Real Housewives of Potomac Premier – 10/6/24 – Dirty Laundry

So right off the bat I need to address extreme differences in Karen’s DUI verses Shannon’s DUI.

As I suspected, Karen being the Karen that she is, has every excuse imaginable, even going so far as to blame the death of her parents several years ago.

She’s also blaming marriage woes, which is quite puzzling to me, since for the past I would say at least three seasons, (the flash of Ray stating he doesn’t know if he loves her or not is from 2020) she has claimed that Ray is her ‘best friend’ and that their marriage is perfect.

And of COURSE the icing on the damned cake is that she simply CANNOT discuss anything about it since it’s a ‘pending court case.’ Okay Karen. The ladies and the viewers all know you’re full of shit. This woman never puts her shit out there when she is paid a lot of damned dough to be on a ‘reality’ show.

If Robyn got dismissed for this shit than so should she.

She can’t just say ‘yeah I was out and drank too much and though I was okay to drive.’ Done.

But no, excuses and denials galore.

But similar to Shannon, she seems to be in denial that she may have a drinking problem. She looked barely functioning in this episode. We’ll have to see if that gets better or worse.

Also who was she out to dinner with? Because it wasn’t her husband. And was there really a deer? Or is Bravo helping her out with that? So it’s the deer’s fault? Or is Ray’s fault? Or whomever she was at dinner with? Or is it the death of her Mom six years ago?? It’s everyone’s fault but hers.


Here we are new season – NO Candy girl, one of my fave Housewives, and NO Robyn who was always just kind of meh to me. We’ll see how Gizzy survives without her, who has been notorious for never really having anything interesting going on in her life, so she makes one or two of the others her ‘story line.’

Usually by stretching the truth or just making shit up. She’s like the Kyle Richards of Potomac.

Back to Candiace for a sec, I think her baby might be due soon. I had read it was a girl, then I saw later she’s actually having a boy.

Looks like Gizelle is over-filling but that’s been par for the course with the Housewives lately.

I didn’t recall that this is Karen’s second offense. Not sure how she’s not in jail, but here we are. She’s on TV, not in jail.

Driving like a manic drunk with no car registration? Did she get into a fight with her boyfriend or what?

You know Gizelle is loving this shit as she claims to she wants to be a loving and supportive non-judgmental friend.

One does not get a second DUI and not be a raging alcoholic. It kind of obvi that you’re frequently push the envelope, and driving under the influence if you’ve been caught twice.

Gizelle comes to pick up Karen for an outing, who apparently hasn’t left the house since her offense one month prior.

That would suck to be stuck in the house with your husband when you just got a DUI after a date with your boyfriend, I would think.

I gotta say, Karen don’t look good.

Gizelle wants to discuss the DUI about four seconds after she boards her vehicle and asks if it’s ‘triggering’ to drive past the crash sight.

So shady. So so shady.

Remember how you crashed your unregistered car? Driving drunk??

In her yap she flippantly says ‘accidents happen’ and she cannot talk about it in detail because the case has not been ‘adjudicated.’ ACCIDENTS HAPPEN?

Shit happens people, shit happens.


There is no other fucking party involved. Perhaps if she hit another car and/or hurt someone then I might believe that, but there’s no fucking body involved but herself.

Really, Karen like REALLY?? Own your shit. Bravo should have demanded that she talk about it or not be on.

BUT they were already down three from last season: Nneka, Robyn and Candiace. So I’m guessing that they didn’t want to lose another, especially an OG.

Karen delivers her excuses and extremely nonchalant attitude about driving at a dangerous and high rate of speed while drunk as a skunk with a blank ass stare on her face.

This is sick. She could have hit someone head-on, and wiped out an entire family driving in the opposite direction.

And she acts like it was no big deal. How is this different from Shannon you ask?

Shannon owned it, cried about it, regretted it, talked about it. My Shannon critique would be that she should probably be sober.

She has the nerve to brag and praise herself that she had no serious injuries. A normal fucking, or at least a better fucking person would be saying “Thank God I didn’t kill anyone.”

I’m flabbergasted.

Anywayyyyy they go for breakfast at a strip mall pizza joint. Karen immediately looks worried. She knows she’s about to be dragged, but girl’s gotta pay that attorney to make a zillion excuses for her bad decisions.

Gizelle blows smoke up her ass and tells her she knows she doesn’t do stupid shit. Well I mean, um apparently she does, Gizelle.

That was really fucking stupid even though you don’t do stupid things,.

Can someone tell Gizzy that DUI and DWI are the same fucking thing? She lists the many citations of her evening which I’m sure Karen doesn’t appreciate, but she did have the option to not film. Just sayin.’

Can’t tell me she’s not totally loving this shit. Karen says “it’s a legal matter” and declines to comment. She looks like death.

It was that pesky deer…

Gizzy starts digging, and Karen tells her she can read and assures her she’ll talk about it when she’s able.

Yeah, sure you will. And yes Gizelle can read (I assume) but you’re also on a reality show to share your life and what goes on in it.

So as I mentioned earlier, what happened to her and Ray being in marital bliss? We don’t know because of course she’s vague about that too.

Everything that I’m going through contributed to my accident.”

They flash on 2018 when her mom passed away. I’m just throwing out there that it was six years ago. To use that as an excuse for driving drunk is a little — what’s the word?

Oh I know. Sick.

Now it’s marriage problems too, and they flash on 2020 – four years ago.

These occurrences from four and six years ago were the reason for driving while drunk in March of this year.

She’s so full of shit, she had to close her eyes while saying that. Pretty sure that’s a lying tick. Or like a child that thinks if they close their eyes you can’t see them.

If I close my eyes it’s almost like you can’t see me lying.

Karen slipped an employee a twenty to call her amazing and brag that she’s never had an alcoholic beverage while there. It’s a pizza joint that looks like it sells two kinds of low-budget wine. Pretty sure Karen is into the hard stuff.

This woman. My. God. She knows no boundaries when it comes to this smoke and mirrors shit. Gizelle calls BS in her yap.

Gizelle offers to throw her a little lunch party with the ladies for her birthday.

They discuss the guest list and then make some shady, but funny comments about Mia and her new DJ/radio personality BF that may or may not be the father of her kid (since she’s a skank and was fucking around on Gordon whilst trying to get pregnant.)

So apparently the dude is short and Mia’s like eight feet tall and when they post pics they do some manipulations such as her standing in the background to try to hide that he comes up to her tits.

I guess some short guys like their ugly bitches towering over them.

The dude is really short. I mean really short. They discuss what a ho she is. I paraphrased.


Speaking of the Skank, her scene is next, on a family outing with Gordon and their kids. Well at least one of his kids. Because Mia is a skank. Did I mention that??

Maybe her daughter’s not his either?? Like how do we know? If she was fucking this Inc guy when the older kid was conceived why would she still have not been fucking him when she got pregnant with the younger one was as well?? is anyone asking that?

Fucking around on your husband with little kids at home is disgusting and skanky. Some guys like that I guess?? Euwwwwww. You know to guys, a hole is a hole is a hole. They’re not that choosy. Especially one that’s across the lot.

Not sure why Mia’s trying to act like mother of the year here, but I have no patience for it.

It’s important that my children’s father be in their life.” Okay Mia, so it would help if you knew who your children’s father even IS.

Gordon is living in the same building as Mia. She tries to act like it’s all rainbows and unicorns and they’re besties, but it actually is awkward for Gordon. As you can imagine.

They shoo the kids off to scooter around, while they argue about how their separation went down and whether or not she was already fucking around with the little dude when they were still together.

Mia is so fucking out in left field and clueless that she refers to her son spending time with her new/old boyfriend who may or may not be his father, as part of ‘co-parenting.’ This girl is TRASH. It sounds like getting a hair cut may have been his and Gordon’s special thing and Gordon was hurt by her having her BF take him. I guess to a literal fucking ho that’s part of co-parenting.

Sounds like ho-math to me. There’s ‘girl math’ and then there’s Mia math.

I feel bad for Gordon. He looks awful. Imagine not knowing if your kid is yours or not.

Thanks for at least folding my underwear.

She talks about getting a paternity test to see who Jeremiah’s father is like she’s talking about the weather. I’m in like disbelief.

Actually there’s a third guy that might be the baby daddy.

Can you imagine this kid watching this shit at some point in his life? She’s mad Gordon told the world she doesn’t know who the father of her kid is, but she doesn’t, so…let’s lose the woe is me act.

First she says she has no doubt Gordon is his dad, then she says yeah, it’s possible that he isn’t.

What is happening? Did I stroke out at some point here?

Then she goes on to say Inc is going to go ‘through the courts’ to find out? I’m sitting here with my mouth hanging open at the non-self-awareness of this broad.


Well we move from one ho to the next. Now this one is on deck, who consults with her attorney and feels finally ready to proceed with her divorce from her sugar daddy.

Sure get me that retired judge, wink wink.

She’s been content with where things are. AKA she was milking him for every last cent since she knew she wasn’t going to end up with the big payday she was looking for.

She makes some disturbing skanky yap comments. Wow girl. Just wow.

They discuss how they would handle the mediation between her and Michael. Like why a ‘retired’ judge? Are we trying to find Ashley her next husband?

Now THAT was funny.

I’m realizing my only Potomac HW I really liked is Candiace. Now that she’s gone I may not have a lot of positive things to say. I like this Stacey chick so far.


Next we have Wendy. I thought she left Johns Hopkins last season actually. She never talked about how she was a professor and I also couldn’t fathom how on earth she was being taken seriously by students given her behavior on the show.

This scene is pretty fucking dumb because they have her moving all of her stuff from her office to their home office, however she hasn’t officially given her resignation yet, supposedly.

She emails her resignation to them in this scene, supposedly, allegedly. I can’t imagine they’re that upset.

I don’t care for Wendy at all. I feel bad for Eddie. Between him and OC Eddie – they both seem pretty miserable and afraid of their wives.

Let’s start a movement! #FreetheEddies!!

Guess she’s going to concentrate on making candles and foolish… never mind.

Oh yeah what about her ‘talk show?’ Last I heard it was on You Tube. She hasn’t mentioned it so must be non-existent at this point.

That scene was stupid.

Eddie, come on, grow a pair. We want to see an actual ‘Happy Eddie.’

Can we please not have her wacko mom on screen this season? I’ve had about all I can take of Susan the red wine-guzzling witch from last year.


Karen shops for a dress for her birthday party. I thought I was funny she wanted pink but showed up in boring blah black. And a horrible hat.

We meet Vivien, a friend of Karen’s not a Housewife, and Stacey who is official. Also she’s newly separated/getting divorced. Whatever. Who’s shocked at that??

Karen plays dumb when asked if it’s okay they’re having a glass of bubbly in front of her. She claims the only reason she’s not having a drink right now is due to ‘medication.’

Constantly lying.


Time for Karen’s ‘Hattitude’ party that Gizelle is hostessing, complete with a ‘Cardboard Karen.’

Supposedly if anyone misbehaves that have to wear an embarrassing hat.

All kidding aside, they may as well used the cardboard version in place of her because we’re getting nothing from this woman but a grim emotionless blank stares and sketchy info and lies.

It’s being adjudicated!!

Bravo could have saved themselves some money.

Anyway Gizelle bought everyone their own personal hat. Or Bravo did. I don’t mean to be repetitive but this cardboard Karen looks exactly like the real Karen this season. Flat and unable to speak.

Shady Ashley includes Uber gift cards in her gift basket. Sha-DEEE!! But funny, and also not funny at the same time.

So did her and Ray get into a fight that night? Shannon did share the details of her evening, I want to point out.

Jacqueline’s back in a ‘friend’ role. The guests start to arrive and immediately gossip about the DUI.

I kind of feel like the event should have been non-alcoholic. That would have been a nice non-shady gesture.

Wendy arrives over-dressed. She tends to miss the mark when it comes to choosing outfits. I wish they would’ve kept Nneka just to annoy Wendy. I don’t get why they didn’t.

I don’t recall Wendy and Gizelle’s specific beef from last season but apparently there was one. Or maybe they just never liked each other. I forget.

Mia tells the group Karen called Jacqueline while drunk so that doesn’t look good.

Guest of honor arrives wearing a ridiculous cowboy hat with tinsel hanging from it. Was she tipsy when she chose this?

Maybe this horrible hat will distract them from my DUI.

Guess she never got that pink dress at her friend’s boutique. It did look like a pricey place, and she does have many citations to pay.

New girl Stacy seems like a cutie. And if you can believe it, Wendy knows her and doesn’t immediately hate her like she did with Nneka. I guess she doesn’t feel threatened by a formal QVC personality verses a successful fellow Nigerian lawyer.

It’s good to see someone coming in with positive energy” I believe was a dig on Nneka.

Nneka did have mostly positive energy, until she wanted Wendy’s wacko drunk mom to own her disturbing comments. Wendy’s personality is a lot like Karen’s. Can’t ever admit to any sort of faults.

There is a non-alcoholic featured drink. Karen doesn’t seem to like that description very much.

Maybe if Karen addressed the DUI head-on there wouldn’t be all of these little digs made.

Gizelle announces the party rule that if someone gets out of line they have to wear the taco hat. Yet for some reason, no one ends up wearing it.

Karen tells the ladies to go ahead and ask her any questions, but when they do won’t answer them citing her inability to discuss it. ‘Legally’ she can’t, she claims. It’s pretty sad she can’t just own the shit instead of making a bunch of excuses trying to get out of it.

Jacqueline says she’s happy Karen’s okay and “no child was killed.”

She claims she’s not worried about judgment. She’s extremely worried about judgment.

She turns it into a game as to who her real friends are and as I said, offers no explanations. She clearly wants pity and sympathy.

Ashley points out this is typical behavior for her when she has an embarrassing situation.

So GNA is still a thing even though there seems to be nothing on the website besides six crappy logo articles exactly like it was an entire year ago. I see they’ve come really far. See for yourself if you don’t believe me, link is below.

The site even says ‘full line coming in spring 2024.’ It’s now fall of 2024. Sounds a little like “spring, summer or September…”

Now they’re ‘fusing it’ with other products? With nothing as Wendy points out. But then again what’s the deal with her talk show? I feel like if it was a success she would have announced that by now.

So Mia gets a ‘pimp’ hat because you know I may have mentioned she’s a skank and a ho. I may have mentioned that.

She corrects the ladies that the little guy is not a DJ but a radio personality. Like who cares. Not the point.

Have you shared him with Jacqueline yet?” That was phrased oddly and pretty sure that was on purpose. Hoping you all were following that. Karen wants to get the focus off of her.

Mia starts breaking a sweat, literally and has to remove her pimp hat. She tries to paint them all as one big happy family and Gordon is totally fine with everything.

She tells a weird dirty laundry story to prove her point, that she and Inc did G’s laundry for him??

Is this a new way airing your dirty laundry??

Jacqueline tries to speak on her behalf and refers to her marriage as a ‘business relationship.’ I feel like she’s trying to diminish her marriage and relationship with this man that she clearly married for money. As if that’s not bad enough.

Karen is definitely trying to get the focus off of her drunk-driving incident and

goes right to Gordon’s announcement last season that her kids saw her in bed with Inc when she was still technically with Gordon. I feel like she didn’t expect Gordon to blurt that out last year. I don’t agree with Karen’s deflection tactic, but oh well.

Gizelle tells her she didn’t protect her kids since she got this dude involved and all of the messiness that’s ensued.

She cries about being in an abusive situation. Gordon didn’t handle her infidelity well, but I don’t believe he was an abusive husband throughout their marriage. I think she just liked having a sidepiece because she’s a skank.

It’s cool I don’t know who their dad is ! They play Bball

Skanky women fuck other men while they’re married. Period.

Wendy defends her which is surprising. Mia gets emotional stating her kids are happy, on a traveling basketball team (not sure who that’s relevant) and ‘protected.’

Well I mean she’s on TV almost bragging that she doesn’t know if her husband is the father of her kid or not, so I would say she’s not really thinking of her son’s welfare.

She runs to the bathroom crying.

I think Gizelle and Karen should be wearing the taco and banana hat right now don’t we think?

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