Back to The Fancy Pants Par- tay !!! Gina won’t shut up about getting dressed up. We know Gina, you are over the moon about your invite to this boujie event. You like your boujie friends. I believe she did even admit that last season. The boujier the better !!!

Did anyone notice how freaking short this Nicole’s dress is, and really extra short at her you know, hoohaa area? Totally looks like her underwear are visible as she’s walking in, and it even got blurred out. Do these people look in the mirror before they leave their house ? At least I’m hoping it was only her undies that were showing, and she didn’t pull an Erika Jayne. I’m sure the camera guys weren’t complaining if that was the case.

Noella and Dr. Jen briefly interact, and Noella shares that she got out of bed late, and did nothing all day, but her hair and make-up. Why would you admit that ? Did she ignore her two year old all day? To attach these stupid butterflies to her stupid floppy floor length pony? Well perhaps She IS going to have to go to work, very soon Jen, so not to worry. Hubby comes out as broke and files for divorce. She’ll probably do hair extensions, (since she seems to like them- maybe she could go in kahootz with Erika) She looks desperate for attention. Again. Looks like the exact same outfit at the lunch, except her stomach is covered. And the formal wear is a little more appropriate now.

Nicole and Shannon catch up briefly, and talk about old days when they were acquainted. . .

The gong scene sort of took me back to Kelly slamming Shannon over the head with that big bowl on her head, at that retreat thing in Arizona. Thought someone was going to say that, then remembered that was during Heather’s absence. I’m over Heather being back already.

Gina and Emily are in love with this rhetoric that Shannon was ‘talking shit’ and ‘starting trouble’ by just merely disclosing to two people that she thought were her friends, that it’s strange that Nicole is friends with Heather, and this never came up. (Did Heather even really know, is this whole thing contrived?) It’s not really talking shit. Light gossiping is what I would refer to it as. But Typical. The New Desperate Housewives of 2020/21, where the drama is planned and someone is manipulated. (Shannon). I wish I would have started doing this blog thing five/six years ago when I first started thinking about it, when the shows were still good. Always a day late and a dollar short… ok enough about me.

Gina says she genuinely likes Heather. Gina you genuinely like Heather’s house and wealth. She’s like a gold digger, except with friends. Gina and Emily meet Nicole and immediately comment on her boobs. That’s not strange at all. I always have strange women asking questions about my tits thirty seconds after meeting them. Nicole says she had an issue with her doctor about them and it took four years to fix. Now they’re really excited to execute their plan. They’re like practically drumming their finger tips together like crazy people, and drooling.

Pathetic desperate Gina is sticking with this stupid story that she is ‘HAVING THIS REALLY HARD TIME’ knowing this info and not saying anything. About an occurrence from 16 yrs ago, before she was friends with Heather. And as we find out later, the law suit was never even pursued. I could see this being juicy and awkward, had the law suit been recent, or in the works now. But it was 16 or more years ago. It’s so freaking obvious Gina is just is doing her HW job, so she stays on. Not to mention this will get her all buddy buddy with Heather, and we know that she loves her (house) so much.

Shannon tells Gina, you made me a promise twelve hours ago, to not say anything. Gina laughs at her and sneers “This isn’t the ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’, I don’t even KNOW Heather!!” I know she’s referring to the book/movie but I don’t know what she even means by that. it makes no sense. Gina is being so Regina George Mean Girl right now. So what’s she trying to say? Because she doesn’t know Heather, it’s ok to break a promise to a friend ? Also now she “doesn’t even know her’ when two minutes ago, she was like “I really like Heather…” WHICH IS IT ???

Shannon is being gas lit here, not provoked – ACTUALLY “LEGIT” GAS LIT !!!

Emily very uneloquently starts talking loudly, to Shannon in front of Nicole, about this stupid never materialized law suit. It’s very uncouth and weird behavior for Emily. Clearly she doesn’t have much going on either. Shannon is, to no avail, trying to shush her. Emily tells her that Gina is currently talking to Heather about it. Shannon beelines it to where they’re convening and interrupts the convo, really pissed off that Gina is sharing this piece of gossip with Heather.

Gina is totally THA—- ROWING SHANNON WAY WAY UNDER SEVERAL BUSES, and telling Heather privately about the old law suit thing with Nicole. Gina keeps ranting saying “this is so ridiculous” yet she is the one being so ridiculous, I think.

Heather is upset about this revelation, and we do this familiar act of putting her hand in front of the camera, and she’s leaving the show and yadda yadda fucking yadda. This all has me annoyed actually.

She goes upstairs to seemingly let Terry know what is going on.

So meanwhile, back at the ranch, Emily confronts a very intoxicated Nicole, who, in her defense is (sitting on a large silver throne) just minding her own business, enjoying her many cocktails.

Jen attempts to insert herself into the conversation backing up Emily about how wrong it was to sue Terry and not let Heather know this.

I guess Jen would know about being sued.

(Do these housewives now only get hired by Bravo IF they have some pending legal drama with themselves or their husbands?)

Came across that tidbit today:

Emily asks her if she thinks maybe she should have let Heather know this? She is being very self righteous, about something that has nothing to do with her, she barely even knows Heather, and this “allegedly” happened SEVERAL years ago. Nicole goes on the defense, and, like I said, is trashed, and keeps telling Emily to “sit down!!” event though she is sitting down. So that was pretty funny. She literally says it 15 times. She tells her to ‘go eat some sushi.’ Rumor has it that she also says “go eat another cheeseburger” that got cut. I feel like this is what could have gotten Emily so beyond irate. Maybe she shared this with Shane, and that was the reason for him trying to order her a hamburger on their “date night” scene. Hmmmmm, not bragging, but I may be on to something here. Bigger girls should be prepared for this sort of commentary when they start shit with a tiny girl. That’s gonna be her go-to. It just is. Usually because that shuts them up.

Emily weirdly says she’s been her “friend this whole night.” Nicole points out “this whole night” is twenty minutes ago, when they just met and she needs to butt out. Emily, for me, is really dumbing herself down in this whole entire scene. All for the sake of Bravo. Nicole is not really wrong. Did Emily have a few too many also? Maybe she had to work up the nerve to be a big ole shit stirrer, since she usually isn’t. Isn’t she a lawyer? And married to a “family money” dude? Does she need Bravo money this badly?

This interaction soon explodes because Nicole is not having her dumb shit, and I would say, puts Emily in her place, telling her that her opinion was not asked for, not needed. Non-educated vs educated comes up, and I am having an Eboni and Luann on RHONY flashbacks. Nicole yells, “this is how educated people act?” Again, I don’t care if she quit school after first grade, she’s not wrong. Emily is wrong. Emily is very disappointing to me.

She is the one that initiated this whole fake argument, is now freaking out and flailing her arms around, and demanding Gina leaves with her. I mean DEMANDING. Like “you’re coming with ME!!” and says it 84 times. She is so upset that Nicole ‘disrespected’ her and talked to her like that. When SHE confronted HER. I am almost not believing what I am seeing. I said ALMOST. I know I’m watching “Real” Housewives. And not only are they not really housewives, anymore, none of this seems even “real” anymore. These are now women that need their paychecks, and it’s no longer “for fun.” Anyway getting off subject.

“Did you hear how she talked to me ??” Emily, poke the mini-bear and you might get mini-attacked. Get the fuck over it .

We have Gina desperately trying to hang onto the continuation of this party because she does NOT want to leave this fucking spread. “I think there’s still potential here…”

By that she means she wants more free food and drinks, dammit! Emily screams that she didn’t do ANY of this bullshit, but she kind of did do, ALL of this bullshit ! She rants that Nicole is this “mini bitch that looks like her?” She thinks Nicole looks like her ???? ummmmm. ok. They’re both women. They both have breasts, Emily’s injected with her fat, and Nicole’s injected with implants, as previously discussed. Like how many drinks did Emily have? Her eye sight is clearly distorted.

So now this spills outside, joined by Jen, and there’s yelling and ranting and blaming Shannon for all of it, who actually did not want it discussed or brought up, so there’s that. And it didn’t come off to me that she was doing a Lisa Barlow, and “planting” it. Shannon just wants to be friends with everyone, and hang out, and have drinking buddies. She shared a piece of gossip, that really wasn’t even about Heather. I am sure this Nicole chick is not the first one to try to sue Terry. I think he’s very good as his tittie transformation work (I have watched Botched, unfortunately) so I don’t think it happens often, but people do tend to try to sue people with money. It’s the American way.

All right, so shocker, they don’t actually depart, they U-turn it back into mansion. They decide that they need to apologize to Heather. Shannon confronts Gina, and Gina wants to “table it” for now. I believe she wants to “table it” because she has maybe half a shred of dignity left, and is ashamed how she purposely ran to Heather to repeat the gossip, that was making her SO FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE. Emily who is pretty drunk, slurs to Shannon that the “real villain is Nicole!!!!…”

Terry and Heather emerge from upstairs arms locked, (could they stop with this already- we all know they don’t bang) So they’re STORMING down this hallway, looking all gangsta, Terry with a fake fuming furious look on his face, Heather trying also to look all serious and extra. This literally looks like a scene from a mafia movie, I mean, guys, they’re in head to toe black, (I know they’re Jewish – but they could pass for Italian, Terry’s got the nose) they’re approaching this scene like they’re ready to take Nicole out with a Ruger. Now Gina, THIS is ridiculous !

Terry was GETTING OFF on his little Ray Lolita moment here – Heather may have gotten lucky that night

Terry, the big tough guy (NOT!!) says sternly to Nicole, “did you try to SUE me??????”

Nicole immediately breaks down in tears and says she was forced into it by her attorney and didn’t want to do it, and didn’t even follow through with it. Suddenly Heather and Terry morph out of their mobster faces, and start to laugh and tell her, “It’s okay, don’t even WORRY !!!”

What just happened here ?????

Heather is pissed at Shannon only of course – Gina gets a very minor tongue lashing from their principal, for bringing this up at the event. But then of course turns her anger toward Shannon, and says Gina should have “shot the messenger.”

It’s not really THAT odd for her Shannon to think it’s weird that this law suit thing never came up, when they have been friends for several years, and to share this with two people she thought were her friends, who didn’t really even know Heather.

Heather and Shannon talk further. (Heather later says at lunch with these two evil little back stabbers, that Shannon came back to further argue with her, no Heather she was actually trying to apologize) Shannon is apologizing profusely, and Heather wags her stupid ten inch long bony ass finger in Shannon’s face, which Shannon asks her to please, like NOT do, and Heather says Shannon just “exploded her world.” Yes, you heard that right. she said, exploded her world. By gossiping about a law suit with her husband 20 years ago, that never even got followed through with. Heather says something like “let’s just be done.” Shannon leaves, looking defeated. It was so sad seeing her walk down the hallway. And the worst part is, that she didn’t even get the chance to get shitfaced.

The party ultimately gets cancelled and dinner never even takes place. Queen Heather is no longer in a festive mood. She apologizes to all of the staff and restaurant people. They keep dropping the name of this restaurant. (Nobu) Is this place like a big thing in OC? Maybe they paid for the plug. Hope all of this food gets donated to a homeless shelter or something…

Emily who actually is the one that started the whole fight/argument/typical HW BS, is hugging good bye to Heather. So this bitch is getting off scott free, when she was the main instigator.

Gina acts like a teenager with three kids little kids. She says in the car to them, she was at a ‘dinner party’ until midnight and is really tired” (thought it was an early night? So dinner didn’t even happen and it was midnight?) Maybe she and Emily went out after to celebrate their accomplishment. They probably did, I can just see it now. Guess the scene got panned. Probably good idea.

Emily is calling Heather to apologize (suck up) and invited her to have lunch with her and Gina – sands Shannon of course, so that they can continue this “evil bad bad Shannon, It’s all HER fault !!’ charade.

Noella calls Shannon. Shannon seems to be buddying up and bonding with Noella, since she was consoling her ‘elder’ at the party that never happened, due to the 20 year old law suit that never happened. And they also use the same ‘healer’. Shannon goes on how she never meant to hurt anyone and blah blah whatever.

Terry and Heather scene on their balcony. They discuss weather being warm – in Southern Cally, in July, strange. Camera zooming in on their hand holding ? Ok producers we got it, they hold hands… next ?? Heather divulges she spent 36g on a nothing party. Good thing she has her Bravo paycheck. SHe also does this stupid little ” 1. none of your business, 2. also none of your business..” thing about Shannon. Do you know what ALSO applies to the “nunya business” story??? It was none of ‘Emily’s business’ to bring it up to Nicole, who she didn’t even know!!!! But of course we don’t care about that part. Because that doesn’t play into the narrative that it’s all Shannon’s fucking fault. Am I the only one seeing this? Some of the FB chat group comments are like “Glad to see Gina stepping it up” and “Love, Gina, Shannon is trash” Like REALLY???? Did she get that completely backwards? Someone came off as a piece of desperate trash tonight, and it wasn’t Shannon!

I was reading today that Erika made $68g per episode on BH, so I am sure because she’s Heather DuBRA – that she is pulling something similar. They go on about Shannon trying “to hurt us??” for the love of God – this is getting difficult to keep writing about. It’s ludicrous.

Prediction: This lunch with Heather Gina and Emily is going to be EXCRUCIATING !! The ass and vag kissing by these two is going to be EXCRUCIATING !!!! I get Gina’s coin-loving desperation, but not Emily’s. She’s married into it. Guess she’s just “following the crowd.” Disappointed in her.

Is Jen’s husband gay? Maybe bi? Just an observation. (not that there’s anything wrong with that!!) but he walks around shirtless carrying a chihuahua. He literally is chowing down these brussel sprouts like a starving animal. (different subject than the gay thing) Jen is coming off as desperate to be a Housewife. I know it’s been taken, but they really should change the name to “Desperate Housewives”

Emily and Shane are having date night under the glorious setting sun. Emily says in her confessional thing that they are in a “great place and getting along great” Shane wants to order for her, and will order something “romantic” he says (I’m thinking oysters). He proceeds to tell the server she wants a cheeseburger. So that was strange right ? I stick by my theory that Nicole told her at the party to go eat a cheeseburger. They discuss how their daughter is getting baptized. Isn’t Shane Mormon? Is she becoming Mormon? They go into religon somewhat. It’s boring. Shane seems to be so much less of an asshole than he used to be. He still never ever says anything nice to Emily though. Ever. I get it, he has a dry sense of humor. What did he say about the sunset – that it was the next best thing at the restaurant ? But sarcastically? All of these House Husbands seem a little off. Each in their own special ‘off’ way.

The dreaded lunch with the new “tres amigos. ” These bitches legit drink margaritas like water!!! It’s making me want one every Wednesday dang night. And it’s so NOT margarita weather. Is there a hot version? Sounds kinda gross, but maybe ???? I’ll have to fiddle with that sometime.

See my own margarita method I posted last week. It’s a very easy ‘recipe.’ And it could be considered “skinny.” The juice I use is only 120 cals for 8 oz! So throw in a few more, for the tequila and fruit, and it’s not high in calories AT ALL.

Ok done rambling about margaritas. Yes you two thirsty ass dorks did fuck up the party – but she seems to be upset ONLY with Shannon, who did not want for you two to be ‘spilling the tea’ AT THE PARTY – or not at all, actually. Let’s recall the scene last week in the car to Emily, that she “has no problem bringing this up to Heather tonight…”

And then all of this BS Heather is spewing out of her face about Shannon lied because she said that she thought they could be trusted, then said they couldn’t be trusted. What she said is, and it makes sense, she THOUGHT that they COULD be trusted when she told them this, then after that little show, proved that they COULDN’T be trusted. Shannon is being manipulated and gas lit like crazy. now she’s upset and pissed, and everyone is making her out to be off her rocker, AS USUAL. Very definition of gas lighting (although I do think it’s become an over used “buzz phrase,” to replace “provoked” when actually it’s much more than that. ) – purposely planning to upset and trick someone over and over, and using their reactions against them. Shannon is the perfect “storm” to be the victim of this. She’s vulnerable and wants everyone to like her. (sounds like someone elsi I know – very well …) Jeez does Shannon need this shit ? Does she need this paycheck that badly? Heather also shares that she’s insanely jealous of her because she (aka her husband) is successful.

Isn’t she still selling her frozen dinners, and deservingly raping her lying cheating ex for support?

These two puppets and their puppeteer are making no sense right now, which they know. And what was with Gina’s fake Kyle-like surprised face when Heather told them she said they ‘couldn’t be trusted?’ The proved the CAN’T be trusted !!! Shannon shared the info because in that moment you were kumbaya with her and besties, and she trusted you to not blab. It was in no way capable of taking anyone out, or ruining their whole entire fucking life.

My prediction was correct. This lunch is excruciating. And the whole bit with Gina and this situation reminded her of when she was at a party and everyone knew her husband was cheating, but she doesn’t and it “triggered” her, was REACHING. REACHING.

OKAY, take ‘er easy there, Kyle.

She said “NOW in hindsight she sees that you can’t be trusted.” I mean you dumbasses proved her point?? Ladies, SIT DOWN, slurp your spicy margaritas like slushies, while you embarrassingly gaze at Heather like you want to ‘skin her and wear her like last season’s Versace.’ Who recognizes that line ???

These two look like they’re worshipping Heather as she sits down- she LIVES FOR this shit.

Also caught this look on Nicole’s face when Terry arrived home, at the party. and he and Heather was kissing. Can’t say I disagree.

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1 thought on “Real Housewives of OC 12/8”

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