made things worse…” She’s so fucking dumb she can’t even see how she makes no sense.

Poor Dave keeps beating himself up for sending a couple bitchy texts. It’s ridiculous. What she did to him was so much worse. God I hope he hooks up with Courtney. They seem to be okay working around each other. For now. Natasha is burning up her phone, non-stop texting this ex, that she broke up with, to be with Dave, who she was definitely NOT in a relationship with.

Natasha and Kyle are a LITTLE annoying together. I’m glad they get along so well, but could they not for a minute? Courtney, super cute and funny previous second stew is back as the new deckhand.

She’s adorable. Love her – can’t see her not getting a long with everyone. Remember the little bit of drama with Mzi last season? He liked her, liked her, but she wasn’t into him. But sounds like they’re good friends now, and even did a trip to Africa together.

So it’s an all girl guest crew and there’s a dual birthday celly, and Sandy can’t leave the dock due to the rough waters,

Sandy breaks the news. They seem to have taken it okay. They’re going to go in town to explore. Natasha is typing away on her phone. It does seem awkward with Dave and Natasha when they’re interacting.

He continues to beat himself up in his yaps. Meanwhile she takes no responsibility for leading him on. She says nothing except whining about this other dude and literally NO ONE cares.

Nothing to do for the deckhands if they’re hanging on the dock, so of course Courtney gets pulled inside to help in the rooms since she’s a girl. Kyle is complaining about his teeth.

Tash tells Nat there is something “quite urgent” and she is literally just continuing this shit with her ex BF, or current BF or whatever the fuck on her phone. Guess this can’t wait til she’s on a break or not in the middle of lunch service.

Gotta get this guy back since I ditched what’s his name…

Dave killed the lunch, because he put that dumb bitch out of his brain. Kyle is bitching up a storm about being alone on service. He seems to be doing okay. These ladies aren’t really super demanding. No one is complaining, except Kyle.

The ladies go on a tour of Malta in golf carts. Courtney didn’t know which pedal was the accelerator. I would be scared if I was on there and heard my driver say that. There is not much going on this episode.

Natasha goes clear off the boat to talk to the her BF/Ex BF and apologizes for cheating on him with ‘the chef.’ She’s crying & he is telling her not to beat herself up, he loves her…

Jesus bitch just gettin off scott free all around. She takes no responsibility for treating Dave poorly, he blamed himself for it all, now this dude she cheated on is like, “no problem, all good!!”

Can someone just give Kyle some Aleve for chrissakes??? Fucking whiner.

Natasha has decided to get off of her phone, and do some actual work. All of the episodes have been about her relationships, it seems. I’m ready to be done discussing who she’s doing and not doing.

Nat gets mad because Tash has tells her to clean rooms, and Courtney will help on service. I think it is kind of dumb. Courtney would be fine doing the rooms. But Nat is being a little over the top about it. Whatever.

The boys are to be gettin down and dirty for the ladies tonight for the birthday celly. Dave has a damned six- pack! What the hell is he doing crying over that hoe? It did NOT go unnoticed by Courtney !! or the guests!

Hey there Chef, how YOU doin????

I could not sleep in those cabins. They look so stuffy with NO air circulation. I would be dying.

I think Mzi still likes Courtney.

They’re getting out of the dock, and as we’ve seen on previews, Storm has some radio issues and Sandy can’t hear him. How does he all of a sudden not able to work his radio? She tells him to press the mic and talk. He does not even seem to be hearing her. Is it not on, or what is going on?

Why doesn’t someone who can hear her, run over and intervene? Sandy hits that thinga ma jig again that Raygan caused her to hit last time.

Not starting off well for Storm.

Next week Sandy’s gotta deal with another cryin ass dude AGAIN, and a stabilizer issue AGAIN.

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