Real Housewives of OC 8/15/24 – Grin and Bear It

Emily is so ICK ridiculing Jenn about money, or lack thereof.

It’s the day after the disaster dinner which let’s be honest, wasn’t unlike any other Housewife dinner.

I don’t give a FUUUUUCK, speaking of money, what Bravo is paying her (it makes it more sick that I doubt she needs it) it’s HORRID the way she’s tormenting this girl about her financial problems amid her separation and divorce from her husband in which she was a stay-at-home wife and mom of five.

It’s none of Ozempic Emily’s fucking business!! In what world do we live, that as adults we ridicule someone in public for not having a lot of money?

Fucking Emily in her forties, mother of three, guzzling alcohol for liquid courage, and calling someone stupid and questioning her finances and why she doesn’t sell a piece of jewelry she’s wearing?

And if I had a piece of jewelry that had sentimental value, I wouldn’t sell it either!

Okay fine, it’s kind of funny that the Rolex doesn’t work. But it also debunks Emily’s snarky remarks about selling it “to pay her bills” because she most likely won’t get shit for a broken Rolex, I wouldn’t think.

Mind your beeswax and worry about what’s goin’ on in your own household, in your weird ass loveless marriage with a dude from ‘Google chat’ that just wants to fuck in the ass. She’s frustrating!

Tamra and Emily act similar because they both need laid. In the proper place.

I love how Heather tries so hard to make it seem like she’s scolding Emily and doesn’t actually LOVE this, and getting wet panties over making fun of someone for not having money.

Hey Emily if you’re so worried about it, give her some of yours!!

I wonder if it’s true she’s trying to free Scott Peterson being involved in that Innocent Project thing she sort of kind of, not really does. That’s fucking SICK if it’s true. So she’s screaming at a mom of five in a restaurant ridiculing her for not being wealthy and being stupid, and is trying to free a man who viciously murdered his pregnant wife, dismembered her body and threw her in the ocean.

But hey he had good reason. He wasn’t ready to be a dad yet!! Come on! He panicked!!

Classy, Emily. Classy.

Now it’s Tamra’s turn to pretend she thinks Emily’s behavior was disgusting. She doesn’t. She also doesn’t remember being in a similar situation as Jenn when she was divorced from Simon and moving into Eddie’s house.

I guess it’s still 2005 and we can’t just pull up old episodes in two seconds to refresh on THAT scene.

How totally classy and mature of these ladies to guzzle espresso martini’s.

Dear Housewives: I don’t know shit about shit, but pretty sure it’s not a cocktail you chug one after another, and get sloppy drunk on.

They used to be a refined and sophisticateed drink, until fucking Housewives got hold of them.

These bitches ruin everything.

Shannon joins boutique shoppers, Katie and Gina who can barely stand each other but they’re shopping together.

Shannon looks hungover and claims she didn’t sleep well, which I don’t doubt and she may also be hungover.

Johnny Jackass is going hard now demanding money from her, plus interest and attorney’s fees.

Gina points out, who couldn’t have figured this out by herself, what I said last week, (which, okay was pointed out to me) two dudes that sued Shannon have both been a wife or girlfriend of this dumb bimbo Alexis Good Time Girl Bellino.

It does seem like she might have it in for Shannon (and Tamra, but Bravo ordered her to ‘like’ Alexis so she’d have fake friends to film with.)

Not sure why she hates Shannon. I don’t recall Shannon being a bitch to her, but I know Tamra was.

I feel like Shannon over the years has been a lot. And I can see Tamra being annoyed if she was calling her while drunk after her DUI to complain about her DUI.

Tamra’s delivery just blows. I want to assume it was a little better off camera, but WAS IT?

Also Gina didn’t get sober directly following her DUI either. Wanted to again point that out. Her rock bottom was when she pushed Travis down the stairs, which we ignored last season and I don’t know why. Which is why his ex-wife is making his life difficult living with Gina. Would you want your kids around that?

Quirky one and doner from a few back, Elizabeth Vargas, who we know married (and divorced of course) some off the charts rich dude, is making a cameo of sorts, and has enlisted fake Realtor Gina to list her house.

In a weird turn of events, Elizabeth is allowing Gina to use this house as a little overnight AirBNB. On the same night, Tamra has invited the other clique to Big Bear.

So they’re off on their prospective getaways. This is a new thing Bravo’s doing now with Housewives so they all talk about each other and get all riled up.

Alexis talks incessantly about how great Johnny Jackass is in the car.

A player’s only a player until he meets the right person.”

Since fucking when? A player is always a player.

So she tells on Jackass ‘Johnny’ and herself again, that she’s fucking full of it. Last week she said he GAVE Shannon money (not loaned) and now she’s admitting he was playing Shannon??

Wow Alexis, that’s a gem ya got there. What a fucking ding dong.

So they arrive at their destinations. Elizabeth’s house – I don’t even know what to say. It looks like a hotel.

Gina corrects Shannon calling the bedroom a ‘master.’ Okay Gina, calm down. No one cares. We don’t need to correct people. It’s still a master bedroom.

The Real Estate Gods recently decided ‘master’ was sexist or not all inclusive or some fucking liberal ridiculousness, so now it’s a ‘primary.’

Is Elizabeth trying to be a Housewife again I wonder?

If the Housewives that also aren’t all that bright such as Tamra and Gina, could stop making fun of Jenn for not being very bright, it would be nice. I’m embarrassed for them.

Not only are they harping on this woman for being so stupid who’s maybe slightly dumber than they are, but also a woman in a similar situation they themselves were once in amid divorces when they were also stay-at-home moms.

I would like to point out to Gina that Jenn couldn’t exactly live in one room with four teenagers. Gina’s kids are much younger and were little when she was getting divorced.

And Jenn is dumb?? I guess she kind of is, for not pointing all of this out to these evil narcissistic insecure broads. Why do I have to think of everything?

The girls I assume are making the now-trashy drink (thanks ladies!) Espresso Martini’s and all of these dumb broads keep grabbing the shaker by the top and spilling shit everywhere.

But they ARE a lot smarter than Jenn, honest!!

Last season Heather didn’t even know what they were and asked her server what was in them.

They find mold on her cutting board. What?? You mean there’s not a lot of chopping and meal-making in this fluorescent white kitchen? Who’da thunk?

In Big Bear, Alexis needs a consen-SUS on her outfit.

Yep, still the same 2009 Alexis. Remember she called a food that was a delicacy a ‘delicatessen.’ I warned you all right?? I’m usually not wrong about this shit.

She’s so fucking ditzy, she looks for Katie and Jenn who are standing right there.

To be fair Emily, Tamra and Gina, if we’re going to be screaming in Jenn’s face that she’s stupid, we damned well better be doing the same with Alexis.

What the fuck is with Tamra’s fucking boner for John?? Smiling all sweetly and talking to him on FaceTime telling he looks lean and ripped?? Eeuuww. She goes on to tell him every interaction she ever had with him has been pleasant, and Eddie loves him. Why don’t you just suck him off Tamra?? MY GOD. Just what a guy like that needs, his fucking ego fed.

Hey I’m around if things go south with this one.

What the fuck Tamra?? Does she want him now since she’s not getting any??

Was your ex Simon different behind closed doors than he was to friends and family?? Yes. He was, because that’s how abusers operate. Like fucking read something or watch a TikTok on narcissistic abuse. Or recall your life with Simon. Either way.

How soon we forget.

Pretty sure 99% of the viewers took Tamra’s side in her issues with Simon because we recognized an arrogant asshole abuser when we saw one. But hey Tamra stand there and fucking gush all over THIS nasty old Jackass!! WOW. Enjoy those big fat Bravo paychecks, because you’re selling your soul to the devil for them.

At least donate SOME of it to a worthwhile charity. Maybe to a shelter for abused women and children?

That was a rant, but it’s frustrating. But Jenn is sooooooooo dumb???

Emily and Shannon chat and Emily admits her inappropriateness at screaming at Jenn for no reason whatso fucking ever.

Has she apologized? Maybe I was in the bathroom because I don’t recall.

She doesn’t feel like she’s been aggressive??? Should we introduce the attorney to the definition of aggressive??

Shannon tells her Gina’s been shit talking her behind her back. Now she’s got her lip out and arms crossed, all mad.

OhhhKay Emily. Are you four?

This is my REALLY MAD look.

She now pouts and glares at Gina. Riveting.

So fucking scared of Mean Girl Emily.

Gina keeps asking her what’s wrong.

Big Bear bitches go out to dinner. La Quinta bitches eat their hot dogs.

I predict back and forth scenes as they all talk about each other.

I’m suddenly hungry for a hot dog.

Emily confronts Gina about whatever she said. Who even cares. The convo suddenly turns into Katie-trashing and this paparazzi fucking ridiculous story line.

Heather seriously claims this harmed her teen age and adult ‘children.’ Believe me Heather, they know what you’re like, and they know the pics were fake to deflect from the cheating ‘rumors.’ RUMORRRRS, SURE.

Does it bug anyone else or just me how these ladies constantly use their kids to deflect from their stupid behavior?? It’s so fucking disgusting.

Even Gina and the “MY CHILDREN!!!” thing at last season’s reunion made her sound asinine in reference to Shannon’s CPS claims had she not intervened.

But we’re not worried about “MY CHILDREN!!!” when we act like drunken fools on TV, or ridicule and pick on other women for the hell of it.

And if you’re that worried about the constant controversy of being a Housewife because of “MY CHILDREN!!!” thennnnnnnn… why are you a Housewife?

Oh you’re not THAT worried about “THE CHILLLLLLLLDRENNNNNN!!”

Okay back to those absurd Disney fucking photos – it was also circulating on social media months go when these pictures emerged that they looked — STAGED. AND STUPID.

You cheat again and that’s the thug I hired to castrate you.

It had nothing to do with Gina and Katie talking about it in December. It was because people have eyes and common sense.

YOUR CHILDREN!! were probably embarrassed their parents would go to Disneyland or World or whatever the fuck, where children go missing, but mmkay not important right now, and pretend to look happy and pointing at nothing, to pretend that their marriage is happy.

Either that or they didn’t give a fuck. Now she exploits Max and her anxiety. Are you fucking kidding us woman?? You CANNOT be serious.

But my twenty year old CHILD has anxiety!!

I don’t know what is even happening. I was busy noticing how Emily having very squinty small eyes and should probably wear less eye makeup, seems they’re arguing over ten minutes verses MONTHS in reference to Gina’s warning to Katie about blabbing what she knew about the paps being called. If I’m following.

I also have this overly chaotic RHONY Ultimate Girls Trip on in the background so that’s not helping.

Heather pretends to cry that she’s hurt and having a hard time.


Gina grovels.

No Tamra no one dies in ‘Goldilocks and Three Bears??’ WTF. Then there’s Jenn who’s like “Isn’t there a story about Three Bears??”

Yeah Jenn that would be Goldilocks. Very very very well known children’s story, woman with five kids.

Jenn and Alexis make me feel like a fucking brain surgeon.

Tamra has Jenn sticking her foot in an apple pie. Is this supposed to be a parody on the movie American Pie, where the kid stuck something else in a pie?

I did hear you can go on ‘Only Fans’ and just show your feet and make a couple bucks. I have cute feet. I’ll think about it. How hard can it be? If Jenn can do it…

Jenn tries to reason with Alexis to jump off of the ‘I hate Shannon’ train. It’s making her look very insecure, and obsessed.

Well what else am I going to talk about then?

She claims it’s because of the ‘lies’ Shannon is spreading about Jackass John. What’s weird about this, to me, is like Alexis were you present in their relationship that you’re making the assumption that Shannon is lying?

Why would a woman lie about a man being mean and abusive?? They wouldn’t.

I know I’m repetitive in that thought, but it’s true.

“Johnny’s ready to talk.” (about the DUI video) Apparently he has cameras around his house and yeah, I’m sure when Shannon arrived there completely shit faced and upset that he broke up with her, it was a shit show and embarrassing.

I just don’t get why this dude needs to add insult to injury. Isn’t this a red flag to this fucking bimbo?

If he’s so happy and content in his new relationship why wouldn’t you just let it all go?? Why would you want to be tangled up in a law suit with your ex over money? And aren’t you worried he will do this same thing to your if your relationship sours?

That is a lot of money that he GAVE to her (in Alexis’ own words) I get that, but Shannon also paid for a lot of shit.

In next week’s episode I saw a clip where she goes into detail about a vacation that she paid for, that included his kids as well.

And according to her she paid for a lot of outings, so wouldn’t you think he would call it a wash and move on with his new fucking dumb bimbo and get started on brainwashing and manipulating her?? Time’s a wastin.’

How much energy does this 63 year old man have already?? And he’s banging her four times a day. Supposedly.

So this piece of shit is dangling these videos over Shannon’s head from the DUI night?

Wow what a douchey fucking disgusting fucking PIG. He’s all yours Alexis.

Let’s touch base in a year, and see how it’s going.

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