This show is so going downhill.
Let me start off by saying it’s nobody’s fault. It’s just that it’s ran its course.
I think I speak for a lot of viewers.
I’ve had the shits of Shep and Austen to the nth fucking degree.
Craig is much less insufferable because you know, he’s evolved. He’s not the same dude he was 10-12 years ago.
However Austen and Shep, not so much.
Whitney needs to come out of the closet. And bring Shep and The Muppet with him.
And Madison, they’ve been trying to push her on us for the past three seasons. She’s ran her course. Now that she’s a boring married lady married to the least-dramatic dude on the planet, she brings nothing to the show.
Taylor, as you know she was introduced as Shep’s girlfriend. She’s burnt her bridge with almost everybody in the cast. You know I haven’t noticed her interaction with Austen at all. I guess she’s keeping her distance since he now has a (fake) girlfriend.
So producers shove her with Rodrigo so she has somebody to film with, and it just seems so forced and unnatural.
Don’t even get me started on this fucking tuba concert. Did we really have film this fucking entire band thing of Molly‘s?? Just a very short clip would have been more appropriate. She literally sat in her yap crying about how much she loves the tuba?? Whomever decided to not cut all of that needs to lose their job.
Salley is fucking insufferable. Drinking game for this article: Take a drink every time I say ‘insufferable.’
Venita doesn’t contribute a whole hell of a lot either, but I don’t dislike her since she stopped calling everyone racist.
So something I’m confused about, is Taylor now owning the fact that she slept with Austen? She keeps saying she made this ‘mistake.’
She was denying the Austen hook ups as far as I knew, but maybe I missed something. Maybe she did finally just come out and admit it?? Or is she still sticking with “we just kissed.”
Gaston seems SO sketchy, so let’s just remember later when I need to come out and say ‘I told ya so.’

He has no intention whatsoever of going to Molly’s tuba concert. Even though I just called him sketchy, I don’t blame him on that one. Taylor is pissed. You know how badly she wants to flaunt him around Shep, and he’s just not having it.

I’m sure Salley is the main reason.
Not the dreaded fishing trip with Shep, Craig and JT. It’s happening.
Remember how Austen has his little bikini panties all in a twist that Shep and Craig are hanging out with JT and going fishing? I can’t even barely get that all out because it sounds so asinine.
If we we recall from last season, JT has a fear of water so why he’s going fishing, we do not know. Trying to embrace his fears? No, I don’t think so.
Shep just cannot believe he’s never been fishing!!
Poor little guy squeals at having to put the little tiny fish on the hook to catch the big fish. It is kind of gross. The fish are actually alive. He’s a dude, fucking get over it. Stop being a pussy.

Well, the wait is over everyone. I know you’re all in the edge of your seat.
They did catch a fish, which they decided to throw back in the water? What was the point?
The fucker should’ve been dinner!!
Did they really catch this, or was this fish planted? They technically didn’t even show them catching it. They just show them picking it up from the floor.

I hate to keep reusing the word ‘insufferable’ but you know I actually did look up a synonym for it and I couldn’t find anything I liked. So drinking game it is!
Whitney’s scenes are absolutely insufferable. We know dude you’re rich. We get it. We. Get. It.
Austen drops by and he’s showing off his little man cave, which I think was Michael’s apartment apartment, which is kind of sad and I don’t know it’s a little warp that he turned into this little fucking bougie boy man cave??
Whitney’s such a big important man. He pours Austen this fucking bourbon that’s $1000 a bottle.
And why of course Madison will be dropping by the man cave to hang with Austen her ex-boyfriend, and Whitney.
See this is another point I have that’s making this season so phony. Madison doesn’t have anybody to film with either besides Brett, who hates to be on camera. It’s not realistic that a married Madison would be hanging out in a man cave with two single men, one being her ex-boyfriend.
Brett’s OK with that?? I’m not really a supporter of insane jealousy for no reason, but I would say this would be a good reason to be pissed as a husband.
On top of that, she hangs out with these dudes, wearing the shortest tightest little skirts possible. Doe she like own jeans?

“How many girls did Whitney bang on that couch?”
Stop, just stop.
Austen whines about the infamous fishing trip. Madison is perpetuating this Craig/Austen tiff because honestly, what else does she have to contribute here? Besides her short skirts.

“Craig and I have been together so long” Austen starts complaining in his yap.
That’s verbiage that you use about an actual romantic relationship, not a dude friendship. You would say ‘we’ve been friends so long.’ I can’t with these guys. Can they puh-LEASE just come out already?

What is Whitney contributing here besides supplying a $100 glass of whiskey? They literally keep showing him making all of these weird ‘whatever’ hand gestures and expressions.
I think he made the same gesture like four times throughout this conversation, and they just kept rolling the same one.

I’m not even trying and I’m giving example after example of why this show has run its course and you don’t have to agree with me but you should.
I love how they play this riveting fucking music like this is so fucking emotional that Craig is too busy to dote on Austen and went fishing with JT.
Craig opens up about Paige sending a lot of mixed signals. They flash on that scene from last season where he says he wants a wife and a family and her response is “Blghhhh.”
She wanted to date Craig and that was it. He should have broken up with her after that comment.
Stupid Shep claims he’s having strong feelings for Sienna and even said that he loved her. She seems so disinterested in him honestly. Shep looks like a fucking schmuck at this point. He looks like more of a schmuck now because it was evident she was just playing with him.
The excruciatingly insufferable tube a concert is impeding.
Oh no not a solo!!
They let her go on way too long in her yaps about how in love she is with this fucking tuba and what a great and how what an epic musician she is.
I’m being bitchy. I don’t have anything personally against the tuba. I just don’t think it belongs here on Southern Charm, that’s it.
They needed to show like a five second clip of this shit.
Back to my non-cohesiveness of this group, it’s very evident when they all convene before this big fucking tuba concert.
And as I predicted, her solo sounds like a fart. She cries in her yap about how emotional the tuba is for her.

Get together at JT’s event space following the exciting tuba solo. Whitney promptly breaks the fridge.
Molly arrives having changed out of her ugly concert dress into another ugly dress.
JT and Taylor seem awkward together, to my point AGAIN. He exposes his sweaty armpits, even though Taylor begs him to not. He announces that Gaston had another girlfriend when he started seeing Salley.
Taylor flips out, then storms out. Shep seems extremely interested in Salley’s and Gaston‘s previous relationship. Extremely interested.

JT refers to Sally as ‘the other woman’ which pisses her off.

Salley admits to starting a relationship while knowing he had a girlfriend.
“Why would you hook up with him? He’s not good looking?” Shep is such a turd.
To be fair I guess Shep can’t really knock the cheating.
Craig bitches at JT for acting like this after they ‘even went fishing with him!!” My God stop saying ‘fishing!’
I don’t think Salley’s excuse of continuing affair with a man that was in a relationship with somebody else, because she was already hooked.
Basically what we’re hearing here is JT was right about what he was telling Taylor. JT does have a point in telling Taylor she should know this about Gaston right?
Venita thinks he looks yummy in his baby blue T-shirt with his sweaty fucking armpits.
He was telling the truth so should we back off poor little JT and let him go change his shirt. Why does Craig keep talking about fishing?
He sounds like such a dork. “You were so nice and happy and kind while we were fishing.” And he’s not even drunk.
“There’s different ways to skin a cat.”
Really Shep? I don’t think that’s an expression we should be using anymore.
So long story longer, as far as Taylor and Gaston, we’re at the point where we’ve been on so many Bravo shows, where the woman is given the information about her new man, and it’s now up to her as to what she wants to do with that information.
Because the more everybody hollers about her guy being a bad guy, probably the more into him she’s going to be. I don’t mean to get all Glinda, but she needs to figure it out for herself. That’s the story and I’m sticking to it.
JT storms out. Venita chases him. He’s standing behind his truth because little dude‘s gotta earn his check.

I don’t see them as a couple. I don’t really think they last long.