Rewatching the end of last week’s Episode and I do see, now that I’m watching better, that dreaded word was part of the song lyric. She should have realized to not use it. But it also shows her randomly saying it as they were walking on their night out.

So it’s a sensitive time for sure, and that’s an in appropriate word for sure. Not sure what Rayna meant by ‘that’s cancel culture’ – it makes me think she’s falling for the new buzzwords and phrases, and just using them to use them, and not really understanding what she’s saying. Tell Heather that you’re offended by that word. Period .

Everyone is freaking on Twitter about this and wants her fired. That bugs me because it was ok for Kate chastain to bully and emotionally abuse her third stew on every. single. flipping. season. i’m pretty sure we still have a thing against bullying. or is bullying ok now since suddenly literally everyone is deemed a racist >?

This convo from last week with Rayna and Eddie was excruciating. You can tell he was blowing smoke up her ass to get rid of her, and she could tell. Blew off her hurt of the N word being used in her presence. He’s just not impressing me at all here.

New episode

Jess summons Heather. She is leaving the boat. She says she feels bad about it, and it seems like she really does. However her timing is really really bad. Guests are arriving in a few hours. She was NOT into this job at all, to put it mildly. When did she officially decide this? Could it had been earlier? I was sad she didn’t even say bye to Wes.

I think they’ll all better off, actually. She seemed to cause more work than she actually contributed. Between Heather having to correct her constantly, and redo what she should have done, and the time she and Fraser spent bitching about her, I think they’re fine and will get through this charter without even missing her. Heather tells her she has an hour to pack …

She doesn’t even let the Captain know she’s leaving. I thought he was going to be pissed about Heather not telling him until she was actually gone. But he seemed to take it well.

News gets delivered to Eddie. Why does Eddie care? Lee says the deck hands are going to have to help with interior, guess who that will be most likely? Jake no, Wes no – Eddie hell no – Rayna (the girl) – BINGO.

It’s sad to me how great of an attitude Rayna had at the beginning of the season. But between Jake’s shit management skills, Eddie being non chalant about her concerns, her hurt from Heather’s inappropriate word usage, she is just a completely different person. i want the old Rayna back !!!

Guests arrive. We have a crazy witchbitch with a broom, and a bitch with her jaw wired shut. Guess it’s good that it isn’t the broom bitch WITH her jaw wired shut. Now THAT would just be complete craziness!

I’ll get you my pretty… and your little jet skis too !!!!

Let me get this straight – she literally DOES want Rachel to blend up all of her meals? I totally said that as a joke last week?? just thought she’d be doing protein shakes and shit ?? Rachel looks at her like “you have got to be fucking kidding me…” She’s not.

So you need to make baby food out of all of my meals if you don’t mind

guests say their glasses are leaking – sure they never heard that one.

Was I right ? When Heather needed help – Jake just says “Rayna’s on her way…”

The wired shut chick is getting hangry and whining and says she’s shaking and freaking out. Rachel asks to explain that she had to strain everything and it takes a few minutes. SO SHUT IT !! ( oh wait, it IS shut — no pun intended)

I get it he’s the captain and all, but does he really need to sit up there doing NOTHING and demand the crew bring him every little thing, like a glass of OJ, he couldn’t get off of his ass and go down to the galley. Sandy gets her own shit- just saying —- Captain Lee. That seems so entitled especially if he’s not even doing anything. AT ALL. I see he manages to get off his ass to lurk around and spy on everyone though.

A jet ski goes rogue –Rayna was standing there not really paying too much attention to her surroundings when Eddie notices it. He scolds her, she apologizes.

The resident wicken is casting a spell on the jet skis !!!

Rayna and Jake are setting up the beach picnic. They seem to be getting along. Guess Jake left his asshole hat back at the boat.

Now Wes fucked up with the jet ski? Another goes for a swim???

Eddie blames the wicken. He not flipping on Wes. He says it back clipped on itself? Lee’s not buying it. He’s pissed actually. Don’t think the guests even noticed anything.

Lee summons Eddie. Starting to feel almost sorry for Eddie. Lee hands him two clips. He tries to demonstrate how the clips unclipped. Lee takes them back and shows it’s impossible. Who the hell cares? I need to stop saying clips !!! I’m not sure how Eddie would notice this happening anyway? Unless he was looking directly at it. Eddie then bitches at the crew, after Lee dismisses the excuse. Moving on.

There’s a Pretty Pink birthday party followed by a beach party being planned.

Hang on to your Pink Parts !!

Crew looks really awkward while eating together. Rayna girl. I want to be on your side. I loved ya from day one, You were my fave, but that’s just stupid to chastise Heather for touching the food. Fraser and Heather are standing there with two seconds to shove pasta down their gullet. And she wants to bitch about Heather touching the food in the serving dish. She thinks everything on this boat is one hundred sanitary? She doesn’t think Rachel touches anything with her hands as she’s preparing it?

Mouth wired chick is complaining again that her dinner smoothie is late. Rachel seems to be struggling with the blender. Maybe this is the work of the wicken too ??? She proceeds to go to her room and cry to her husband that coming was a mistake. I second that. What a buzzkill she is to everyone. She’s making the others feel awkward about sitting there and eating in front of her. I guess she does not realize Rachel can’t grind up her dinner until the dinner is actually cooked. And she doesn’t want everyone’s plates sitting there getting cold.

Blend Baby Blend !!

The deck crew all seems to be happily lending a hand to the stews ! Eddie even is making beds. Let’s hope he does a better job than Jess! And Rayna is happy to get away from the stupid smelly boys and help Rachel in the galley! She’s helping with the oyster presentation.

Rayna loves helping in the galley she says!! Great to see her smiling again !

Next week is going to be interesting — looks like im seeing a fucking butt crack on my big screen again. is there a threesome taking place ? With sexually comfortable Jake, Fraser who’s gay, and Rayna’s who’s straight??? Remember the ALMOST threesome on Sailing Yacht last year ? That Pagent dude, his girlfriend, and the chick that had a crush on him ? They get her all cranked up and were like PSYCHE ! Just kidding – we’re tired !

Well next week’s post will be more interesting. Is it on next week ?

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