Morning after awkwardness. We know this well. Too well. At least Jake and Rayna just made out and didn’t seal the deal. I would hate to revisit the scenario on Below Deck Sailing Yacht when Sydney hooked up with Gary on the first night. That was extra complicated since Gary was her boss.

Then he ignores the next morning… and starts flirting with someone else, (whose name I can’t recall) We won’t go back there.

Heather is determined to improve the stew’s performances this charter.

No Trash Bags Left Behind !!

The previews tell us that this one guest dude gets kind of unhinged on this charter. He looks totally like he could be a complete asshole.

Rachel is addressing last season with Eddie, thought she just said she was going to let it go. Maybe I misunderstood that. That seems to be a trend on all of these reality shows.

Being nice to your face, and trashing someone in the interviews. Maybe it’s good that it was addressed in a mature and professional manner. She didn’t even tell him to eat her cooter.

Can I just ignore that whole thing Jessica said about her mom and the mortician thing ?

Why can’t they use that Bounce wrinkle guard shit on the Captain’s uniform ? Or what about those hand steamers? That’s what they use on Vanderpump. If it’s good enough for Pump, it should be good enough for Below Deck!!

Captain Lee delivers the uze speech with his typical rhetoric, flaunting his abundant supply of plane tickets, he always seems to have at his disposal.

What’s with these threats to the crew of getting fired constantly? I don’t recall that being said so much previously. Is that how we motivate people now? “I will bury your ass, seems a little harsh” This is a luxury vacation yacht there Cap, not a combat zone. Let’s relax.

I’m trying to figure out what Heather is doing differently than other chief stews, that they seem so confused all of the time.

The guests are acting like complete fucking loud obnoxious assholes already. Is there only one girl with all of these nasty dudes? God, poor thing.

I don’t think arriving to the boat drunk is a good sign at all, as Heather seems to think. That usually means they get, of course, with free flowing alcohol, much more drunker, and then dinner is usually a fucking shit show. But Heather, we’ll go with your much more positive prediction.

One dude is drinking his whiskey out of a sippy cup. I’ve never ever made myself cocktails in a sippy cup…

What the hell are fire snakes ? Maybe I don’t want to know.

Discussion of the lead deckhand position between Eddie and Captain Lee. Love the lead deckhand drama, when the other deckhands get all pissy and start to cry like little bitches. Maybe it’ll be ok since it’s not a girl that was chosen.

Is it me or does Captain seems a little more jovial this season? I mean it comes and goes, he did just tell everyone he would bury their ass, because he is Captain Lee, but his happy moments seem, like, happier.

Guests are shit faced. Not going to be a good dinner. Heather is going to find that she’s wrong. And I was right. I need to tell her I was right. Maybe I’ll find her on Insta or Twitter.

Are they just drinking straight bourbon? ALL DAY, And the dishes at dinner are going to be paired with —— more bourbon?

Captain Lee wants to be ANYWHERE ELSE right now. Think he would rather be getting a prostate exam right now. Later he says root canal when he finally escapes. I think prostate exam is more accurate. Not that I know first hand. But I heard they’re awkward. Probably not much more awkward then the girl version. Ok moving on …

That Terri chick is completely incoherent at the table and has her head in her hands.

The other dude is walking around yelling. I am not even sure what he got his boxers all in a bunch about. He proceeds to go down to the edge of the boat, and pouts like a pussy.

He can’t stand a formal dinner with ass kissing ?? was that it ?

He demands his dinner down there alone. Crew complies.

Fraser is annoyed with Heather’s tone – I would HATE to see him working under Kate the Bully. Being spoken to like you’re a two year old constantly or, passive aggressive comments, or freaking head and mind games, and little ploys to humiliate you, if she doesn’t like you. Fraser toughen the FUCK up dude. Sometimes there’s like no time for please and thank you, and Oh wait , did I hurt your feelings?

Also by the way, I would rather have my water cold if I was a guest – just saying.

Argument continues with the Terri chick and Justin screaming at each other. Are they a couple or not a couple ?

What was that again Heather ??? it’s great when they arrive shitfaced ?? Dinner was a train wreck, I don’t think they even remember what they ate, but it looked good.

Bickering continues with Terri and Justin that aren’t an actual couple apparently, but possibly they’re fucking. (they’re colleagues)

Crew is running to eavesdrop. It is kind of funny. Dude is screaming at her to shut the fuck up and get her ass down the stairs. What a mean and nasty asshole. Can they just go to their room and bang already?

No It gets worse. And then more worse. She is graveling after him. Not sure why. This douche isn’t worth it.

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