Below Deck 1/17/22

Watching the end of last week. Bothered about Lee calling Rayna up trying to play the Good Samaritan by complimenting her. It didn’t seem really sincere at all.
And I want to reiterate how badly I think Eddie and Lee are collectively treating Rayna and Wes. They are reminding me of two mean girls with their mean girl energy feeding off of each other. That was so stupid with the eye rolling drama last week.
(and again I don’t want to keep saying eye rolling.)

Rayna’s reaction was normal to me, when Eddie, at Lee’s prompting, barked into the radio. “You have ten minutes until you need to be in your blacks…” As they sit up there with their feet up watching and critiquing their every move. Of course you got an eye roll.

Rayna can’t get it together and Eddie offers to talk after she is feeling better. Do we remember how she tried to talk to him before ? Hmmmmm.

Remember the season where Eddie was the bosun, and he promoted that Izzy chick to Lead Deckhand, and the two dudes under her (not literally) started being really shitty to her? Izzy went to Eddie about it and EXACT SAME REACTION. Not supportive, blew it off, said NOTHING to the guys, when he should have. Because they WERE treating her horribly. Do you think this is just how he is as a manager, or how he is when he’s managing women ?

Rayna tells Eddie, that it still bothers her, and she pointed out that he said it shouldn’t be a big deal, just focus on work.
Now he’s denying that is what he said. It’s strange he’s trying to talk to her about this while they’re working. I don’t like how they’re doing all of this back patting to Rayna that seems fake and superficial. No wonder she’s annoyed.

Fraser goes on about feeling betrayed. I don’t know if ‘betrayed’ is the right word. It is someone coming to work. Jealous is probably better. Because Heather and this chick are already friends, and he will feel like odd man out. He’s still the “baddest bitch on board” he says. We know Fraser, we know !!!

Heather’s friend/new stew arrives. And she’s cute and Jakey is already on the prowl.

Lee continues to complain about the vow renewal. Again, he’s so busy right ?

Jake is already turning on the charm to Kaylee. Or trying, or thinking he is.

These guests are a lot of fun. And so relaxed. We just need dinner to have no eff ups tonight ! Don’t piss Melissa off again !! Reread the preference sheet !! Then reread it again! We need chicken! And no flipping cheese touching anything!

Eddie and Rayna talk again while not working. So Rayna is more annoyed that Eddie shut her down then the actual occurrence. But this seems to be his management style.

Eddie continues to say “I hear you.” But does he? He was acting more concerned this time at least.
When they played the flash of the last convo he looked really tired, and not at all engaged, and not at all concerned. And told her to just handle it.

Eddie looked exhausted and like he didn’t want to deal with Rayna’s issue.

Moving on to dinner prep – Rachel is making wasabi with Rayna’s help of course. This dinner needs to go off without one hitch !!! (Melissa is in pain due to an ear situation) At least it’s not the crew’s fault.

Dinner seems to have NO ISSUES !! ZERO COMPLAINTS
I think Rachel redeemed herself from the slip up last week.

And the vow renewal ?? Cutest thing ever !!!! Captain should admit it was a good idea, and probably contributed to the good tip. He should have given half of his to Heather.

I didn’t want to do this at all. I’m very busy staring out my window micro managing the crew.
This dude is my best dressed of the night !! The baby blue – the shoes !! Captain GQ!! (sorry Captain)

Eddie and Lee interact about the N word Heather used. Lee still playing dumb. When he knows what’s going on.

Heather was singing it as part of a song, using the slang version that black people themselves use? Am I gonna get haters ?? Because I do not want to offend anyone. And I’m not racist. Heather felt bad about it, sick about it, and sincerely apologized. I don’t know what more she can do, honestly.
Other than NOT say it again. In any version, in any way. I think she learned.

These awesome guests are departing and Rachel gets a special little gift (Claudia, I think), her Navy emblem sticker thing ? I didn’t catch exactly what that was.
But Rachel says it’s very meaningful.
Rachel and Rayna. They need to pair up as a chef/sous chef duo!!! and Rayna can learn and ditch these stupid deck crew dudes ! They’re dumb and they have cooties !!!

I’m glad Rayna and Jake had sex, that didn’t really work.
It seems they are now in a good friendshippy type place. Guess she’s not interested in a dude that can’t get it up. I can’t say I blame her.

Fraser is hanging with the ladies, is using a lot of English terms that the American chicks don’t understand. I’m assuming he was talking about lady parts??

I hope they treated this crew well !! I guess Kayley wasn’t really getting the tip since she came while charter was already going on. Lee and one other gives her $100. Come on tight wads !! wtf !!!

Wes claims he got close to a threesome when Rayna asks ? Wes??? really?? it’s okay to say no.

Heather gives her pink undies to Jake for some reason. Did he ask for them ? I wasn’t listening to that convo ?

Family style din din for the crew, and we know will soon see Jake’s bare ass, complete with a pink thong.

I love the idea of Rayna learning and taking on a chef role in the future possibly ??

Here we go !!! Jake’s butt. Now my night is complete.

I don’t think anyone loves Jake’s ass as much as Jake

Heather Kaylee and Fraser have a cute moment. Fraser is over his issues with Kaylee being on board, and since she seems to not be an asshole, everything seems kosher in the stew dept !

Then Jake and Fraser have a cute moment where they profess to stay friends after the charter. Would anyone else be so NOT surprised if these two end up, like, together together ?

Cutest Couple Ever !

Glad we got those over with, because next week is looking NOT so pretty. Did I see that right ? The whole entire crew are all having a lunch break during the charter? With guests running around looking for drinks???

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