Real Housewives of Salt Lake 10/10/23

We’re still on the vumoooooooors about the husband.

Angie confronts Meredith, “I heard you are out spreading rumors about my husband.”

Yeah Angie, she’s OUT trolling all day long telling everyone in Salt Lake, that your husband, a hairdresser, fucks guys. I mean, NOBODY can believe it!!

I’m just saying if her husband is a hair stylist yes, people are going to wonder and talk. I’m not saying I agree, but there really are NOT a lot of straight guy hair stylists.

Monica needs to have a front row, and just shamelessly plops down behind Meredith with a lollipop. This is such a Whitney thing. I think that is who she’s trying to model her ‘character’ after. Maybe not.

Whitney sitting behind Angie, chimes in like Angie’s little shadow. In her Whitney voice – “at the airport you did talk about her husband.”

Meredith points out that she just said there are rumors. Didn’t identify the rumors.

You’re the one out spreading your legs outside of your marriage.” (they were on a break is her reasoning) Meredith tries to disengage but Angie follows her. Meredith does not want this starting up again.

Another gay househusband. Next?? Like I said, I think it’s one of the interview questions.

Meredith gets all Meredith with the bad British accent and extreme head tilts. This broad is so quirky. Doesn’t that hurt her neck?

I just said there were vumoooooors!!!

Heather, always on point with the one-liners.

“This is Utah, if a guy wears a cardigan, he’s gay.”

What the hell does Mary have on Bravo? First of all, why is she here? Second of all, Why is she here? All of that controversy about her ‘church’ and how she and Pops run it like a personal piggy bank. Make the members refer to Mary as God.

That story with that dude she was having an affair with from two seasons ago, that she brought him home and had relations, WITH Pops there, and he didn’t care. And she extorted money from him. (for the ‘church’) Seemed as if Pops was having Mary cozy up to him and offer the goodies, in order to get cash. I think there’s a word for that, and it starts with an ‘h’ and ends with ‘ooker.’

And then he died. This is the pic that was going around at that time.

Why is everyone kissing her ass and waiting on her like she’s anybody?

She demands food, and Lisa can’t get up fast enough to make sure she’s fed. She wants it to go. Such fucking poor taste, and shit manners to take free food provided at a party or event home. Then she bitches at the kid that Lisa demanded to make her a pizza, for not putting it in the container. Is this woman for real? When you ask for a container in a restaurant for leftovers, they always bring it to you, to convert your shit yourself. She calls the kid lazy, and even backed this comment up on WWHL.

I feel like Andy regretted having her on, and she won’t be ever again.

And she needed not worry about ‘wasting her outfit.’ It’s ugly. That skirt looks like the car wash things. I did steal that from someone. I was calling it a hula skirt last week.

She takes great pleasure in being especially cunty and dismissive to Monica, as Monica relentlessly tries to commiserate and connect with her.

Don’t even touch my pizza ho.

Are they trying to make this Kathy happen? They keep showing her.


What is with that picture of Angie and her husband and daughter on the wall at their house? I guess to each their own.

Angie confronts husband about him “liking men.”

What would give anybody that idea??

He looks so puzzled by this news. I mean, well, he tries to look puzzled and shocked. He’s more upset about the cheating thing, than he is about the gay thing.

So Angie confirms that it’s been a ‘thing’ he’s been dealing with for 30 years. So clearly she was previously aware it’s talked about.

Sean says, “what did we do?” As in to what did they do to deserve this? Don’t you think she should explain how she went for Meredith at the table, slung several personal insults at her first.

Meredith then walks away and drops, ya know there’s shit going around about her husband.”

And it was a bitchy thing to say. But that’s what we do here.


I’m with Heather on Jack and the missionary thing. You know, there is a reason why they don’t want these kids to have contact with their parents for two years. Lisa is offended that she’s giving her two cents.

Lisa starts ranting about ‘garments’ and the church, temple, worthiness to enter the temples, diet coke.

I don’t fucking know. This is a money sucking fucking cult, where the leaders get enriched, and the dude that started it 200 years ago was a wack job, and that’s that.


Lisa and Whitney drop in on Angie, and of course this rumor about her husband that they’ve known of and been dealing with for thirty years, has Angie devastated and up crying all night. I have a hard time believing she had no idea he might be out there getting with dudes.

Okay subject switch to Heather, and how she extended a very prestigious and exclusive invite to Angie to her actual residence, to attempt to make amends, and now Angie is all loving on Heather, for the time being.

Lisa starts fidgeting and blinking, and whines how she’s never gotten that from Heather.

Honestly I don’t even know what Lisa and Heather’s dynamic even is. Don’t they agree that they don’t really like each other.

I never in 1000 years would have thought Lisa Fucking Barlow needs Heather’s validation. I thought she’s always looked down on Heather. She knows it’s not about her, as she loses her shit, and makes it about her.

Why isn’t Heather paying attention to ME???


Meredith and Brooks scenes are so fucking annoying. Is it their voices? Why do they talk like that? Like listening to both of their voices at the same time is just so irritating. Or maybe it’s just them.

Meredith is really trying to make Kathy happen. Apparently they left together from Lisa’s event, and were almost in an accident. Why wouldn’t there be guard rails on the cliff?

Snow shoeing? Do people still do this?


Again the confusion and the contradictions with this religion whatever. Monica talks to her mom and is sort of dragging her for picking and choosing what she wants to follow, however claims to have ‘left the church.’ It’s fucking brainwashing,

She wants Monica to raise her daughters ‘in the church’ even though she’s allegedly apologized to Monica for doing that to her, which she denies.

‘Boundaries’ comes up and she complains about her mom walking into her house without knocking, and what if she’s having sex, no, 69 (not sure why she switches it to 69) on the couch.

She has two teens, and two little ones, I would hope she’s not doing 69 on the couch.

Clearly she’s trying to shock her mother.

That was a weird scene. These Utah bitches are OUT THERE.


Heather and Whitney have a ski day and discuss the current events. Love Whitney’s coat. I’ll have to check that out, to see where that came from. Heather’s matching white ski outfit with blue flowers, I thought I like it at first, but it looks like pajamas. She should have just done a solid blue for one of the pieces. I’m not sure Mary would approve either.

They discuss Jack’s mission thing, and Whitney who has also left the church, and the Mormon thing behind, so Heather expects her to have an opinion similar to hers, however she says she doesn’t really care. She has no thoughts at all, Heather, because she’s Whitney. She’s a fucking bobble head. No thoughts happening in there.

Really?? Not one single thought you can come up with?

Going door to door to try to preach your religion, like how many people ACTUALLY convert to Mormonism when those wackos knock on your door? From my experience when people have had the nerve to do that at my house, I let them talk for like ten seconds and tell them I’m not interested. Isn’t that what most people do? I can’t even fathom why Jack would elect to do this. Something seems off about it.

As Heather pours out her heart and is being very passionate, as to how this is just not cool, Whitney looks stone-faced and I just feel like this is too deep, and too much thinking for her. And has nothing to do with her.

You’re asking way too much of me.

Like she said, she doesn’t care. Or just doesn’t want Lisa pissed at her, since she needs to keep her as a friend,

She informs Heather about Lisa’s hissy and jealousy about her bonding with Angie.

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