Real Housewives of OC -9/12/24 – Part 1 – Brush It Off!

I still don’t know what cheap wine has to do with family equality. I guess that’s not important

Heather apologizes to Shannon for Alexis being present. Well I mean she DID invite her so it’s not like it was out of her hands. She urges Shannon to still go to dinner which of course is the opposite of the advice she should have been given.

Heather offers Shannon her ‘glam.’ I’m not being mean in saying this, but she looks absolutely miserable, hollow and defeated. She needs to not go where Trampy McTrampy Alexis Baloney is right now.

Again I repeat I am extremely suspicious of Heather being so nice to Shannon. I believe she’s working on her image.

Is she just doing damage control?

John FaceTimes ‘Lexi.’ He’s such a fucking twat.

Did you all see him on WWHL Thursday?? Mr Doesn’t Want The Limelight was all mic’d up, front and center trying hard to not look annoyed. Whining like a little bitch about Shannon accusing him of making her pay for everything and calling her fat.

He flashed his big lizard smile, then when he thought that he wasn’t on camera, there was a sinister scowl.

She tells him that they’re having dinner “on the premise.” instead of on the premises. Two completely different words Mrs. Delicatessen. I put the caption on to see if it corrected the word and it sure didn’t!! There’s probably a special computer program when captioning the Housewives.


She has not changed. At all. I also noticed when she said she missed him, the way he said “IIIIIIII (pause) —— miss you too.” Lie. Yeah he doesn’t miss her. He could not care less about this broad.


The rumor mill is milling about how Gina blabbed to Shannon about these very infamous ‘videos.’

Alexis, you may or may not have heard is now claiming that she regrets bringing this up and bragging how “we never released them…” Well dummy true but the fact that you’re running around talking about it non-stop to everyone and their uncle about how horrible they are, and how they will ‘ruin her life’ is almost as bad.

And I mentioned this last week as well, I’m wondering, has she shown the other ladies? Because they keep repeating “they are BAAAAAD” as if they have seen them.

Shannon looks terrible.

The difference between her appearance now, compared the Ep 1 is night and day. She looked so svelte and relaxed. Now she’s puffy and distraught.

I really think she had little to no thoughts of Jackass John and had begun to move on when filming started in January.

I believe since filming she is drinking a lot again with all of this Alexis and Dirty John drama, when previously she was really trying to abstain. That’s just my opinion.

Emily drops in on Alexis.

I feel like these ladies are completely overdressed for this venue. I get the show, the cameras, but they should still not overdress for the occasion.

It comes off as desperate. They’re trying to walk around these cobblestones in stilettos. And is that fishnets Emily was wearing? Fishnets in this casual country venue? And why are they all in black?? I feel like jeans, cute boots, flats, a cute top or sweeter (in an actual color) would be appropriate for dinner.

Alexis appears to be is wearing a dead animal to have dinner ‘on the premise.’ On the premise of what?? Jackass Johnny should have asked her that. By now he probably is.

Back to Emily dropping in on Alexis to ask her to back off of this ridiculous vendetta she has against Shannon, who did nothing to her at all.

Alexis’ super profound answer is that “it’s not only Shannon’s side of the story…” Good answer ding dong. Good answer.

Tamra shut up about Shannon ordering a drink. Just shut up. I can’t say I completely agree either, but still just shut up. It’s giving you have NOTHING to contribute to the show at all. You bitching isn’t going to make her stop ordering a cocktail.

And I don’t really think Shannon is ‘analyzing’ her drink ordering as Tamra is overthinking. Which is amazing for Tamra that is capable of overthinking.

Pretty sure she’s had it with this Johnny Jackass/Housewife BS and needs a fucking drink. We all know she uses alcohol to self-medicate as a lot of people do.

Move on Tamra. Get a life. Work on your marriage. Spend time with your kids and grandkid. Go back to your Jesus thing. Something, anything.

Emily pulls out the “dirty, salacious and mean” description of this treatment of Shannon and the threats and blackmail about ‘the videos.’

Alexis claims there’s been mean nothing mean on our side, or the videos would be out already.”

There’s been nothing mean besides threats, blackmail, extortion…

Emily quickly points out running around bragging about them and dangling the threat is also horrible behavior.

Good for you Emily, first intelligent thing out of your cannon mouth since the season started. It actually doesn’t sound middle school snooty mean girl. It actually sounds mature and on point.

Alexis gets defensive and offers to not go to dinner to which Emily answers “okay.” I think she was wanting her to argue.

Poor Alexis – she doesn’t get to have dinner ‘on the premise.’ Does she have to go off the premise? We don’t know.

They all convene in the bar area and it literally looks like they’re going to a funeral. Enough with the black! Not to nit pick, but why wouldn’t they be wearing bright colors? I don’t know – maybe some rainbow something or other? They’re literally ALL in black. Like who the hell died?? I’m sorry I keep harping on this, but it’s annoying.

Shannon shares how ‘they’ won’t agree to take the fucking money and just go away. He’s clearly retaliating for the things she’s saying about him which we all know are true. Sorry Jackass you DID mooch off of your girlfriend for two years.

They flash on a past Jackass John scene when they were still together and this is how he proclaims his love for Shannon, just like he said he misses Alexis.

I’ve never loved anyone as deeply as the way I… (pause, gulp) —— love – her.”

Is anyone else noticing this? Like it killed him to say that.

Even after he said it, he looked like he wanted to fucking vomit.

Yuck I can’t believe I had to say that.

This man is not capable of loving anyone but himself. I know someone like that.

It’s quite obvi Tamra is going this hard to bat for Alexis upon Bravo instructions. And because she has no integrity and no interest in being ‘real’ on a reality show, she bends it over and takes it up the ass for Bravo moolah. Her vaca home doesn’t pay for itself and Eddie has limited earning potential.

And THAT is the truth. She doesn’t need to be taking that ding dong’s side. Ya know two things can be true. She can be annoyed about Shannon still drinking after her DUI, and nicely suggesting she go to rehab and gett off the juice, and she can also NOT support Alexis’ fucking head games she’s playing.

I feel like that’s kind of where I’m at, but then again I’m free to make my own decision and not held hostage by Bravo dangling cash over my head.

That must suck.

Alexis also needs support” she announces in her yap, in her stupid cocktail waitress dress, sounding like a Bravo robot.

Bravo is giving me a bonus for saying this.

Heather cracks me up too insisting she wants to be friends with Alexis when she also could not STAND this broad either previously.

Shannon complains loudly to Jenn away from the others as Alexis cries to King Jackass.

She comes back to the table asking to please not speak of them anymore so she can enjoy her dinner, then quickly starts bitching about him.

I can’t believe no one even said that. It was funny. At least I have a sense of humor when it comes to the Housewives even if no one else does.

Let’s NOT talk about Dirty John!!

Tamra finger banging Emily’s asshole on a pool table in a bar? I have no words. Guess she’s getting a lot of practice doing that at home.

Do these women not own anything in any type of color? If they’re not wearing head to toe jet black, they’re wearing shit brown. It’s annoying me as you can see. Rainbow colors ladies !!

We’re having a contest to see who can wear the most drab colors.

Katie won’t let the Heather paps thing go, I’m assuming because it’s her ‘thing’ and if she dropped it, she would come off as the dreaded ‘boring.’

She wants to again address this argument with her.

Possibly, and this does make some sense, she just wants to keep bringing it up to annoy Heather because Heather wants nothing more for it to just be dropped.

And why would that be? Oh because she’s guilty as charged. Duh. Is is that big of a deal? No. But, it’s kind of embarrassing first, that she does that to begin with and second that she actually thought those photos wouldn’t look staged. Thought she was an actress?? Oh yeah, never mind.

I do kind of wish Katie would stop blaming Gina though.

They break into two groups, which gets ‘blamed’ on Shannon not wanting to be around Alexis, but this has been the Housewife norm lately. They’re always doing this now so they all talk about each other and argue about it later.

The baker lady’s face when Tamra announces her violation of Emily asshole the previous night is priceless.

Get the fuck out of my kitchen…

They reassure Alexis they’re not against her because they are supporting Shannon. Why not? Why can’t they be against her? Why can’t they tell her that her actions are strongly resembling blackmail and it’s very abusive behavior to keep dangling this threat around.

Is there any line (or hole) these bitches will not cross?

The others are doing one of those weird sound bath things. Shannon who said she was sick and not attending, arrives lives late. I feel like she would have been better off just skipping this. She looks disoriented and forgetting a brush isn’t really helping either.

Now she starts hacking. She seems hungover honestly.

I see we were laying the groundwork for the Emily fashion show drama over her larger frame size. As they leave the bakery she randomly says about the fashion show, “I’m worried about those clothes fitting me.” After eating a shit ton of dough.

One would think if you were arranging a fashion show for your friends to walk in, you would ask everyone’s size ahead of time. I find it hard to believe they’re all the exact same size, other than Emily. Tamra is around my size so she’s probably a 2, Gina looks like at leas a 6 or maybe larger. Alexis isn’t as thin as she used to be – she may be a 4 or 6. So my point is, it’s ridiculous that Heather didn’t have Emily’s size available even though she’s larger.

Katie, true to her word approaches Heather again to fake apologize. Heather again completely shuts her down.

Yeah I think Katie is just doing this to annoy her, and it’s working.

Thought I agreed we were going to drop this??

So I guess this fashion show disaster is getting underway.

I don’t know how one can ‘need’ a Diet Coke. Apparently Jenn does.

Emily you can’t shove ten biscuits down gullet than whine you’re bigger than the other ladies and get mad at them for being thin.

Not sure why I’m not a size 4??

It’s all such a yawn. I don’t feel bad for a woman that intelligence and poor shames another woman, then blames her mom. So I’m forewarning you I’m not going to be very sympathetic here over her croc tears about feeling ‘excluded’ and having to wear jeans instead of these boring black pants.

Ya know, she’s a bigger girl but it’s not like she weighs 500 lbs. Pretty sure Heather could have made sure there were black pants available in her size. Let’s face it, Emily is more the average size of an American woman than the others.

So are you telling me these ‘basic’ black pants that Heather has collabed on for her charity are only available in a 2 or 4??

This is screaming contrived ‘fixed’ drama to listen to Emily play the fucking martyr about being larger than the other women, even though she lost weight.

So yes Emily we know, your mom didn’t put you on the bus and you’re a larger woman. Next?? Hopefully she comes up with a new schtick next season. BORING AF AND LIKE TAMRA, COMING OFF LIKE YOU HAVE NO LIFE, and maybe things aren’t great at home.

She cries and has her lip out about this over sized jacket she’s offered when over sized jackets are very much in style and women of all sizes are wearing them. Again, seems over dramatized, and a cry for attention. Maybe this is her mom’s fault too.

I feel excluded because my mom didn’t put me on the bus.


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