Below Deck 2/19/24

Right off the bat, what annoyed me about this episode is how they’re making it obvious that they’re fabricating drama.

Fraser completely overreacted in his reprimanding of Barbie, and even going to the captain about it? I get it, he’s trying some sort of reprieve from last season, when he was a pushover, but does he not have a happy medium?

All of that shit that Camille was doing, and not doing last season, and he never went to Sandy about it until she did herself in and got drunk while working, or when she was supposed to be working.

But he also doesn’t want the reputation of tattling to the captain about every fucking minor incident does he?

And if I was Barbie, I would have been pissed too, at that ding dong saying to me They expect us to be working” while she was working.

She denied saying this in the convo with Fraser. So, do the math. Barbie has every right to be pissed.

Fraser, whom I love, and trying to respect as chief stew, but is again demonstrating poor managerial skills in my opinion.

Cat saying she was “excited to work with girls.” Well that’s your first mistake. As a girl, never ever be excited to work with girls.


First crew night out. Barbie, love ya, but stop with the three-nanny story, and bragging that you grew up privileged. It’s so not classy and is immediately putting people off. Read the room, girl. Remember, money talks, wealth whispers.

I had three nannies, how many did YOU have?? Thought so.

Jared shares the story about how he came to have a three-year-old that he’s never met in person. It’s pretty impressive that he makes an effort to be involved in her life. Barbie seems enamored by this. I have a feeling, and/or heard through the grapevine that neither of of them last. I can’t really see them together, but maybe.

They would have such a cute Barbie or Ken baby.

Sunny and Benny are dancing and hitting it off.

In the van, Jared tells Barbie when he looks into her eyes, he sees truth.

That’s a new pickup line. She laughs at him. Think he was serious.

Does that line really work on chicks??

Whomever he shares a cabin with, needs to throw this blue flannel shirt overboard.

Fraser calls it a night, and the rest hit the hot tub. Everyone is pretty trashed, which is never good for hot-tubbing.

The witch chick is dancing and plummets right in. She’s done for the night. Ben escorts her to her cabin. He could have also gotten her a towel.

It’s time for Prue to hit the sack!

Sunny propositions Ben for ‘a kiss’ via text from the hot tub. OhmiGod, here we go. Girl, why?? We don’t do this! Especially when you’re cute. This is what ugly chicks do. Or desperate ones.


Jared tries to redeem himself, and gets up super early and starts cleaning and tidying the boat before Captain OCD gets up and starts his inspections

Now since Ben and Sunny exchanged spit, that means immediately things will be weird working together.

Captain Kerry and his little cute espressos are inspiring me. I don’t have one of those fancy little espresso machines though. I guess as long as it’s in a cute teensy mug, no one would know. Who would know?

He’s very pleased with Jared’s enthusiasm in having the boat extra spiffy first thing in the morning.

Ben is already being cocky as fuck with Sunny. I guess she couldn’t have waited like a few more days, and let him make the first move, instead of begging him to make out with her. NEVER EVER beg a dude to be with you. Especially one with an already huge ego.

I don’t even think he’s that good-looking.


Getting ready for new charter. Kerry has his teeny cute cup. We need to normalize these in America, like they are in Europe and other countries. So cute.

There’s going to be a vow renewal, AND a wedding on this charter. He’s not being all cranky about performing these ceremonies like Captain Lee was. I don’t hate the guy, but you do have to admit, he liked to wave his dick around.

Fraser summons Cat for a chat. Must be nice to have a little work meeting with your supervisor, complete with an adult beverage.

Let me analyze your childhood to see what job you should do…

This is something new we don’t usually see in a Chief Stew. He digs into the underdog, or green stew, about her childhood.

It’s quite the opposite of our Barbie Doll’s fantasy life. Both of her parents died separately when she was a child, and was with a very cold and abusive foster family from 13 – 18 that was a part some sort of cult-like religion. Sounds like an example of people that take in foster kids purely for the paycheck, which I don’t even think is that much.

They even forbade her from communicating with her brother who was placed in a different family, due to this radical religion. Probably Mormons.

Fraser is being very empathetic, which is sweet, and later advises Barbie to treat her with extra kindness. However. In doing this, he’s now playing favorites, and putting himself in the ‘friend’ zone with Cat, which he vowed to not do this time.

It’s not like she was being THAT rude to her. She wasn’t being Kate Chastain or anything. She was getting frustrated with Cat’s slowness, but you do have take into account she’s less experienced than Barbie.


You know, I could do without seeing these dudes’ bare asses. There is nothing sexy about that.

Cat’s stewing is still not up to par. Sound like she just needs some more training. It’s not like it’s complicated. I don’t know why he lectures all three of them about it. Why not nicely tell Cat what was incomplete?

He’s getting a little pissy about it. This is not how you reprimand and encourage your crew. This dude seems all over the place this season. One second he’s asking about their childhood, and the next second he’s telling them they all suck.

Whichever one of you folded that towel wrong, CAT, stop it!!

Captain’s still inspecting the cabins. He needs to start trusting the crew.

Barbie is annoyed with Fraser telling her to take it easy on Cat. She walks away muttering under her breath, which Fraser is the QUEEN of doing, and reprimands her. Really, Fras?

Guests arrive who seem already to be down-to-earth and not too high-maintenance. I mean, they love Cheez-Its.

I feel like I have to address since this is in my wheelhouse – Margarita making, of course. Barbie wants to put OJ (fresh I assume) in them, and Fraser tells her no, in the interest of time, don’t bother. They bicker as to whether the orange addition is a ‘classic’ marg or not.

First of all, she should have just listened to Fraser, her boss, when he told her to omit it. It could have been addressed later when they weren’t all running around catering to guests that came aboard five minutes ago.

My opinion is, she’s right. If you can, add either an orange liqueur (Grand Marnier is a good one) or some fresh orange juice. So I agree with her.

I even have an ‘Orange Margarita’ on my Bravo-inspired recipe page, where orange is the main ingredient, and not to brag, but t hey are amazing. I have actually been craving one. But they’re a warm weather drink, so I’m trying hard to be patient.

But, the problem is that during this chaos, she whips out a fucking notebook, showing her ‘recipe’ (which I thought was kind of funny- something I would do) and proceeds to argue with him, delaying the drink getting to the guest. At this point, pretty sure she doesn’t give a fuck whether or not there’s an ounce of OJ in it or not.

So in his defense, I can see him being irritated at that. In her defense, she wanted to make the best marg possible. We are talking about margarita’s here. It’s a very serious subject. And I’m not being sarcastic.

She goes to her cabin and slams shit around.

Barbie gives Fras the silent treatment when he asks her a question.

Watching through this a second time, I do see his irritation a little better.

She feels he’s being ‘mean’ to her and not appreciating her.

Ben eludes in his yap, to Jared having issues later in the season. Little bit of a spoiler. He compliments him for doing better, but followed by, “we’ll see how long it lasts” followed by a sinister snicker.

Frenchy makes food for the crew, however not nearly enough. The deck crew inhales it in five minutes and still wants more. Poor stews get nothing.

Can they call UberEats while docked in the water? I don’t see why not.

Sunny and Barbie seem to be hitting it off, as besties. Sunny and Barbie. Love that.

However, not Fraser and Barbie. They attempt to hash out their differences, while decorating the table, and Fraser tells her she’s been a bitch to him. I don’t know about that. Yeah she ignored him. Big whoop. Follow your own advice Fras, thick skin, big shoulders, whatever, get over it. She IS busting her ass.

She tells him that she’ll work on her attitude.

Guests are having a tailgate party themed dinner. And no, not wings, chicken fingers, and nachos (Some of you might know what I mean by that.) Upscale Bougee game night food – Lobster and filet.

So apparently not the fault of Anthony and his preparation, but the filet, although seemingly cooked perfectly, is very tough and chewy. They request some A-1. Yeah doubt if a super yacht has A-1, but guess it doesn’t hurt to ask.

There really is no way of telling a raw steak is a bad cut of meat and won’t cook up right, until it’s actually cooked.

Kerry tells Anthony to step up the crew food, and he doesn’t need to make the same bougee shit that the guests are having. Sandwiches are fine for lunch. Frenchy seems annoyed at first that his creations were not appreciated. It’s hard to have it be ‘appreciated’ when half of the crew didn’t even get any, bro.

I have a hard time as to whose side to be on in the Fraser vs Barbie thing. Technically I don’t have to take sides, I guess. So if you notice me sounding like I’m contradicting myself, that might be why.

I like them both. They both have good work ethic, and neither seem to be assholes. Fraser IS kind of pushing it though. There was no need to take this to Kerry at this point.

Stupid Ben, is already being a dick to Sunny, and radios Jared that she needed a life jacket to be on the jet ski, when Jared was letting her know. Stay in your lane, dude.

Have to pull out one of my anti-dude sayings again, but I actually haven’t used it in a while before today, he’s waving his dick around. Or trying to. He sounded like a dumb ass to the whole crew since Jared was already on it.

Sunny is pissed he would say it over the radio, announcing it to everyone, including the captain. She gives him a pissy ‘tude. Ben acts confused, but he knows that’s probably why.

Fraser makes his announcement to Kerry that Barbie is giving him ‘snap-back’ and hostility.

‘Hostile and vile’ are words that are an exaggeration as to what has actually taken place, un my opinion. He’s acting like he even wants her fired.

Fraser what are you doing?

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