Below Deck 1/2/23

Afternoon of tennis and tequila. What else would make playing and/or watching tennis more sufferable? Why tequila of course!

Apparently Camille breaks a lot of glasses. I might have admit I have that in common with Miss Lazy Camille. I’ve broken so much shit recently. Including a big think glass pyrex serving bowl. That made the most insane mess, glass shattered all over my kitchen. Then also two vintage glasses that were mine when I was a child … (I guess that makes me extra old if I’m referring to them as ‘vintage.’)

She promptly gets reprimanded by Alissa for throwing the broken pieces into the plastic trash bag.

Camille promptly gets pissed off at Alissa for being given instruction. She walks away moaning and groaning. Fraser hears this and just clarifies with her that Alissa is correct. He really should be more concerned about her reaction to a simple instruction, than throwing glass into a plastic trash bag.

Also maybe stop breaking shit. I know I said I’ve been breaking shit, but it’s not my job to not break shit. And I’m breaking my own shit.

The guest brags and shows off her gold medals. Those aren’t something I would want to travel with. I’m assuming she kept them on her carry-on. But still risky. You just never know when traveling.

And isn’t it weird to whip them out and show to random people? Because, again, ya just never know.

And she did this on TV. So now millions of people know she travels with her gold medals. Whatever. I’ll shut up.

Alissa summons Camille to meet her in the pantry. Camille, of course can’t just say ‘Copy, I’ll be right there’ like a normal fucking person. It has to be HER decision as to when exactly to arrive. She tells her to give her a couple minutes, she’s busy. That personality type reminds me of someone.

Sandy approaches Alissa and asks what she has going on, and lets her know that she did speak with Camille about her shitty attitude.

They flash to that nonsense convo she had with Camille that was basically talking to her like a kindergartener: This is how we do our job do our job do our job…” She actually thought that made an impact on this girl. Sandy you’re so cute.

Alissa has a cry moment, and tells Sandy (she seems to bring this out in people) not only is Camille a shit stew, but she’s also a nasty little dick.

Fraser really should be handling this. This is why he’s getting the big bucks, and the Chief Stew title.

But I get it, Sandy is walking around asking questions. And Fraser hasn’t handled it. Not sure what the hell he’s waiting for? I guess a message from God, to discipline his employee.

Sandy again confronts Camille about being lippy. Ross just asked her to help with the jet skis. Not sure why. I think just to appease her. But why are we trying to appease her? He’s said over and over she’s not needed on deck.

Sandy tells her to apologize to Alissa. Yeah Camille doesn’t apologize. Is Camille picking up on this being a bad sign that the fucking Captain is following her around, and telling her to drop the tude and 2apologize to people. She doesn’t seem to think this is a concern. She brags about her tude in her yap. I get it, she’s proud of the fact that she’s outspoken. The problem is that this is not the job for her, if she gets offended every time she’s told to do something,

She needs to marry and divorce a rich dude, or work for herself. It’s that simple.

Time for tennis and tequila.

Ben hits Vinny the camera guy, square in the nuts with the ball. That was funny. I think we all needed that!!

Camille apologizes to Alissa, and it did come off sincere, but we all know it’s not. Alissa is being kind of naive if she thinks it is.

Ben gets involved in the game. and plays against the Olympic medalist.

One of the guests is struggles in the water. Not sure why Tony paddled to her at a snail’s pace, on a surf board instead of swimming? She could have drowned by then.

Camille for whatever reason thinks she and Sandy are besties, and are gonna be braiding each other’s hair, and pays her a visit in the bridge. She’s failing to see that Sandy has her pegged as a problem already, and is giving her subtle little digs. She must try to hide her southern accent, because it comes out every now and then.

Wait, did you just tell me I could take a break from not working?? That I can do!!!

Sandy says something to her about getting rest while she can, to just fucking get rid of her. It was a nice way of saying, “get the fuck lost silly girl, don’t you have a cabin?” Camille takes this as “being sent for a 30 minute break.”

Camille doesn’t get that since she was just lazing around with a snack, Sandy assumed she was on a break. That’s why she said that. Why on earth would she send her for a break, when she was literally standing there doing fucking nothing?

So apparently she left to visit Sandy in the middle of doing dishes in the galley. Rachel did tell her to make sure she finished it when she walked away.

Rachel radios her to finish washing the silverware please. Camille claims “Captain Sandy sent me on a 30 minute break.” How dumb is this chick?? Where did the ‘30 minutes’ come from?? Was that really her interpretation?

Since when does Sandy tell the crew to take breaks?

Well now Sandy is pissed off. Sandy is like what the literal fuck?? She radios for all to hear “hey Camille, don’t throw me under the bus, I just said take a break if you’re not needed.”

Camille didn’t understand it that way, she just heard the word ‘rest.’ And wanted her to get the fuck out off of her turf. She’s annoying. Sandy does not respect people with no work ethic.

So that was embarrassing. Now Camille starts to melt down, and cry out, she’s losing her shit dude!!

That was all over the radio, she can’t, oh my god- sniff sniff poor me!

Sorry girl, washing dishes is part of the job description. If you wanna be a chef, go to chef school. If ya wanna be stew, wash the fucking dishes!

Girl ya literally signed up for this. This isn’t punishment. She needs to stop viewing her job as punishment. Now this little fucking shyster goes back crying to Sandy, and says she’s sorry. I love the tough girl act one second, and the weepy meltdowns the next second. This chick is not seeing she’s more trouble than she’s worth. The crazy non stop drama outweighs her contribution.

She feels she’s given all of the bitch work. How come we’re not hearing Hayley complain at all? Except for making jokes here and there? It’s not like she’s walking around being given engineering tasks.

I can’t handle having to work the ENTIRE day anymore !

What were you hired as?”

A deck/stew.”

I think Sandy was trying to make the point that she is in a position that is not glamorous. If ya don’t like it, here’s a plane ticket home. Please give her a plane ticket home and send this bitch back to Mississippi. Please. A Mississippi Pancake House needs her.

I am so fucking TIRED of hearing that she’s “pulled in two different directions.” She’s just mad that she has to follow directions at all. Ross expects very little of her, and rarely even requests her help, and when he does, she’s really happy about it.

Sandy pulls her off of deck duties, which is what needed to happen ages ago. We’ll see what happens when she doesn’t have this to bitch about.

Ross again in his yap stating she is not at all needed on deck. Then why in thee FUCK was she not already eliminated? Why wouldn’t he have gone to Sandy (assuming he didn’t want to bother Lee about it) and told her to to relieve her of the deck thing. Especially after that stunt she pulled demanding Ross to let her fuck around on deck because she was tired of stewing.

Fraser talks to Camille, fucking finally. Camille has her go-to “I’m being pulled in every direction” line at the ready. She also does NOT find it o be fair that Alissa tasks her things that Alissa doesn’t want to do. This is a prime example of the 1st and 2nd stew thing not working.

Fraser has buried his head in the sand, and has let Alissa deal with this girl, which is not the correct way of a chief stew to handle the situation. He really is never around her, as she said.

He doesn’t like that she went over his head and went to Sandy. You can’t tell me I can’t go to MY Captain, I don’t want to hear that.”

Guys, she doesn’t want to hear that.

Do we love how she’s all croc tears to Sandy, and claiming that she’s so distraught, then she lips off to Fraser with no respect whatsoever. She really is fake.

Are you fucking mental he wants to know. He tells her he cares about the well being of his crew.

And something about her eye rolls. He can have that opinion of her and she’s not seeing it that way ever. Fraser should now be seeing what he’s dealing with, and relieving Alissa of having to deal with this hot mess. Instead of reprimanding her and telling her not to talk to him that way, he gets up and mumbles something and off she goes, feeling like she told him what the fuck is happening.

Which she did.

So who knew, that after the Titanic sunk, they came up with the law/rule whatever, that there has to be 24 hour watch on yachts. Well you do see how it makes sense. If someone had been paying attention the iceberg would have been spotted before it was too late to avoid it. Great idea whomever 100 years ago!!

Camille is screwing off in the bridge with Ben who is on watch. She’s supposed to be working, but she does not care at all. Now Alissa is getting pissed off and bitter. Camille admits she was making Ben coffee and hanging with him. Alissa does need to stop calling her ‘babe.’ She hates her. It’s condescending.

Camille starts pouting and whimpering about being reprimanded.

Alissa: “Every night there’s a different issue.”

Kind of true.

Camille thinks she’s being abused. Being asked to do her job is abusive. Being asked where she is when she’s supposed to be working is abusive.

Breakfast is served. Make sure you check out my Crab Eggs Benedict recipe I made as one of my ‘Bravo inspired dishes!!’

Crew night out. Katie and Rachel give Sandy accolades. As the ladies usually do. It’s the girl power thing. Katie points out that most captains want to just sit in the wheel house and bark orders. (Captain Lee, cough cough.)

Of course he has an excuse this season, but the other seasons, not so much. That’s what he does. I know Sandy mopping floors and helping on deck is probably not the norm. But it does show that she’s humble, and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and giving the crew a hand.

Ross is guzzling various types of booze at dinner.

Hayley and Camille have a little moment. Hayley is freaking hilarious. It’s sort of a shame she’s drama free, and not getting a lot of camera time. She says in her yap Camille gets confused as to whether she’s a stew or guest.

Suck it up, get cleaning the toilet and just roll with it!!” Good advice.

Back at the boat, Ross is blacked out clearly, and literally falls into the hot tub in his undies.

He proceeds to try to hit on Camille. He grabs her and pulls her across the tub.

Ben is a total pussy and doesn’t tell him to back off. Instead he decides to play with his hair and look down as if he doesn’t notice. #1 that’s your girl dude, and #2 he was rather aggressive with her. Man up !!!

I’ll just pretend I don’t notice Ross yanking Camille around the hot tub

Katie is of course pissed. But she’s been here before with him. For some reason she keeps going back for more humiliation. Ben asks him if he’s okay.

Ross apologizes to both girls. Now Katie makes excuses for him. Again.

Camille who HATES Alissa and refuses to answer her like a normal person, even on the radio when everyone can hear. Alissa asks her where she wants these two bottles of alcohol. Not sure why Alissa can’t figure out where to put them, I will say that. Maybe she does try to poke her. If I were Alissa I would be communicating with her, as little as possible.

But of course Camille groans and barks into the radio “just wait a second!” That’s a big thing with her when she’s asked or told to do something, to say “just wait!!” Like a spoiled child, she’ll answer you when she feels like it!

Get with the program! You first need to ask for permission to even approach this Princess!!

Who is actually a country bumpkin from Mississippi, who’s literally a fucking maid.

Well Sandy hears this, and summons her to the bridge. Did she really NOT know Sandy hears what’s being said on the radio?

Well the shit gets real, finally, and Sandy tells her she has THIS charter to prove it to her that she wants to be here, or she’s done.

Now where’s the pissy attitude that she’s so proud of, that she was giving Fraser? Now she looks like a deer in headlights. Has she heard one damned thing Sandy has said to her??

Oh you mean we’re NOT best friends???

That’s fair” she claims. As IF she really thinks that. She just threatened to be fired. Shouldn’t Fraser as chief stew been involved in that conversation?

Camille sobs and walks in circles, muttering to herself claiming Sandy has no way of knowing what’s going on. Girl, how can she not??

She now sounds REALLY cra-cra. She tries to kick Alissa out of the cabin where she’s working, and threatens her to get the fuck out. Alissa not leaving, she tells her to go have her tantrum elsewhere. It’s a big fucking boat !!

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