Below Deck Med – 9/16/24 – Color Me Shocked!

It’s 3am and Gael is losing her shit over Nate seemingly ‘forgetting’ their tentative plans to travel together after the last charter.

Not sure what even happened. She went from crying and wailing about how pissed off she is that he would be so dismissive, to cuddling with him in bed at Aesha’s encouragement.

Like sure! Go kiss his ass after he acted like a fucking douche bag. That’s a great idea!! That’ll teach him!

She keeps calling herself silly and stupid for being upset when she had every reason to be pissed.

Nathan doesn’t even know what she’s pissed off about. He asks her what’s wrong and she says “nothing.”

This is why guys treat her like crap – because she lets them.

Joe insists he’s into Carrie but only as a ‘mate’ (as in friend.)

Carrie was on WWHL live Monday just calling Ellie out on her cracra ‘I AM THE second stew’ bullshit

Guess Nate’s not going to Ireland with Joe? He’s now looking at hotels for him and Gael. So confused.

What in the holy HELL is with these constant stupid tacky balloon arch things?
Is this a Greek thing?

Aesha talks to the girls and gives accolades to Carrie comparing her speed and work ethic to Ellie and Bri’s, which she really shouldn’t be doing, but we have a show to do. She knows this will annoy the piss out of Ellie. And it does.


New round of guests arrive, a tribe of dudes that Aesha knows from a previous charter.

So correct me if I’m wrong but NOBODY got fired ?

Could this be a Below Deck first? Bri and Jono got awful close, but supposedly Jono got redemption simply because there was no one else available.

Sandy probs tried to get Rachel, and Rachel was like ‘yea that’s a hard no Creepo’ after the way she lurked and leered, and love-bombed her on that charter she took over for Lee.

Bri continues to be doing a complete 180 in laundry due to these ‘color beads.’ I guess we gotta just go with it.

These guests seem really chill and normal.

Joe makes excuses in his yap for the douchey way he’s been treating Gael. He must secretly have a crush on her. He seems like that mentality to be mean to a chick that he likes, you know like six-year-old’s.

She’s actually demanding that I don’t call her demeaning names!

He tries to spin it around on her and says he has to tiptoe around her. I paraphrased but that is what he meant. No ass, you just need to not insult her and call her names for no fucking reason.

Ya know, I hate this guy. In the beginning I didn’t. I’ve changed my mind.

I find it hard to believe a fourth stew was needed. It seems to be frequent that there’s nothing for all of them to do. Aesha sends Ellie to laundry which is the worst decision, but that’s probably why she sent her there.

Aesha seems unfazed when Ellie tries to tattle on Carrie for telling her to leave the laundry room because she’s worried she’s going to mess up Bri’s color system.

Ellie’s still doing the scrunchies but at least she has one that goes with her uniform.

I know it’s petty but it’s bugging me!

The boat seems to be running like a well-oiled machine, on the last charter. Jono’s doing great, as is Bri, the deckies are all getting along, Ianin knows how to dock.

The only bad egg at this point is Ellie.

Carrie has such good vibes and positive energy. Love her.

Ellie is constantly preoccupied with who is doing what, and if she is busier than the others.

She radios ordering Bri and Carrie to help her decorate. I feel like she’s constantly trying to flex her ‘second stew-ness’ by bossing around Bri and Carrie.

Jono puts a ‘heart on’ the guys’ steaks. Hee hee. Sorry having a ten-year-old boy moment.

Aesha tells Bri she can go with the guests on the excursion since she hasn’t gotten the chance to do that.

Sandy and Aesha are planning Sandy’s marriage proposal. I want to be excited for her, but she’s just irritated me so much throughout the years with her weird tyrannical management style, borderline abuse, and constant favoritism.

Now, she has turned it around since the stepping in for Lee debacle. I believe she was told to by Bravo. I just don’t have respect for her and it’s that simple.

Iain does a great job as the tour guide with the guests at the ancient ruin thing. I was really impressed with his knowledge that he clearly studied and memorized.

Aesha notices how much Ellie likes to order the other girls around just for the sake of ordering them around.

I do want to say this though. It clearly depends on who the chief stew is, but I have seen Below Deck episodes of the chief stew allowing the second to dole out responsibilities to the third.

Often it does go their head, and causes conflict.

I think Ellie’s table settings are little too busy and lack elegance. Sorry Ellie.

The last straw seems to be Ellie telling Jono they’re clearing the table two seconds after Aesha already had. Which doesn’t really seem to be that big of a deal.

She confronts Ellie about overstepping her boundaries and reminds her that she is chief stew. Tonight she chose a rust-orange scrunchy. Girl has a scrunchy in every hideous color imaginable.

But I am second stew, that is WHO I AM!!

They flash on several scenes of her ordering Bri and Carrie around and not very nicely, proving Aesha’s point.

Next week is the finale and the marriage proposal. Looks like Joe fucks up the tender or something as they’re leaving.

Oh well. I feel sooooo bad!!

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