Below Deck 12/5/22

Here we go, ep # 2 or 3?? I love my Queen Rachel having her own room! As she should! Still think this boat looks so colonial and antiquated. Needs an update in the worst way.

Katie is sleeping right through her alarm. Which I would be totally doing too. Why can’t they just have each other’s back with the rising in the morning? If ya see someone not out when they’re supposed to be, go knock on the fucking door. And say “hey wanted to make sure you’re up.” And not make a big deal out of it unless it’s a habit.

They’re hosing down a luxury vacay yacht to cater to rich people. It’s not the military. No one is here is dying, no one is getting up and curing cancer or solving the world’s problems. It’s not that fucking deep. As Ross chastises her she stands in the hallway pulling her hair back and seems surprised he’s being such a dick about it, given the heavy flirtation that has been going on.

OOPSIE ! Thought since we were exchanaging a lot of sexual innuendo you wouldn’t mind if I was late

Rachel is in one of those moods, and tells Fraser she’s not going to be talking today. Fraser is like ummm okay. We have to allow her the typical chef-like behavior once in a while. She’s Rachel. I appreciate though that she wants to get it together. Last dinner was not an epic success.

Ross goes into a big ole fucking thing that he’s “pissed at Katie” for being late on deck.

Dude stop. It’s also not appropriate to be flirty and make sexually explicit comments to an employee that you are the superior of. So lose this holier than thou shit.

I do want to add this commentary though. She tells him she didn’t know what time she was supposed to be up, however she did have her alarm set, as they showed it going off over and over.

So I guess she thought “I didn’t know what time we were supposed to be up” sounded better than “I didn’t hear my alarm.” I would have gone with sleeping through my alarm.

That makes her seem really flippant like she didn’t know, nor did she really care. But whatever. Ross wants to wave his dick around and make it the biggest deal ever. Typical fucking dude. He probably would have been not as ticked at one of the guys.

Hayley talks about a previous chief stew that she had. was really mean, and made her sleep in the laundry room. I don’t get these chief stews (Kate Chastain) that want to act like a fucking tyrant. Like they’re literally slightly, very slightly, glorified maids.

Lee barks into the radio that he wants “radio silence and he means RADIO SILENCE, and not one fucking peep out of the interior…” Like wtf Lee?? Everyone is fucking cranky this morning. If you’re that cranky and worked up about docking, then maybe ya shouldn’t be here. Just sayin.

Lee summons the deckies to the bridge, and you assume he’s going to bitch about something, but he gives them all a pat on the back and says “good job.”

Ross pulls Katie aside and scolds her again, when honestly when he chastised her after coming to her cabin was enough but there’s dick waving to be done.

This is a very urgent matter ! People will die if the boat isn’t mopped!!

So Camille gets schooled on ironing creases on pants, and how to launder shirts, as she’s trying to have fun banter with him, and he cuts her right off. Didn’t hate that. I gotta empathize with Camille though for one quick sec – I HATE to iron and I am so bad at it. I can stand there spending 20 minutes ironing a shirt and put it on the hanger and it looks like nothing was done.

And putting creases in pants, yeah no, not happening. My ex husband tried to show me that once, and I was like “well you look pretty good at it so…”

From then on he ironed his own shit, as well as mine. And that is the only remotely nice thing you will ever hear me say about my ex husband. Ever. Lying cheating narc mother fucker. Who cheats on their hot skinny wife with an ugly fat chick?? One that wants a big pay day.

Would I be wrong to show her photo?? after I kicked his ass out when I found out he was cheating with someone else, he kept trying to hit me up, and get with me when he was living with her. I guess I don’t blame him would you wnt to bang this?? I better not show her picture. I didn’t have a bevvy yet. He’s literally just with her because she has a big house and money. Which he told me. Dumbass. I don’t know if I could suffer through fucking an ugly fat guy for money. A lot of people can. They just keep their eye on the prize I guess, and keep their eyes closed while they’re banging.

Sorry got off the subject. Captain hands Camille the shirt back to her to re-iron. Wonder if my ex husband’s ugly fat chick can iron to his specifications.

Okay, so I didn’t want to spend this much time on ironing. This is more time that I’ve spent doing actual ironing, over my entire life.

But, one more thing, I see a problem with the fact that she’s sitting and ironing. Why is she sitting and ironing?? Is this like a miniature ironing board? (prob would work for me) Do her feet hurt?? If she stood she would have more leverage and be able to put more weight on the iron. Where the hell is Fras?? This is his job to correct her. Isn’t she worried about her soda spilling?? Not to make excuses, but I think that could be one reason why I was so bad at it, I’m really short and don’t weigh a lot. So yeah. That’s it!! Whatever, I don’t care, being bad at it worked out well for me. I should have done that with everything. I should have been bad at my actual job, vacumming, mopping, and cooking. Although my ex husband has the palate of a six year old so, cooking for him was easy, and I hated it, because I am a great cook, and like food to be like you know, seasoned.

standing up is such a hassle

My ex husband made me do everything else while working a full-time job, while he was out living his best life, banging every chick that said hello to him. And I’m even not exaggerating. I wish I were.

The guests are a group of truffle eating female doctors. I’m on the fence with truffle. It kind of has an odor, and taste that is very distinct. Just not sure if I’m into it.

Camille is just one of those girls that does the least to get by, and does not care, and will never ever change. She openly admits it, and thinks it’s cute. I think she just wants to be a reality star and not a yachtie. Alissa is right, Fraser needs to reel that shit in. Step up or get out. There is some other cute wanna- be -Bravoleb more than happy to take her place. That’s capable of being cute AND working hard. Camille is not.

Fraser calls the group of lady doctors ‘nurses.’ Well they laughed and took it well. Come ON Fras.

Wtf is with that giant globe in the foyer area?? Get RID of it. TACKY!!

Okay so we’re pullin out to get the show on the road, and there’s some “goddammit!!!” drama. Crisis averted. He doesn’t hit anything.

Alissa’s dad sounds like my ex husband. Controlling asshole. So I give props to her for caring what he thinks and wanting to make him proud.

Dudes want to parent like that, then wonder why their kids want nothing to do with them in their adulthood. Then when they get divorced, as they usually do, they meet someone new, of course new girl or guy, knows that’s a red flag, that you’re not close with your kids, so then SUDDENLY they pretend to be this involved parent, and put the blame on everyone else but themselves. My daughter watched it happen with my ex, and would tell me it just feels fake. He never cared about spending time with her at all when she was a kid. But had to put on this facade for the hag he pretends he likes.

Why does Alissa keep offering to help Camille? She takes her up on her offers, then goes and goofs off. She has Alissa maker her spicy margs for the guests, then goes to the deck area and relaxes in the floaties when she knows cameras are all around.

And has the nerve to radio Alissa, and ask how she’s doing with them.

Alissa really is trying with his chick but it’s just not worth her effort like at all. She really thinks she’s here for a vacay.

Rachel can’t locate the truffle oil and is having a “truffle kerfluffle” she says. Surely it will turn up.

They’re having a Hollywood red carpet event for dinner.

I’d like to thank my parents for putting me through nursing school…

Alissa is taking a photo of the group, and the one bitch tries to pull the other’s wig off for some reason. And well yeah she is NOT so happy about that.

Alissa: “she literally pulled the wig off of a living lady.” That’s like really disrespectful and that lady should have known better.

Bitch I’m gonna throw you AND your shoes overboard!

I’m gonna fuck up your friend. If you don’t check her, I’m gonna check her.” This is starting tofeel like Housewives

She’s bitching to this Michelle chick, and the Michelle chick could not care less, and has no intention of confronting the wig puller. She keeps saying “I know, I know” as the wigged lady is wigging out.

So Rachel never did locate the truffle oil. She’s using ingredients with truffle inside of them. We’ll see how this goes. They ARE doctors. They’re no dummies.

The wig puller apologizes. I literally don’t know their names. I just know the one is Michelle, when she was getting bitched at by wig lady.

No one knew of the truffle kerfluffle. It didn’t really seem there was a lot of actual food. But they all seemed happy.

Camille really thinks she is doing the most work. She loves to flaunt this deck/stew title that she has.

I don’t know why this chick has such a hard time comprehending, to stock these fucking fridges with no empty spaces whatsoever. I also don’t know why Alissa is obsessed with them being completely full, every second. It does seem a little anal.

Next morning, ladies have risen, and will be going on a dreaded beach picnic.

Alissa asks Camille to do something, and she has decided she’s on deck right now and says “you’re not my boss!!” Yeah this stew deckhand combo I just don’t see working. Even if it were not someone like Camille, it seems confusing she’s to be stewing and when she’s to be decking. I also want to add that Camille was standing there doing NOTHING when Alissa just asked her to grab few things. Don’t the deckhands help out in the evenings when they’re not busy? So the stew slash deckhand ho couldn’t grab some limes when she was ” on deck” but not busy?? This chick has no clue about team work.

Now onto the cooler kerfluffle. I realize we’re not seeing every single second, and every single piece of convo, but did Alissa instruct Camille to make sure she grabbed the coolers? Surely she should have known Camille would not have the foresight to do that herself.

Camille proudly radios that they’re on the way with the guests, cutlery and plates. Not necessarily in that order. You would think she would have wondered about food and drinks, you know since there’s cutlery and plates.

Alissa asks if the coolers are included. Camille seems to think this is hilarious , and not really that important. She says she hasn’t seen them anywhere, as if she was looking. And she does not care.

Fuck your stupid coolers bitch, I’m on vacay!!

And she’s bringing the guests, without the coolers so get over it. Alissa points out all of the bevs are in that cooler so bringing the guests without it will be awkward since the guests on a luxury vacay, and may have the expectation for a beverage when they arrive on a hot beach.

That calls for a hearty “Goddammit!!” from Captain Lee. And Fras vowing to get tougher with these chicks.

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