Below Deck 2/12/24

Dinner is still going from last week. Frenchy is having a hard time getting the courses out in a timely manner. I mean, there’s like a whole entire hour between them.

He’s definitely feeling the pressure.

But, these guests have to understand they’re the very first charter. So new chef to the boat, first dinner, the dude has no help, and is getting these three course Michelin style restaurant meals to the table.

They’re not being complete assholes about it, but the primary chick is bitching. Fraser has to deliver the news that he needs to step up the speed.

I do agree with him! You can’t rush creativity!

I’d like to make fun of Cat for getting lost on the boat, but that would totally be me too.

I’d like to make fun of Frenchy for being so scattered in the kitchen with shit all over the place, but that would be me too.

I may have gotten inspired by something that Frenchy makes for my recipe section of my site, so stay tuned! I also got inspired by a dish on RHOBH so stay tuned for that too.

It’s actually something I’ve been wanting to make for a while.

So we see Cat and Barbie completely butting heads. Cat kind of meanders around, and Barbie seems more purposeful and focused. Obviously she can’t be behind the bar tidying up when Barbie is trying to make drinks behind that teeny tiny bar area. She compares Cat to an actual cat just sort of wandering around aimlessly.

Is this partially Fraser’s part though for not giving her proper direction?

The primary woman announces that they’re going to be getting to it promptly, in the hot tub.

Well at least the crew has been warned. And she was NOT kidding. There is no time wasted in her stripping off her suit as soon as the others leave.

Does she know this is all on camera right now? She can’t. I know the dude doesn’t care, but she should.

Producers were not bashful about capturing all of it. Well not all of it, they’re under water, but you know what I mean.

I’ll spare you a photo of it. Yikes.

Split screen as this is going on, as Kyle brags he once gave a girl a seizure with his tongue. I mean, really. This show is on regular cable TV at 9pm. Are we pushing the envelope a little, Bravo?? I’m not a prude, but the this is a little graphic. Seems a little soft porn-ISH.

The crew night out should be interesting.

These ladies are into tablescapes. Sandy would be so excited. Although when she came in for Lee last season, she was so busy being acting like a nazi warrior, she forgot all about being pissy about there not being any table décor.

Xandi is going to be accompanying the guests on their kayaking excursion. She acts excited when Fraser asks, but is NOT excited. Vampires don’t go in the sun. She’s also hating human contact. Yeah, I don’t blame her for that one.

So you knew the second these coolers were rolled out — and moved about the boat with Fraser saying ‘Make SURE these super awesome coolers go with the guests — it’s really important!” — that they were going to get forgotten.

I guess we can’t cut the price tag off.

Whatever you do, DO NOT forget these!!

I feel like they’re starting to hijack actual mistakes that get made in previous seasons, and purposely recreating them for extra drama. I think it was a Hannah season where she forgot to bring the cooloers, and since then, Bravo has been recyclying it. Stupid. Like OMG they forgot the coolers. The tender can be to the boat and back, in like five or ten fucking minutes. It’s not that traumatic.

Meanwhile, the guests ask for water, and bitch that they’re so thirsty, and they’re ready to die of dehydration if they have to wait one more minute for a plastic bottle of water.

Can we get a new bit, Bravo?? Like really.

Jared’s ADHD, and bad listening and retaining info skills may be a problem. He tries to convey insruction to Sunny, and has no idea what he was told to convey.

Come on dude, you’re the head of your department. You can’t be delegating instructions to your crew, sounding like a fucktard. And when your captian is speaking to you, maybe like, listen?

Lucky for you, I’m well versed in jibber jabber.

Another predictable Below Deck schtick seems to be hiring an incompetent Bosun, so so he can embarrass himself by crashing and burning, and oh what a coinkadink, an awesome more qualified deckhand is up for the job, and ready and willing to step in.

Aren’t there any new scenarios that we can come up with besides forgotten coolers and bad bosuns? How about a forgotten bosun and bad coolers?

Kudos to Sunny for somewhat understanding what he was trying to say, when he didn’t know what he was trying to say. Also she shows him respect because he’s her superior. She probably knows it’s not going to be for much longer.

Kerry blames Xandi for the forgotten coolers. Of course he does. Let’s blame the chick. Not the dudes they were given to, and told “these need to go with the guests.”

So now the blame game ensues. Fraser told Ben, Ben told Jared… You get the idea. Jared says “oh yeah they went” when he has no fucking idea what is even going on. I know about the phrase ‘fake it til you make it’ but this guy is pushing it.

This goes on for like ten minutes.

It seems like Cat is always somewhere eating.

I don’t get why Cat thought Fraser put her in charge, when he merely said to her be conscious of what’s going on, since two of the guests stayed back, and please convey that to Barbie.

I guess he could have been a little more clear.

Cat comes off as kind of an airhead. She tries to communicate with Barbie on the radio, and doesn’t use it correctly to hear her responding.

They find each other, and she makes no sense in what she’s trying to say since Fraser’s instructions were kind of vague. If she’s taking care of the guests, then why is she bugging Barbie?

Then she has the nerve to chastise her when she’s taking two seconds to schmooze the captain. What is wrong with this girl? “Fraser wanted me to know what was going on.”

Like I’m sure if he did assign stew ranks, Cat would have been the fourth, so what the hell is her problem?

Barbie is giving her ‘tude, and rightfully so. I would be too, if someone that sucked at their job was checking up on me, and asking ‘what I’m doing right now.’

This girl is the classic busy body tattle tale chick on the playground in second grade.

Is she getting fired soon??

Again Fraser is running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, setting up the beach lunch, and this chick is on him, pissing and moaning in his ear about Barbie.

You cannot be fucking serious.

No one in this crew was smart enough to wear sunscreen. I don’t think I’ve even seen a Below Deck where everyone was sunburned. It’s kind of common sense.

Cheffy seems a little more on top of dinner on the second night. It’s helpful he’s not still doing lunch clean-up at 7pm.

Ben is doing his Below Deck ‘other’ job and tells Barbie that Cat was bitching about her.

Fraser tells him to knock it off.

I love how Fraser says ‘my gurrrls,’ “Leave my gurrls alone.”

These guests are really polite. Always using their manners, saying please and thank you, and being appreciative of the crew.

Barbie confronts Cat about her complaining about her, and Cat thinks Fraser was ‘gossiping’ about the situation.

So they’re docking and I don’t even get what goes wrong. The Kyle dude is giving the distances in the walkie, and for some reason Kerry can’t hear him. The wind? He does seem kind of like he’s muttering into it, after he’s reminded what the hell he’s supposed to be doing. He seemed to have forgotten.

I wonder what Barbie looks like naked…

Someone else seems to have Captain Lee’s knack for comical little phrases and proverbs. A bee’s dick.

The guests depart, complete with gift baskets for the crew, and forgot all about the late dinner on the first night.

I don’t know, I’m not a bosun nor a captain (as I was reminded when I made a post on a Bravo FaceBook chat page – wow those chicks are CRANKY and brutal) but for a first charter, and a new crew not knowing each other, nor working together before, these guests seem pretty happy. I know there was a dinner and docking kerfluffle, but other than that, everything seemed to go smoothly.

The guests are happy, the boat didn’t implode. That’s all that matters.

Kerry summons the crew to bitch at them. Jared takes responsibility for not being ready. It seemed like the main issue was that he couldn’t hear Kyle, but you know, I’m not a bosun!!!!

I AM a bosun, and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing!

He seemed to be respectful about the reprimand. It’s not like he was last season Sandy Captain Sandy or anything. He didn’t say ‘omg the interior is doing great and you guys suck ass!!’

Fraser tries to mediate the tension between Cat and Barbie. Starts out okay-ish then takes a turn, when Cat addresses that she got pissy when she was checking up on her. Barbie gets agitated, and Fraser shuts it down.

You will address me as “Hi Barbie!!” at all times!

Barbie can’t stand Cat, and I don’t blame her. She’s fucking Barbie, don’t you know who she is??? Barbie don’t answer to nobody!!!

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