Real Housewives of NJ Part 3 – 5/17/22

Andy: “Shut up I got a dinner reservation!!” You need to tell these Jersey ladies like it is!

Here we go –Jen defends Bill’s affair again as she HAS been doing. I think she is really ready to be done with it. We’re all ready to be done with it! Also, having been cheated on, and speaking from experience, (although his indiscretions were much worse than Bill’s alleged two month affair – but who’s to say how long it would have gone on, had she not found out…) I see where she was coming from in forgiving him. But I also think I would be afraid he would continue to this behavior. I think it’s like a drug for some guys, and probably some women too. Wasn’t the best thing to just bury it. And then to be surrounded by family the way she describes, other than her kids, and had to walk around acting like everything was fine, caring for a newborn, postpartum crazy hormones, lack of sleep, what the literal fuck Bill Aydin?

Even if you “hate Jennifer” don’t you think he should be kissing the ground this woman walks on every fucking day of his life? He should wake up every morning and say “what can I get you sweetie , coffee tea, eggs, name it” Jennifer should have a thoughtful (or not thoughtful – just expensive) gift or flowers brought home several times a week. I hope this woman he was screwing feels like a stupid used schmuck. Banging a dude with 3 little kids and wife is pregnant? Takes two I know – if he gets blame, so does she. It’s called having morals and a conscience. I hope some slut does that to her when and if she’s married.

Margaret sort of starts off apologizing, but then goes on the defense kind of and says “never in my wildest dreams would I have thought you would be so upset by this.” Really Margaret? Your wildest dreams? Her husband cheating on her, regardless of how long ago it was, of course it’s hurtful and humiliating to have it talked about. And I’m having trouble connecting the dots on how it’s relevant that she “acts like her marriage is so perfect.” First off, no marriage is perfect. And second, even if it was, still bringing up her husband fucking some dumb gold digging bitch, is going to be upsetting. Margaret, like get a clue. It does sometimes disgust me about Margaret, and her constant bragging about cheating on her ex with Joe. She has no idea what it’s like to be cheated ON.

Therefore she thinks having affairs is cute I guess. Her tawdry affair with her construction dude did pay off, since he married her, and they seem happy. But ya know it’s not a fucking joke. It’s degrading. When my ex-husband was cheating on me, apparently the whole goddamned county including all of his coworkers and wives knew. And we sometimes socialized (including two island vacations) with some of his co-workers and their wives. What a fucking joke I looked like, right? I think this is how Jennifer feels now.

Melissa chimes in that she seemed relieved when Margaret spilled the beans, that Bill was now held accountable. Margaret is asked if she regrets announcing it on the show, Margaret takes some accountability.

Teresa seems annoyed she’s not the center of attention. Margaret says that her mom is having PTSD type issues about the current situation in Ukraine, having gone through with what she went through in Hungary in the 50’s.

The husbands, ex-husband, and Luis the husband – to – be are out to be grilled now. Frank is immediately asked about his living arrangement with David. He acknowledges it’s weird, but working out so far. He even gets to hang out with David’s new main squeeze, Luis ex (not one of the “crazy ex’s”)

I like living with David, he respects me because he’s in love with me.

Evan is asked about Jackie’s eating disorder, which is improving. He echos Jackie’s reply that she’s eating more. If I can quick give my assessment, I know you didn’t ask, but this has occurred to me, when I heard say him say again, that they’ve been together for almost 20 years and this is the first time he addressed it with her.

I don’t think Evan is a bad dude, (even though I think he did bang this chick so that deducts points) but I do think he’s a typical guy. I think he never bothered to address it with her earlier, because it didn’t affect him. But their kids are older now, and mostly self sufficient, there’s not the same day to day things that need done for them. Evan is realizing that her eating disorder is inconvenient for HIM. It’s making HIS life difficult. Like the only four day max vacays, and not wanting to go to restaurants. He even said in his yap, in one of the episodes that, he wanted to get out there and live life, and not worry about what he’s eating constantly. I might not have that quote exactly right, but that was the gist of it. In other words, it’s holding him back. And if she doesn’t care about eating anything ever, it makes it harder to do enjoyable things together.

Like in the scene where they went out, Jackie refused to order anything but a glass of wine. To me that would be weird to sit there with my partner eating and he is not. So, long story long, now that he is really seeing how it’s a drag on him, after 18 years he speaks up, and tells her it’s time to knock it off.

Or it could be that the kids noticed and brought it up. But I think my theory is closer. Maybe the kids bringing it up, gave him an excuse to address it. And how would she think her kids didn’t that notice she doesn’t eat?

Luis says that his first season “was horrible, but not the fault of anyone in the room.” Teresa says “REALLY???” and he shushes her. Teresa, the dude needs to take responsibility for his past bad behavior. Period. Shut your stupid pie hole. She look pissed he brings up how she kept trying to shush him at the shore trip when he was trying to address “the video.”

Frank is balless due to steroids… ? Never heard that. I’m trying to NOT picture this.

Frank says Paulie, Dolores’ new guy looks like Buzz Lightyear. I did a little side by side, what do you guys think? I do see a resemblance. Frank divulges that there is friction with he and Dolores and new beau due to Frank’s and Dolores’ unusually close ex relationship that they have. He needs to understand this would be threatening to a lot of new guys coming into a woman’s life. It’s great that they’re friendly – I’m all for that – but living together, socializing together, talking several times a day, that’s a lot. David didn’t have a problem with it because well, he has a crush on Frank, and likes Frank more than Dolores, so it was fine with him.

To Jersey, and beyond !!!!

I am again going to include my ‘receipt.’ This is a shot of David listening to Frank thank him for taking him in after a surgery or whatever, I forget exactly why he was down and out. Do the math on that face. David is into him.

Awwww Frank, do you really mean it??

My ex BF had a very friendly relationship with his ex -wife, and while I wasn’t jealous, and I was happy they were friendly, they have three kids together so I was glad they were friends due to this. But I did sometimes feel annoyed when he called her, or was texting with her when we were together. I never said anything, because believe me, I picked my battles with that dude. That was the least of my problems when dealing with him.

Dolores is annoyed that Frank is talking shit on Paulie. Frank tried to have dinner with him, and he is not interested. Frank is weird. There’s no reason to “have dinner” with your ex-wife’s boyfriend, when you’ve been divorced for twenty years and your kids are adults.

So the moment we’ve all been waiting for, Luis is about to be on the hot seat. Andy eases in with a question about how he has become such a great communicator. He answers “doing the “work – communication is key.”

Andy asks about how it’s going integrating that style of open communicating with Teresa. Luis calls her“very open and easy to talk to.” Yeah no. He says that he does has to “reel her back in” sometimes. In other words he’s recognizing dealing with Teresa is like dealing with a toddler or preschooler. Would I love to be a fly on that wall sometimes!

Andy addresses the infamous video and how Luis addressed it as a “break up video” and of course that is not at all what it was. He was begging this chick for forgiveness for being a fucking asshole video.

He is trying to say that under duress from the fellow campers/re-treaters, that, since he was the only unmarried guy there, he committed and apologized to her on the video, however that was not his true feelings at the time. When he arrived home she said she wanted 1 mill to get married. That’s strange right?

Wonder if that’s true. I should check out what she’s saying. I assume that is one of the Vanessa’s, not sure which. Teresa is smirking. So this does make more sense than the way he explained it at the beach. Perhaps he would have better expressed himself, had Teresa not interrupted 843 times yelling “you don’t owe them anything!!” Honestly doesn’t Teresa get like fixated on one thought in her block head, and she sort of can’t move on from it? And she keeps repeating it like fucking robot that’s been programmed to say two sentences.

Here are some of her key robotic phrases that I never want to hear again!

Margaret is the one that put it out there.”

you don’t owe anyyyyyyy —— bodyyyyyyyyy an explanation!!!”

trying to pop my love bubble…”

White trash!!”

Margaret speaks up and says she was trying to “flip public opinion and didn’t want her to look bad” that’s why she brought it up, to give them an opportunity to explain it.

Teresa, starts her robotic repetiveness. and says “if you were a good PERSON – you would have told me his explanation didn’t make sense, and I would have LET HIM (let him?) re-explain it.? Was Teresa not smart enough to realize he didn’t explain it right? Okay never mind.

Andy and Margaret both call BS on this, that she would never in 8 million years be receptive to that. She would have freaked and “OH MY GOD, you can’t let it go!! he explained it! My love bubbleyou put this out there …wah wah wah…” Can you all just hear it ?

Luis says that she wasn’t telling him to deny it, but yes we know, Luis !! She was on auto pilot, repeating “You don’t have to explain to them…” he says if he had a chance to speak it would have been different, so basically blaming it on Teresa. This dude is low key shady. I’m picking up on these little subtle things he says.

Sorry but I really didn’t think you don’t owe annnnnnyyyyy boddyyyyyy an explanation !!!!

Anthony delves into the nitty gritty with the ex GF’s accusations of abusive and erratic behavior, and he looks uncomfortable. List includes road rage, slashed tires, emotional abuse… Is any of it true, Andy asks? He brushes this question off sort of, by saying “we were in a toxic relationship. “I felt emotionally abused as well…” mmmkay dude, let me break that down since this is one of my many areas of expertise, having dealt with it –TWICE — (I know!!) Luis, were you the partner always getting pissed off and irrational, therefore the cause of the toxicity? Funny how three different women your ex -wife and 2 ex -girlfriends are all are making similar claims?

Andy specifically wants addressed the “sex four time a day or he gets abusive” as the ex’s claim.

He debunks that with “Teresa can I have sex four times a d day?” Frank makes a face like he knows he’s lying. Not whether or not he can have sex four times a day, just that he’s lying in general by denying the ex’s accusations.

IS there a domestic violence record against you,?” Andy asks him.Margaret looks ready for THAT answer.

He blames it on arguing with his ex wife over divorce and custody drama, and points out he’s not the only guy that has had arguments with his wife. True enough, but sounds like excuses. I doubt if five friggin police reports would have been filed over ordinary arguments. I was watching a video on You Tube – Dana Wilkey, a Housewife gossip guru, who claims to have “sources” and she had copies of the police reports. They involved things like him going to the house where she still lived, when they were separated, and banging on the door and having tantrums because she wouldn’t let him in. Causing such a big ruckus, she felt the need to involve the cops. She thinks there are others, of when he did hit his ex-wife, Marisa. Also Dana often has Luis’ ex, Vanessa Rieser as a guest frequently.

This is 10 minutes, it’s worth a listen if you want some juice on Luis.

Andy asks, “did you hit her?” Teresa answers “No.” Teresa shut it – were you there? No, so shut it. Luis tries to further explain and guess who interrupts her? And makes it about her.

You don’t know what WE have been through this past year” looking at Margaret. Luis looks annoyed she interrupted him. Isn’t he used to this by now? Margaret chimes in because you know, Teresa continues to blame her for this, instead of just taking accountability that yes, she’s with a dude that has a troubled past with women, and a lot of ex’s that just don’t like him very much.

Teresa isn’t smart enough to just go with this narrative: “He did make some mistakes in past relationships, he has admitted that, however he has done a lot of therapy and self reflection, worked on his communication skills, and recognizes he made mistakes. He has never treated me badly. Boom. That was hard right? Guess when you have the mentality of a four year old, it probably is.

Teresa is interrupting again. Luis needs to be speaking for himself. Andy asks him to address if he agrees with Margaret and Luis says, “yes I understand her questions now, and it makes sense.” Teresa looks annoyed.

Andy asks the resident four year-old if she agrees, and she’s says that he’s forgiving and nice, me not so much.

Yes Teresa we know. Andy senses this will go nowhere very fast and says “we’re on a Teresa go round, and I love the ride, but it’s going around in circles.” Melissa loves when Teresa looks stupid.

I may not know where Nashville is, but you’re just a fucking imbecile.

Still on Teresa and Luis. Luis wants to get married in the courthouse, and then go to a diner and have breakfast with the family, Carrie and Big style. Apparently we have a heterosexual male Sex and the City fan here. First time I’ve come across one of those. Hmm that’s starting to make sense right? Maybe there is something to the sex addict thing. I never watched it when it was on HBO in it’s heyday, but I understand it was pretty racy. I watch the E tamed down reruns sometimes. Does anyone else? Is it me or do they keep playing the same 6 episodes over and over and over?

Eating Disorder talk – did you all see that Jackie was demoted to a “friend” next season? Again for the 83rd time, she’s eating now. Cool. I know it’s a serious subject, but it’s getting repetitive. Evan should have encouraged her to get help years ago. Like, I don’t know, when she couldn’t even get pregnant naturally because she was so underweight and didn’t even get a period due to this. Or he noticed she was counting and measuring things while pregnant. Seems so strange so sit idly by for twenty years saying nothing about your wife not eating.

Bill and affair – and how the kids and extended family reacted. Of course no one was happy. Bill seems to be also relieved that now it’s not a deep dark secret anymore. He professes to love Jennifer and happy that she chose to forgive him. She makes Marge apologize to Bill about the damage done to their kids. She does.

Andy has Jennifer, Melissa and Joe going at it. Guess things were a little too quiet. Jennifer and her feather dusters are getting all excited.

Pipe down over there in the peanut gallery, or I’ll come over there and dust you !

Melissa and Jennifer scuffle – Melissa does do that charging thing, however I don’t really think she has a plan of any type of physical harm when she arrives. I thought she had done that to Jennifer before actually. If didn’t escalate like this time since Jennifer didn’t throw her arms up. I think that’s how it escalated anyway. It’s hard to follow watching it, since so many people, including a very large Bravo guy, are in the way.

Jennifer addresses Evan now about his “accomplice” comments towards Bill at the boys’ night out that Bill quickly exited. They all started coming after him about Jennifer. Which made them look like a bunch of women, I will have to admit.

Andy asks Jennifer to recall how she was “digging into his past” (wrong phrasing, that would be the Marge and Luis situation) Jennifer was “digging up dirt” about very recent cheating allegations. Get it right Andy!! Jennifer complains about Frank “throwing her under the bus.”

He asks how, and she explains that he brought this tidbit to the show, and then it became a whole thing, because he shared it with Bill. So is Frank still denying this? I wish they’d show Evan’s face right now because you all know I do believe he was fucking around with this chick. I don’t think it was a big steamy affair, but I think there was penetration with someone other than Jackie. I’m literally so confused why this chick hasn’t gone public. I even suspect he may have paid her off. It’s pure speculation, but it makes sense. All of my thoughts do make sense, in case you haven’t noticed.

Dolores turns around and addresses Frank and says I don’t know what because they bleeped it out, and Jennifer says bleep bleep bleep… “are you kidding me?”

Jennifer then turns around to Frank and makes him admit he did gossip about Evan banging this chick. Evan and Jackie always have the same looks on their faces, when this gets brought up, Evan guilt and Jackie seemingly knowing at this point there may be truth to it, but doesn’t want to deal with it.

Guys this is getting better than I thought about this topic. Jennifer says “clear the fucking air …” she wants him to admit that he told Bill about the Evan “rumorrrrr” Frank gives him the hairy eyeball.

Just ignore them – I’d rather just stay in denial, then have to deal with it.

Evan wants to crawl under a rock. Well as Jackie says “keep your dick in your pants!” dude. She turns to him and says “just ignore all of it.” DO we think this is like a facade or do we think she has realized it may be true and is in denial? There wouldn’t be this much detail if there wasn’t truth to it.

Frank saying he knows her, and even had photos? (allegedly)

Bill explains that he and Frank had a little dinner date, (in which Frank ordered his apple tini) I am sure, where Frank told him he knows this alleged girlfriend of Evan’s. He KNOWS her. Evan continues to look guilty as fuck. Jackie continues to speak on his behalf and laugh it off. She’s reminding me of Wendy minus the overcompensating, when they were discussing Eddie’s alleged indiscretions with women online. Stop sticking up for these slimy dudes!!

Dolores always has this same look like “thanks a lot Frank you blabber mouth!”

Frank, you moron, I had a few glasses of wine and let it slip, then you gotta blab it to the Bitch Boys.

So I think that Dolores did tell Frank this. Well I’m pretty sure Dolores told Frank.

Andy asks Evan if he was angry at Bill for not calling Jennifer out, and for digging. “wouldn’t every husband here defend their wife under the same circumstances?” He answers some sort of deflection nonsense – again guilty as charged, in my opinion.

Guilty as charged, and I stand by it !!!

Jennifer maintains she wasn’t digging, just asking. Because that’s a lot different. Jesus effing christ this is reminding me of the analogy argument. Jennifer needs vindicated that she wasn’t “digging” with Frank. She’s nosy. Holy fucking fuck.

Moving on –

Luis shares that they let him go from his company (even though he was owner of his own co) because of the “negative press.” I think Teresa needs to leave her “Real Housewife” life if Luis is important to her and wants to stay with him. I think it’s time. It’s sad to me these women get so dependent on this income, that they continue to stay, even though it’s affecting their life and relationships negatively.

It’s like Bravo starts holding them hostage.

I know, I know what you’re all thinking. She’s the star of the show, she carries the show, it would be boring without her! She’s the OG! But, in my opinion, it’s because most viewers are laughing at her, not with her. Even her fans say things like yeah she’s not the sharpest tool by far but that’s what makes it entertaining.” It’s like the old-time circuses, and they had the Elephant Man, and World’s Fattest Lady, and exploiting Little People, it’s like that. Yes she’s getting attention, people are talking about her, but it’s usually not good. She says the dumbest things, that people ridicule, and acts erratic. It’s all entertaining, but not in a good way for her. It’s just time for her to focus and do some self-reflecting. Or try. That would be a lot for her.

Okay, so clarification on Luis losing his job at his company, I was confused. He got encouraged to step down, he says, from his company that he started. I think there’s more to it than that. Isn’t he getting sued by clients too?

Luis seems to me, like he is pointing this out as some sort of low key guilt trip to the others, or Margaret, even though he says it’s “not anybody’s fault and he’s not angry.” I pick up on him beingsort of passive aggressive.

Teresa getting excited now and says “Well I’m angry!” (yeah they just bought whatever SF house as he pointed out in the finale) She starts finger pointing at Margaret literally, and Andy says “you blame HER for this?” “ Yes” she says

That’s why you don’t know wht you fucking did!” (whatever that means – she’s speaking her own language.

Teresa is doing her – can’t get past one statement – rinse and repeat thing, and keeps repeating “I can’t stand you, I can’t stand you…” Teresa – we can’t fucking stand YOU !! Grow up !!!

Luis doesn’t blame Margaret for this (because Luis know it’s Luis’ fault that his past bad behavior “is out there.”) Even though, he’s not stating that exactly. Teresa’s not that bright though for that thought process.

Andy gets more frustrated than we’re used to, and tells Teresa to shut up, he clearly wants Luis to speak on his own behalf. He says that it’s not Margaret’s fault- it was already out there -being on the show brought attention to it because their “job” is to talk about things…

See what did I say about her robotic repeat of one sentence. She’s still on the “I can’t stand you” train and cannot get off. Andy loses it. He’s probably so sick of listening to this toddler at this point, that the sound of her voice is unbearable.

The dudes are exiting. Luis whispers to Teresa “If you love me calm down.” What did we think of him saying this to her? Viewers on social media were saying this was not cool for him to say this to her, and shows his controlling side. You shouldn’t start off a sentence to your partner, “if you love me” because it’s somewhat threatening.

I’m not controlling or aggressive – but please shut the fuck up, you’re embarrassing !!!

And Teresa has that dumb look on her face when he reprimands her. Andy brings up Teresa throwing food and shit at Margaret in the very western state of Tennessee. Here we ago with another one of her robotic repeats – “She came after myyyyyy boyfriend…”

Andy asks her why it’s so unusual that Marge would ask her and express concern, given all of the negative articles and claimes form the ex’s.

This cracked me up:

She is the one that brought it to LIGHT” and she does some weird tongue curl pronunciation with the L in “light.”

Absolutely no one reads the internet, it’s Margaret’s fault it was brought to LLLLL — IGHT!

Andy cracks me up. He mocks her ‘LIGHT’ pronunciation.

Shit for Brains, it was already LLLLLLL — IGHT

Andy is trying his damnedest to get through to this knuckle head! He knows it’s futile. Is he new here? I stand corrected again. She used different verbiage. She didn’t say “Margaret is the that put it out there…”

Now Teresa claims Margaret was speaking TO the ex-girlfriends. I’m feeling like she should be mad at Luis’ for abusing his two ex girlfriends and ex-wife, not Margret for talking about it. Am I crazy? Don’t answer that.

Margaret recounts all of the horrible shit Teresa has done to her and still remained her friend.

She answers, “because you know I’m a good person.” No you’re not a good person Teresa, actually. Try again. Maybe Margaret, who yes, does like to gossip, is a good person for putting up with such a shitty friend.

Dolores and Jennifer’s expressions are very obvi that they completely agree with Margaret. But this is why they are her friends. Teresa’s “friends” are always people that agree with her, or don’t address her ridiculousness. Both of them fill that bill. Dolores must have finally spoke up to her, and that’s why there was friction we were reading about a few months ago, and she wasn’t invited to her engagement soiree.

I’m suddenly feeling the need to just zone out, or look at that fly, since they’re bringing up Teresa’s faults.

Teresa says AGAIN, another one of her go-to’s, “digging up” again, and Margaret fucking loses it:

I didn’t dig anything up!!!!?” My God. I can’t.

Viewer asks, “over the years we’ve watched you dissolve relationships with friends and family. “When they disagree with you, you dismiss them and cut them out of your life. At what point when will you acknowledge you are the problem?”

Dummy says “we weren’t having a disagreement, she was coming after a person that I love.”

(hey at least she didn’t say “MYYYY BOYFRIEND.” I stand corrected. She mixes it up a little) She knows more words than I thought.

Andy asks ‘er if she ever changes her opinion about anything? “Yes she has” and fucking Jennifer chimes in. She’s probably afraid Teresa will reprimand her for not ‘having her back’ at the reunion or some shit.

Wrapping up, thank God. Andy apologizes for getting angry with them several times. He asks all about their highlights of the season.

Melissa’s big thing is Antonio’s tumbling? Seriously?

Teresa takes another stab at an apology to Margaret about the food and drink throwing incident. She prefaces it how she was provoked, so we already know it’s going to be a typical Teresa apology. “I’m sorry about that…” with no sound of actual remorse or emotion whatsoever. Doesn’t even look at her. She apologizes like a child that’s forced to say ‘I’m sorry’ their sibling for calling them a name.

She made no eye contact and prefaced it with how she was driven there.

Champagne toast – should have been tequila and pineapple – this is Jersey!

There’s lots of chatter about Teresa wanting to phase Joe and Melissa out, and Luis’ sisters on, and make it centered around her family only – minus Joe and Melissa.

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