The Real Housewives of Dubai – Finale- 9/3/24- Part 2 – Bragging Rights

Ayan talking to her sister always makes me sad. If you’ve been reading my recaps you should know why.

They literally compliment each other and lift each other up. I love that. Her sister could easily be insanely jealous of her lavish life and be a bitter fucking mean girl twat like my sister started acting towards me, even though we were close for a very long time. Not because I have a lavish life, believe me. Best I can figure it’s because she gained weight and I didn’t. That’s pretty fucking shallow.

Ayan fills her sister in on the Lesa drama and how she feels kind of taken advantage of by her. Lesa told her she wasn’t allowed to communicate with the others about it on camera because it makes her look like a bad friend.

Ayan is just hanging around wearing this or perhaps she was on a photo shoot? Did you see those nails? Yikes. Can you imagine just wearing this like it’s normal?

I would love to just lounge around dressed like a heart.

I really don’t get why Ayan and Taleen are so desperate to be friends with Stanbury. I’m assuming it’s contrived in order to underscore Stanbury’s importance in the group.

They flash on some disconcerting scenes of Lesa telling her what to do and what to say and not say. The insane shit that Ayan wears and Lesa was giving her a hard time about fucking gloves when they were golfing?

What was going on when Ayan was mentioning her mom adopting kids? Lesa is like “cut it out, cut it out she’s giving story line.” Even physically pulling at her.

Not sure what the hell that was all about or who that woman was. Or why Lesa wouldn’t allow her to speak. It was really weird.


I do have to say this: Stanbury and Ayan throwing a dual ‘Queens’ party for the finale is a little – odd. As I said earlier it does seem like bitches are intentionally trying to get under Lesa’s skin, and she’s falling for it hook line and sinker.

Sitting at the entrance demanding their hands be kissed? Nobody wants to kiss their nasty hands. Gross.

Sara shares with Nina whom I love and MISS, I want her back, her ongoing ‘fighting’ with Akin.

Apparently after he hung up on her with that psycho smug face after she expressed concern for her child, they proceeded to text-argue all night long.

So he acts that disrespectfully to her and she still is trying to communicate with this fucking D Bag on steroids and wants to still proceed with a relationship?

What in the literal fuck Sara? Are you stupid or something??

Brooks brings a child as her makeshift date, or her actual date. Not exactly sure since Brooks lies.

Taleen and Raffi have a sense of humor about the demanded groveling hand smooching. Love Taleen’s dress.

I do anything for free drinks…

Lesa, of course refuses even a hand-kissing simulation. It is a little much.

She then gripes that there is no food available yet.

As if this whole concept wasn’t already hokey enough, they show some stupid video that wasn’t at all funny. Ayan should consider possibly dropping this ‘everyone’s jealous of me’ schtick. It’s getting old.

Lesa is so pissed about the video.

Ayan asks her if she wants to talk and Lesa makes that face I hate. It’s the face people make they’re overcompensating in acting like they don’t care. They stick their bottom lip way out and it looks stupid. I hope her face freezes like that.

Does this face make me look extra disinterested?

Her husband is even confused why should refuse to speak to her.

Ayan is pissed and drags Chris outside with her. These Dubai ladies just drag their husbands around and tell them what to do, and they say nothing.

Lesa decides that was pretty bitchy to make that stupid face and refuse to speak to her, and three minutes later has changed her mind and now wants to talk.

Ayan announces “the girls tell me I’m different with them than I am with you.”

She should stop leading with ‘what the girls said’ and instead say how SHE is feeling, not how they’re feeling. That right away puts Lesa on the defense.

Lesa scolds Ayan and tells her she thought they agreed to not discuss that.

Then the subject gets switched to an earlier convo that was not shown that resulted from Stanbury’s and Lesa’s truce lunch.

Was there bragging or was there not bragging?? I think the way Stanbury relayed the convo to Ayan was probably up to interpretation.

When they flash to the lunch, they show a scene not previously shown and yes, to me, Lesa appeared to be bragging/trying to impress Stanbury with the planned potential farm purchase in the rolling English countryside where her parents also live.

We’ll have a full staff and a whole organic garden…”

So I can see when Stanbury relayed to Ayan asking how it went, she said something to that nature, but perhaps didn’t use the word bragging. Remember Ayan barely even speaks English. She may have said ‘bragging’ but doesn’t remember. Didn’t she say she doesn’t even have the attention span to drive a car?

Also does it even matter? She kind of was bragging honestly. She knows Caroline comes from money and was trying to measure up and impress her.

‘Oh we’re hiring a whole staaafffff to do everything because you know – we’re wayyyyyy too pretty and important to get OUR hands dirty…’

It kind of sounded like that.

So instead of realizing they are each remembering the conversation differently and the exact verbiage that was used, they call each other liars, and it goes to a place it does not need to go.

I told you what we could and couldn’t not talk about!

Lesa walks away as if she’s dropping it, but of course we knew this wasn’t over. Especially since there are ten minutes to go. Thought this might be an extended super-sized show. So glad it wasn’t. We didn’t need to hear this cackling for another ten – twelve minutes.

She jumps back in when she overhears Ayan reassuring Stanbury that she didn’t tell Lesa she said she was bragging.

Lesa does that dreaded Housewife go-to when making an extreme point – ‘swearing on her children’s lives’ and even throws in for the hell of it, “God strike them dead.” What a horrible fucking thing to say. Who says that about their kids even in this context, which I know isn’t literal, but still. It’s horrific.

They’re all annoying anyway!! I wanted girls!

All of this arguing over Stanbury. She most be so flattered. Lesa’s even killing off her kids for her. Why doesn’t she just give one to Sergio so he shuts up.

Lesa is being so extra about all of this repeatedly yelling how Ayan is a LIAR to everyone.

Ayan does a weird cry/moan combo as she walks away down a long hallway and poor Stanbury feels like she as to chase her since they’re besties now you know.

And it’s kind of funny because consoling crying people is not in her wheelhouse.

Thank goodness Sara shows up to do the comforting.

We end on that note.

In the updates we see that Taleen and Brooks are again at each other, which is very typical nowadays. They start getting pissed about something that was said as the show plays out then start these very adult social media wars.

That’s a wrap on that. I did hear that the Dubai government wasn’t allowing the show anymore but that may or may not be true.

Hopefully this is not good-bye to Dubai.

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