Kicking off tonight with the hot hot hot make out session with Jake and Fraser in the van on way home.

Fraser is feeling very awkward. Jake the player could not care any less, and is very non chalant. But Fraser is feeling awkward. He has been preaching about boat hooking up being a bad idea, and he hooks up.

Jake maintains he’s just ok with kissing dudes, and he’s straight, and he’s comfy and it’s all ‘hunky dory.” He and Fraser have a quick chat about it and all seems okay for now. For now.

Doing a little stew mix up and putting Jess on service. Jess who doesn’t like to talk or interact with people. Ever. I foresee a little messiness on the horizon. Fraser looks at that stack of 5000 napkins like whatta the fuck have you been doing bitch ???

Captain Lee says ‘let’s have toys on display when the guests arrive at 10am. Guess it makes sense – gives them more time to play before lunch, and possibly they’ll drink less. There does seem to be a lag when they first arrive – until the stuff is set up. Then they have time to complain, about the snacks, and the service. This way you’re keeping them busy. I like it.

Rayna’s story to Wes is very very sad. what the fuck is wrong with people ????????

Eddie is giving instructions to the guys to have toys out at 10am.

Jess is not looking forward to dealing with the guests. “nice little change” Heather keeps saying.

I feel like it’s NOT going to be a ‘nice little change’

This whole ‘yachtie’ thing seems like it sucks ass, sorry. I feel like it would be ‘fun’ for like one charter, maybe two, then after that, the novelty would quickly wear off. Cool you get to go to places you wouldn’t normally get to see. NOT cool, that you’re literally a fucking maid. Ironing and cleaning toilets – no thank you. I am the worst ironer everrrrr, so I would last like three seconds.

I can make drinks though.

So what was the smelly thing in the laundry room that smelled like rotten vagina?? Was it like a food item ? In the laundry room? Confused. Why did Jess not smell it ?

Jess seems to really not be very motivated. At all. I just don’t think this is her thing. Wouold she be better at a working from home in front of a computer for eight hours thing ?

I STILL don’t get all the laundry and ironing on these charters. Like this laundry room needs monitored 24/7???

Deck dudes and deck chick Rayna are getting the toys organized, 15 til arrival and they’re still dicking around with this fucking slide.

Heather is really trying to inspire Jess. Not sure it’s sinking in. I feel like it’s sort of fruitless. She doesn’t want to do this shit. She doesn’t want to deal with people. I’m not saying I blame her, but maybe she should cut her losses and take the plane ticket from Lee, and call it a day.

Guests seem really excited to see the slide out.

“Jennipher” really ????

It’s good to be Captain Lee – I know he has these minor responsibilities with dealing with this whole entire big ass boat and what not, but like he’s always lurking around the deck crew while they’re busting their ass, with a smug look on his face. If you’re not helping, go away.

Jake already has a fan. Guest Nichole. She mentioned his mustache. Twice. after being on the boat for 30 seconds. I’m foreseeing a “Jake’s mustache” Twitter Profile on the horizon.

Rachel loves her sexual innuendo with the captain ?? he seems to like to play along.

Bud light and hotdogs ? These guests don’t seem to have a very sophisticated palate.

Jake is being a fucking ass to Wes telling himn to ‘speed up’ Wes is trying to not have it but in the end agrees to step it up just so he shuts up. Not the way to speak to people, there Jakey. Where’d you get your management skills ? Kate Chastain???

There will be a tittie party for the breast cancer survivor, tittie balloons followed by a tittie cake.

Jess is venting to Rayna about Fraser pissing and moaning about the laundry room and she thought she was doing a great job ….

Girl you had some smelly rotten vagina thing in there ? And about 5000 napkins that needed ironed?

How are we at dinner already ??? guests are looking for drinks, and Jess is nowhere. She pops out and guest tells her to get lost, so she does. Heather appears and is of course pissed off.

Jess is mumbling to herself. She has taken over as the marathon under the breath mumbler, Fraser has actually backed down on the muttering,

1st O, Eddie is lecturing that there can be NO mistakes.

Jess, what is her issue ??? how hard is it to clean a room? And make sure all of the things that Heather has been bitching about are done? Like wiping the mirror ? How is this hard?

Guest Nichole has a crush on Rachel AND Jake ?

Heather is addressing the issues with Jess. But she is trying to be nice about it. Again if this was kate chastain, Jess would be crying in hysterics, and probably be “jumping ship”

She says Fraser turned the laundry room around in two hours. Jess is like ‘everyone is telling me im doing a good job’ and Heather says it was just positive reinforcement.

Whether you’re a Rachel fan or not, you do have to to admit Rachel rarely bitches and carries on like most chefs. Breakfast is usually chaos and the chef is bitching up a storm – about the various orders etc. What she does do different, is that she has an actual menu planned for breakfast, when the others usually don’t. Say what you want about her, but she makes this job look effortless when the other yacht chefs are freaking out and crying like a bitch on the daily. Remember that Natasha chick on Sailing Yacht ? Pissed and moaned every morning about making eggs ? Lied about the amount of pitas she made because she didn’t want to make more, and started snapping at everyone.

Ben, though I love him, can be a crybaby. Adam tantrum every other day. That Tom dude that Malia was fucking ? Loser. #Rachelrocks – guys !!!! Let’s start that!!!

Some drama with Wes and whatever they’re trying to do. I seriously don’t even know. Trying to set up the slide i guess. Lee is pissed, He’s giving the death stare.

“Goddammit !!!!!”

Shouldn’t we know what we’re doing by now ?

Lee telling Eddie to calm down ?? Pot calling kettle black??

Rayna tells Fraser about her and Jess’s convo ? Cool ? No, I think uncool.

Heather must have told Captain Lee to compliment Fraser. He’s totally buying it.

Jake is being a dick to Rayna now.

Arguing about a fucking mug with the guests listening ??

Not looking good for the deck crew, nor Jess next week, folks.

(Rachel explained what bread fruit is on WWHL, and I still don’t know. I don’t think Andy knows either.)

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