Eddie talks about, and continues to make a huge deal out of “having the chief stew” on his shoulders.

So what.

Jake: she’s my fiance, but not my girlfriend ???? We’re not really in a relationship, wait — what ???

If you’re in no way ready for marriage and she’s not your girlfriend, dude she is not your fiance.

Is he just trying to like get rid of Rayna??

Eddie is talking about his girlfriend being so sweet. However she got all pissed and threatened to leave him over his admission of picking up heather in the hot tub. Okay then. Sounds like a sweetheart.

Sounds reasonable.

80’s party — Oh yeah. I’m ready for that.

Fraser is bitching and muttering about Jess – saw this coming in preview.

Jake again/still is doing the “Lead Deckhand” thing. Becoming a drill sargeant. Now everyone is pissed off.

Eddie – dude – this was a BAD idea. Bad IDEA. All around BAD IDEA.

Fraser goes to Heather about Jess. Not sure if that is warranted totally ?

Heather asks her if she’s down, or under the weather. Jess says her Grandmother is not well and that has had her feeling sad. But she’ll do better.

Jake is talking to his fiance, that is NOT his girlfriend, and they’re not in a relationship. And not monogamous. Sounds like a classic “it’s complicated”

Fraser talks exactly like Ben. It’s making me miss my Benny !!! I miss him.

Jake and Fraser have a heart to heart about Fraser coming out. Next week we see why he is so interested.

Jess is humming and does seem to be in better spirits all of a sudden.

Fraser can’t locate his radio and we KNOW how that irks the SHIT out of Captain Stubing.

Eddie gets summoned to the wheelhouse. He says that the docking was moving too fast for the deckhands and that was the problem. Lee shoots that down pretty damned quick.

“If ya can’t run with the big dogs gotta keep your puppy ass on the porch.” is it just me or is he like really extra extra pumping out the sayings this season??

Does Fraser not realize Captain has his radio. So what is the Captain doing? Like walking around looking for someone to have put down their radio??

This looks like an eclectic crowd. They’re very. Tan. The kid says he’s the mini Primary. Assuming he was told to say that. Seems to have a little safe tied to his hand with the tip money in it ??

There was some pulling out drama for half a sec. Pulling out of the dock, that is.

I think one little kid on these charters would get kind of bored. So the crew is being told to keep an eye on the kid. Isn’t that like, the parents’ job? Fraser says he used to be a nanny and kids like him, but he doesn’t really like kids. He doesn’t like the sounds they make when they eat ? Did I hear that right ?

Weather situation. I would cry. I can tell you if my blog takes off, (be nice) and if I ever charter a luxury yacht, it would most certainly be the worst weather ever. Every time I go somewhere, I feel like I always have horrible weather.

Jake is acting like a little fucking fucknut. If Rayna can’t do the job I’ll make her walk the plank? He said that. Then he does this sinister sneer thing ??? whatta the hell? what the fucking fuck is WITH this dude ?? what a shitty dude. Wow. The more he talks and the more i look at him, I am getting some BAD VIBES.

Why is he not asking capt where the radio is. Ok Apparently he found it. I was looking at my FB chat thing I’m on, and some twit is calling me “obsessed” with Wendy because I posted about her dumbass poster board last night. Every time I engage in any banter on the chat groups or Facebook, that totally means I am obsessed. Whatever.

Eddie and her gf seemed to have patched things up — aren’t we all relieved???

Eddie seems like he wants to stand/sit around and do nothing in his new “Chief Officer” role.

There is a casino theme. Wonder if Rachel is going to make nachos and wings ? Just kidding. Do you all know what I mean ?? Do you remember that episode ? Classic.

Wes seems to be Rachel’s sort of sous chef. She totally continues to crack me up in her interviews.

This kid on the charter doesn’t seem to be that much of a pain.

How hard is it to clean and straighten up a room ?? Guys, this isn’t hard.

Heather is taking Jess on a run through of all the things that were missed. She wasn’t an asshole about it, but you could tell she was annoyed. Now Jess is sulking.

Lee is having dinner with the guests. Someone else is from Michigan again. Chick is hitting on Captain Lee — this certain type of woman always seem to take a shine to Captain Lee.

Did the other say she needs to change her underwear ? Oh my God. Captain is going to lose it.

Rachel is making homemade pasta. Between this and the Salt Lake ep where they made fresh pasta- I really wanna try making it? That pasta dish looks fucking amazing. I love how the deckhands are happily helping her out with dinner. And asking her questions. Instead of whining. Very cool.

Rachel is very cool. I’m girl crushing on her.

The horny bitch asks Captain where his ‘stateroom’ is??

Jess is sweet with her Grandmother on the phone. Fraser seems to be a little dramatic about Jess?

Chick follows Captain to his room – he gives her a big fake smile as he gets rid of her,

She likes his “double doors.”

Rachel tryin not to look at the sexy kid in the galley requesting a smoothie.

Wes explains to the guests that the cushions tend to blow away when it’s really windy.

‘Chocolate chip pancake with whipped cream’ – Now I want pancakes !!! I see that in my future, I have a great pancake recipe. Stay tuned, maybe I’ll share it !!!

And then the cushions blow away.

Ironic right ?? as Wes was explaining to the guests that he’s the big important dude in charge of the cushions, and off they go.

Eddie keeps trying to make excuses for the deckhands. Well, Eddie what happened to your

“Lead Deckhand” that was your Boy Wonder Dude ? Why is he not telling the other two to secure the stupid cushions ?? Again not hard.

Ask and you shall receive: So I was just saying how much I miss Ben, and now here he is on this chat ‘Best of Below Deck/Below Deck Med’ thing. Except I don’t care for these chat things, and I hate Kate. Kate probably started that fucking fire when Leon was chef. I gotta turn this shit off. It’s annoying. But he IS calling Kate out on her fucking bullshit. So that’s cool.

This episode went FAST tonight !! I didn’t even get pix, now I gotta replay it.

I hope it recorded this time.

Next week — like what ?? cowabunga !!! Jake and Fraser getting down & dirty. Apparently Jake goes —–both ways. What was that Fraser ???? don’t be making out on charters?? causes problems???

THIS— will be good …

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