Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion Part 3 (part 1 recap)

The big ‘secret’ is that Gordon is mentally ill and has Bipolar 1. This is what has been causing his mood swings and emotional abuse towards Mia, locking her in a room, taking her phone etc.

He explains how your mind sort of works in reverse when you have this illness, and tricks you into thinking you’re normal, and it’s everybody else that’s the problem.


I’m mentally ill – yeah that’s it.

I’m not buying it. My first instinct was to believe it. Then I did this thinking for myself craziness, because you have to with these people, since you know, they lie.

I was thinking how it all sounds kind of sketchy, then after further consideration and hearing that he’s suddenly back in good graces, and things are “one hundred percent better” to quote him exactly, with his siblings, you really do wonder.

My take is that I think the family was embarrassed by Mia, and wanted to get rid of her position in the company. They’ve probably always been embarrassed by her, but tolerated her over the years.

I believe when she started fucking around with this Inc guy, is when they cut their positions from the business and didn’t want Mia as representation.

Gordon is their brother. Can you really blame them for not wanting a bitch working for your family business that is cheating on your brother??

It all makes sense. And I think that Mia realized this, and that’s why she was so against Gordon pursuing a law suit against them and just letting it go, to save her from further embarrassment.

Could he have been really diagnosed with BP? Possibly. It’s possible. But I still think the true reason for all of this upheaval was Mia’s trashy behavior.

Running around on your husband, whether it’s openly or discreetly, is trashy fucking behavior, especially when you have young kids at home.

And that is a fact.

And if you’re a dude and ‘attracted’ to that kind of garbage whore, well then guess that makes you trash too. Go be trashy together. Stop involving others in your deplorable pathetic lives.

And all of this undying support of Gordon, and being the perfect wife even though they’re separated, and taking care of him and blah blah blah… whatever. I’m not giving her any fucking accolades.

Mia is so amazing – telling the world she married me for money only and cheating.

I noticed something contradictory. Last week when asked about the law suit with the apartment building where they were living during filming, she said the reason is because she refused to pay ‘his half’ of the rent due.

That doesn’t sound very loving and supportive does it? They’re married. There is no ‘his half and her half.’ It’s one whole half that you both owe.

I never thought it seemed like he was Bipolar. I know we’re not seeing their whole life, we’re not seeing what goes on behind closed doors, but he has been filmed quite a bit with Mia. I think we would have seen some sort of signs of this. Never came off to me as an asshole or abusive. We’ve never seen any types of meltdowns or even arguments.

I know someone that I’m pretty sure is BP, and every day there was a manic meltdown, and multiple mood swings.

When you genuinely have a reason to be very upset, such as losing all of your money and income, your family shunning you, and your wife skanking around on you, that’s grounds to behave in a way that’s erratic, and not like your normal self.

I just don’t see this dude as ‘manic.’

I think maybe he was reacting over a lot of unfortunate circumstances happening all at once. He claims he can feel the manic moods coming, and has been taught how to control them, and there are also meds that help.

I feel like he’s going really hard at protecting Mia, and making himself out to be the bad guy. If so I suppose that’s admirable. Some guys go to lengths of making shit up about their ex and never acknowledging any of their deplorable behavior.

So that scene we saw on the finale, he’s claiming was a manic episode? I didn’t see a manic meltdown there, because I know what they look like. He was upset and hurt, yes, but speaking directly to her calmly like an adult.

Not sending a barrage of psycho text messages. Or bringing things up that made no sense, or ‘threatening’ to have sex with another woman.

I saw a man upset that his wife was fucking another dude and not even bothering to be discreet about it, and even bringing the dude around his children.

I think Mia made up the being locked in her room story. He says they have forgiven each other. Gordon has forgiven her for cheating and Mia ha forgiven him for his ‘manicness.’ He shares that he checked himself into a hospital and Mia visited him every day and has just been an amazing support.

So she’s ‘amazing’ after she married him for his money only and admitted it on national TV, he loses his position and income in his business because of her, and has been openly cheating on him.



New girl on the block Nneka is up, so we’ll be diving into you know what. As with Wendy’s sick fucking black-heart no-soul comments about Gizelle’s dad, I expected that she would get off easy again, and Andy did not disappoint. Well he did disappoint, but you know what I mean.

Nneka is apparently out for the 2024 season, I just read. Overall I was mostly okay with her. She seemed a little too materialistic for my liking. I think perhaps since the Wendy thing came to sort of a conclusion (they agreed to coexist or whatever, Wendy admitted to no wrongdoing, shocker) she did not have much to bring to the table for a new season. I don’t think it’s because she was terrible and a complete disaster, like Annemarie on Beverly Hills who also got shown the door after one season.

Even if you’re a fan of Wendy, which makes me concerned for you, and your thought process and intelligence, and eye sight and hearing, but I’ll try not to judge you, you HAVE to be able to admit that Wendy’s mom is a little – let’s say off. Not normal. Out there. Way fucking out there.

Wendy’s face is immediately her smirky shady sketchy shyster fucking twat face as soon as Andy mentions ‘the shrine.’

Sorry for the colorful language. I can’t stand her. I can’t stand her type. I can’t stand people like her. She’s out to ruin others due to own insecurities and inability to function like a normal fucking person, so you hate people that can.

You hate people that don’t have your mental illness, because you’re so jealous of them. The alternative to that, though, just putting this out there, is admitting you have a problem and getting help. It’s called doctors, it’s called medication. It’s a new thing.

She deserves it for telling people she knows me…

I’m guessing Nneka didn’t want anyone to know that she grew up in Wisconsin for some reason. Is Wisconsin embarrassing? That’s where she grew up, yet it wasn’t mentioned in her tag line where she talks about her heritage and the places she’s lived. I would say the area in which you grew up is what ‘makes’ you. Not where your parents are from, or where you lived briefly.

First up is the Osu argument that happened early in the season due to messy ass Ashley doing her job, earning that Bravo check that she desperately will be needing should Michael decide to cut her off completely.

Andy prefaces this conversation acknowledging the sensitivity and reassures that production knew nothing at all, of that going on with the phone calls by crazy ass fucking Susan.

Without diving too much into it, here is the basic definition.

Osu” refers to a social caste system among the Igbo ethnic group. The term “Osu” historically designated individuals considered outcasts or untouchables due to their perceived association with deities or spirits.”

I just don’t get her. Andy confirms they were trying to cast Nneka because it appeared they at least casually knew each other and had mutual friends.


Such a mystery to a normal rational human, as to why this infuriates Wendy so much. Nneka is a lawyer, her husband is a doctor, so I don’t get the seemingly complete animosity and extremely bothered attitude about it, as if they’re riffraff or something. Maybe that’s the problem, because they are successful.

Don’t worry Wendy, you’re still the only one with four fucking useless degrees. Relax. Take a laxative.

As I mentioned, I think it’s extreme jealousy because Nneka is normal and not mentally disturbed with various personality disorders.

If Gordon is admitting to having BP, and I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he does, and he’s not just trying to cover for Mia, I think Wendy should admit to having NPD and BPD.

Oh wait that’s right, they can’t. Because in their ulterior universe, they truly believe it’s everyone else that’s fucked up. So everyone around them suffers, while they sit arrogant in their homes, insisting it’s not them, with their heads up their own asshole.

Love that for them.

And if anyone can explain to me what is so wrong with Nneka saying ‘I know Wendy, or I met Wendy’ because she met her one time, then I’m all fucking ears. She didn’t say they were BFF’s – she said she met her.

I can see myself saying someone that I met once or twice, that I know her, or I met her. And if that person was ‘upset’ by this I would seriously wonder if that person was mentally impaired, as in special needs, or just really really strange. So pick one, Wendy.

Nnkeka is so confused, as we all are.

Woman did your drunk ass mom drop you on your head??

So the issues is, get ready for it, you’re not going to believe it, because it does sound really traumatic to Four Degrees. Here it is:

Wendy told producers that she ‘doesn’t know Nneka’ and Nneka said that she had met Wendy once, when they had indeed met once.

That seriously is what Wendy Osefo is all fired up about, to the point where she bitched about it so emphatically to her completely fucking cracra also NPD and possibly alcoholic mother, and her mother made disparaging social media posts and phone calls, and said she was praying against her and submitted her name to a shrine.

No wonder Eddie’s family fucking hates her. Would you want your son married to this??

And Wendy can’t just say ‘yeah it got taken a little too far, there was red wine and a straw involved, sorry my bad.’

That’s what a normal person would do.

Andy backs up Nneka, believe it or not, and blames Bravo sort of, by saying in producers’ minds, if a potential Housewife says she has met an existing Housewife, they are the ones that maybe assumed they were more acquainted.

I wish Andy would have taken this opportunity because Wendy looks a little embarrassed, a LITTLE, and said something like ‘just curious, why did that bother you so much? We honestly didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.’

But he also left her off the hook for saying she doesn’t give a shit about a person that died a few days later, so why would she take accountability for this??

She does backpedal somewhat, and tries to say she wasn’t shading or mad about it, she merely responded with “I don’t know her…”

Did I mention I don’t know her???

But a minute ago she acted annoyed when she drilled Nnkea “so you DID say it??” (that she knows her)

Now four degrees is sitting here playing fucking dumb.

Nneka gets asked if she tried to get in contact with Wendy about the show. Wendy does not stop smirking, sneering and making fucking ugly faces. Not that she has to try that hard.

Nneka shares that MTM first reached out to Iyke, then approached Nneka and pitched Housewives since she lives in the Potomac area, and there is another Nigerian Housewife. That’s probably when Nneka innocently said “Oh I met Wendy.” Did that possibly aid her in Bravo deciding to put her on the show? Possibly, a little. But I still think they would’ve cast her.

Little did she know….

Osu thing gets officially addressed, and Wendy defers to Ashley since she is the one that chose to introduce the term to the show by asking Nneka about it and sort of insinuating that they are involved in it.

She says to be fair, she’s never claimed to know what it means. So in all of this time this dimwit has not once consulted with the Google Gods to see wtf it even means.

WENDY, a girl’s gotta eat…

Wendy is making ALL KINDS of constipated weird faces and blinking a mile a minute. When she knows she’s wrong and feels uncomfortable, she blinks rapidly.

She has done this every time Nneka was in a scene with her this season. It was funny and quite entertaining for me.

Does blinking like this make me look crazy??

She’s so bothered by Nneka because Nneka has her number and knows she’s a fucking liar and full of shit.

Nneka won’t even explain it, because it’s so taboo and they don’t speak about it. Wendy actually agrees with her, believe it or not, and scolds Ashley for bringing it up.

Ashley reminds that she has apologized.

Andy reminds Wendy that Nneka has apologized for calling Wendy’s mom a witch (she is) and what else does she need to move on. Wendy doesn’t need anything. She wants to coexist and move forward.

She literally – literally tells Nneka to “take accountability and move forward.”

Four Degrees Dipshit, she HAS taken accountability. She has apologized for calling your crazy drunk mom a witch, she explained her innocent comment of “I met her.”

What the hell else do you want from this woman??

Have you taken accountability?? No. Project and deflect, lie and deny, this is what BRP’s/NPR’s do.

Nneka breaks down the multitude of things Wendy has taken NO accountability for as Four Degrees knows that it’s all true.

She says nothing, as Nnkea lists all of her horrible behavior. Wendy blinks like 5000 times per second. Then makes poop faces.

This is my extra constipated face when I know I’m acting like a piece of shit.

She repeats the ‘coexist’ thing and doesn’t address all of Nneka’s accusations at all. Andy lets her go.

As for the husbands, what was their purpose really? I noticed Eddie said not one fucking word the entire time he was on. They may as well of AI’d his ass, or just an old fashioned cardboard cut-out. He knows his wife is a fucking wacko. I’m sure she ordered him not to speak. He complied.

Ray said “Central Potomac.” Iyke also said two words. Chris lied his ass off and looked guilty as hell.

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