Real Housewives of Dubai (part 1) – 7/16/24 – Life’s a Beach

Watching the episode recaps before the new show starts, Lesa is totally jinxing her marriage by talking about having this ‘Plan B’ in the event Rich should leave her. You don’t put that shit out into the universe, girl!! They seem to have a good relationship, and not a toxic one at all, but still!! Ya don’t do that!!

If I find out this man is cheating on her I promise I will fly to Dubai, I don’t give a shit how far it is, I’ll sell what I need to, and cut his nuts off.

Okay I feel better now.


Ayan is getting ready for her beauty products launch thing, and you know she is going to be over the top. She’s going to be one of the typical housewives that has a ‘business’ that she is nothing but a figure head for, as opposed to Lesa. After this soiree, we’ll probably never hear her mention it again. It’s the Housewife way.

Gina on OC had a ‘skincare line’ like three – four years ago. Remember that? What happened to that?

Tamra last season there was an episode about some random multi-million dollar Cannabis business that came out of nowhere that she got recognized for, at the end of the season. that we didn’t hear one damned word about. What else? Oh, Teresa on Jersey and the yoga/workout gear two or three years ago… The list goes on and on and on … It’s hard to take these Housewife business ideas and ‘launches’ seriously. Sorry ladies, it’s not impressive. If someone hands you the products, does all the leg work, and you do nothing but pose for pictures, then you shouldn’t be getting a parade and accolades.

Toni Malt, this ‘managing partner’ is most likely the brains behind the operation, and like I said, Ayan’s name and likeness is slapped on the packaging and she takes all the credit.

She’s turning a makeup/lash introduction into a fashion show, because she can.

It is cool her brother and sister both flew in for the event. A lot of families visiting this season on Dubai.

Basically Ayan is just showing up and wearing a completely over the top seven foot train couture designer gown robe thing and taking the credit this shit.

She sits in the a hallway crying being very dramatic. This chick is weird. You may say eccentric. I say weird. Literally all she has to do is walk out into the crowd,

I’m so anxious about doing absolutely nothing!

There are several men walking the ‘runway’ when this event is supposed to be advertising makeup and lashes. That I do not get. Clearly this was to advertise herself not her products.

Stanbury expresses extreme annoyance at Brooks and Sara being BFF’s.

They complain it’s cold when it’s 77. You would think they’d be glad it’s not oppressively hot.

Brooks ignores Taleen. She is clearly getting into the Housewife ‘character’ as Bravo now encourages them to do. It’s no longer a reality show, and the few that still try to be their authentic selves get walked all over and accused of NOT being authentic. The two that come to mind in that description are Candiace on Potomac and Shannon on OC.

I still think there’s a little bit of a ‘thing’ between Sara and Sergio. And don’t tell me you’re not seeing it too.

They go too hard at the brother-sister thing, as if they’re trying hard to convince the viewers of that, and each other. Sara complains to him about Caroline, which she shouldn’t be doing.

Oh hey sis!!
Whassup Bro??? (wink wink)

Brooks and Talene seem to have smoothed things over, but Brooks is acting very weird. Maybe it’s just weird that she’s sober.

She claims she “has a good heart.” Oh Okay Brooks.

Sara thinks she’s introducing this Germany dude to her family. Silly Sara – is she really unaware he’s running for the hills, after her kid was shaking his booty in his face all week, and then she informed him he has to financially support her??

Ayan’s ‘managing partner’ missed the memo that it’s a formal event. Looking like fashion isn’t her strong suit. She looks a little smitten with Ayan.

I don’t even care if you take all the credit.

Ayan explains the next step is to get the products into stores and online. Of which she will be doing absolutely NONE of.

Must be nice to not have to lift a fucking finger. Ever.

I just noticed the hand prints on her partner’s shirt.

Couldn’t Ayan get her a dress to wear?? Jesus that’s embarrassing.


Brooks, Lesa and Sara meet for drinks and talking dirt.

Brooks demands a ‘seat’ for her purse.

Brooks calling Stanbury narcissistic is rich. She then goes on to say she really apologized to Taleen for calling her a ‘beggar’ for allegedly begging her to get her on the show, not for their argument at the desert dinner. Did they cut that part out or is she blatantly lying?? I’m going with the latter.

Oh Stanbury’s a narcissist??

She goes into her Housewife ‘character.’ as she snarkily delivers her stories at how desperate Taleen was to be in the Housewife circle and to be on the show. I think there is some truth to that, but don’t think Taleen expected this. Although she should have.


I’m glazing over Ayan meeting her siblings on the beach gushing all over each other and how far they’ve come from an African village. We know. They’re close. We get it.


Lesa and Rich are the most glamorous and hot fucking couple on all of Bravo. Period. Dot. They’re having a date night. Did Lesa really say “FINALLY” to the server when she got her wine? That’s so rude. Girl lighten up.

She tries to discuss with him how over-extended she feels with their three kids and her business. She actually does run her business, as opposed to most Housewives.

While you’re getting pedi’s, Suzi, I’m running around in circles!

He agrees to help more and hugs her as she cries. He seems like such a sweetie. And he’s hot!!! He showers her with compliments of how amazing she is.

Now THAT’S a real man! Take notes douchebags of the world!! I better not find out otherwise! See above Rich!! You will be sorry!!

Okay babe, I don’t some crazy chick cutting my nuts off…


This spot where Lesa, Ayan, and new besties Taleen and Stanbury meet is absolutely astoundingly breathtaking and ridiculous. It looks like these beach chairs are perched on a cliff overlooking the city,

They all keep repeating “this is so niiiiiiiiiice!”

Yeah I would say it’s ‘nice.’ Tough life these bitches have.

Not sure why Ayan opted for a scarecrow look??

Where’s the Tin Man?

Great news!! There’s a Housewife arguing trip to Bali in the works.

Lesa breaks the news to Taleen that Brooks is blabbing how she begged her to get her Housewives.

Well, I kind of did but didn’t think she’d blab it!

Taleen looks mortified.

Part 2 to be continued… Running a little behind this week!! How is it Sunday already???

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