Below Deck Med 7/29/24 – Bri Can Do It!

Laundry Saga continues…

Joe’s flirtations with both Laundry Girls continues…

Iain again doesn’t see the port guys when docking. Does he just need glasses? They were right there! Gael saw them.

Aesha approaches Bri about the infamous laundry list of laundry aka, Burn Book. Bri admits she was having suspicions about Ellie sabotaging her. I think. In her yap she says it was notes for herself.

Maybe a little of both?


Sandy tells Aesha she’s planning on proposing to her girlfriend during the charter and needs her help with the planning and execution.

You can totally see that Sandy has a type as I’ve always said, given the females on the boats that she’s taken a shine to. Malia, Hannah, Rachel (I know you may disagree with Hannah given Sandy was so mean to her but I have a theory on that.)

Very dramatic docking that was of course – dramatic. Iain even saw the line catcher guys right away all by himself. I feel like both Joe and Iain are challenged with doing their jobs effectively under pressure, having to think on their feet, which isn’t good given their positions. Iain throws the lines two seconds after she tells him not to throw the lines yet.

Shouldn’t a bosun know this?

In addition to needing glasses, he must need a hearing aid. He managed to spot the guys right away, but threw the lines before he was supposed to. He can’t seem to get it together.

Sandy is irritated with him throughout the entire docking and barking at him into the radio.

As long as you address me as Captain Sandy, it’s okay to screw up docking every single time.

It’s kind of funny but not funny.

After the tip meeting he immediately gets summoned and bitched at. I think she takes it pretty easy on him considering he’s the bosun and has been looking completely incompetent for several charters.

I don’t mean totally to keep bringing up her filling-in-for-Lee hostile abusive shit show, but sorry, I always seem to find reasons for it to rear it’s ugly head.

She was about a million times more pissed at Alissa for not addressing her as ‘Captain.’ Then promptly fired her.

Sandy your racism and favoritism towards the deck crew is showing. I’m no captain or anything, but a bosun not knowing the absolute bare minimum basics of docking seems a little more concerning than a stew calling you ‘Sandy.’

Just sayin.’


I love how Gael’s ignoring Captain Crazy Ass’s texts.

I know a lot might be on this dude’s side, becasuse she was flirty with Nate pretty early on, but having been with a psycho texting weirdo like him, I get it. She was, I’m sure getting put off by all of the whiny constant messages and being bitched at for not calling and texting enough. That is so not a turn-on to the average girl. So yeah. Nate is cute and is not psycho, and is giving her attention. What the hell do you expect.

The Love Triangle update: Joe is now into Ellie. She is working OT to get his attention so she can ‘win.’ Bri is sitting right across from them at dinner which is awkward.

I thought Joe wasn’t about being this ‘conquest.’ Apparently he is.

God she reminds me of someone. It’s all about the winning and getting ‘back at’ Bri. It’s so immature and frankly rather skanky. Even if she ‘s not sleeping with him, it’s slutty and odd behavior.

She brags about the suggestive comments she gets on her Insta.

If you think that’s bad you should see my Only Fans!

I can’t even imagine the slutty pictures she probably has on her IG.

So with Bri sitting across from them, she starts stroking his back and backside. I MEAN, come on. What a fucking ho.

Psycho starts texting Gael pouting and crying.

He threatens to ‘end it.’ Not sure why this upsets her. Like sayonara sociopath!!

Smell ya later! Move on to the next victim. She cries to Aesha how she thinks she really tried to keep him happy communication-wise, but it was never ever enough.

Dude didn’t give a fuck she was working all day and couldn’t sit and text like a twelve-year-old.

Aesha’s dude seems really cool and acts like a GROWN-UP so she can’t fathom having to babysit a fucking manchild all day long while she’s trying to work.

I’m sorry your boyfriend acts like a toddler. Is his name Doug Thomas?

I feel like Aesha would put up with a guy like this for about five minutes. Nate doesn’t seem too upset about the turn of events.

Did the crew all collectively decide to wear white? If so must’ve missed that.

Iain decided to go back to the boat so he can focus on his bonus responsibilities the following day. Great idea.

Ellie is shamelessly working it. Because that’s what ho’s do! The way they go at it in the back seat right behind Bri is so ick.

Nate and Gael are free to canoodle now that Psycho is officially out of the picture. She feels not supported by this dude since he was too selfish and immature to see that she was focusing on work and she couldn’t sit and text the weirdo all day. He reminds me of my weirdo ex.

She kind of lets him have it in a calm controlled manner about harassing her and being unsupportive.

It’s almost like he was out to sabotage her job or something. Can’t fathom a dude doing something like that! Asshole.


Sandy’s frustration with Bri continues. She brags how she’s giving her chances even though she keeps screwing up the laundry. What about Alissa though, Sandy Captain Sandy? She got fired for calling you ‘Sandy.’

I hate when she says “you’ll figure it out.” It’s not a terrible thing to say, it’s just the creepy way she says it.

I think Ellie is definitely going in there and screwing things up, perhaps not purposely. We have noticed she seems to be overselling her abilities.

Also she’s a toxic satanic hostile miserable bitch. And I do believe she’s getting into Bri’s head and making her feel like she’s nuts. Ellie brags that “everything is recorded so we’ll see Gael’s pants are here.”

Yeah they already rolled it, and she didn’t do with them what she said. I feel like Bri is really trying to organize what she’s doing and Ellie is just in there haphazardly doing shit. Normally there is only one person in laundry. Probably for this reason.

We see she wrote Jono’s name in a pair of pants that weren’t even Jono’s. So that’s kind of ——- telling. I don’t know that Bri is having ‘meltdowns’ as Ellie puts it. She talks to Bri so condescending. Her meltdowns are not ‘affecting other people.’ The others are going out of their way to ask if she’s okay because they can see she’s upset even though she’s trying to not act like it.


This crowd looks like trouble. I don’t know why, they just do.

Thought Aesha says she has an extraordinary gift of ‘reading the room.’ Not sure about that since she gives the primary this huge awkward hug, who was not at all receptive. Already I see she seems rather bitchy.

Also if she has this reading the room talent, why isn’t she able to see Ellie’s toxic and Mean Girl personality? We don’t know.

Ellie attempts to make a mojito, and it’s clearly not right, it’s obvious. Why is it orange? I’ve never seen an orange mojito. They are made with muddled mint, clear rum, club soda and lime. Thought you were so perfect Ellie??

I think SECOND STEW made me the wrong drink.

Aesha takes the girls on the shopping excursion. Take note that Bri is on break and Ellie is to be cleaning cabins per Aesha’s instructions.

Bri complains to Sandy about Ellie. Sandy gives her gibberish Sandy-type advice.

I hate to say it but Aesha is sort of not doing her chief stew job by not comprehending, or choosing not to see, the way that Ellie is treating Bri.

Come on Aesha, read the room!!

Back on the boat, Ellie blew off her instruction from her chief stew, her SUPERIOR, that she was to clean the cabins.

Bri tells her it’s pretty obvious she did this on purpose and unloads on her, and it’s clear no one has ever held her accountable before for her cracra behavior.

They show the lunch table and it looks like that took her five minutes and Bri was on break for two hours.

I am second stew!!”

Second stew outranks you and that is who I am!!”

I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!!

She loses her shit and starts to put her hands on Bri, which is kind of aggressive, but seems to stop herself.

Pay attention when I’m trying to yell at you for cleaning!!!

Like wow, girl just wow. And being a ‘second stew’ isn’t really that much to brag about. It’s like the hierarchy that she’s obsessed with only applies when it has to do with the two of them.

What about the instruction from the CHIEF STEW to clean cabins?? She keeps ordering her to “stop cleaning” which is absurd because Ellie stuck her with this by herself.

Ellie is in her cabin on break clearly not able to relax after her behavior, as she keeps getting up and down and fidgeting. Wonder why that is.

Aesha confronts Ellie and she has no answer for why the cabins were not done. Why is no one saying the table setting was not even extravagant and took five minutes so what were you doing for two hours??

She pretends to cry.

Aesha goes to Sandy and wants her to get involved in this alpha girl drama.

I don’t know why Sandy claims she would fire both of them simultaneously. That would be so stupid and would never ever happen.

She summons them to the bridge. Not sure why she corrects Bri from asking Ellie exactly what she was doing that she didn’t do cabins. It’s like we’re all covering for Ellie.

Again, she never does answer it. Where’s the footage?

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