Some Sai De Silva gossip that has just been breaking within the past 24 hours.

First of all, most viewers are indeed siding with Jessel after that debacle of a lunch on last Sunday’s Oct 1st episode, in which she again annihilated Jessel in the ‘struggle Olympics’ as it’s now being referred to as.

SO the gossip is that (and she really never talked about how she met David, and we just heard a few weeks ago that she was a bartender for ten years…) when she was a bartender, and worked at a bar that David owned, David was married, AND she got herself knocked up (oopsie – mistake? no) while he was still with his wife!!

You know she would have been smart to take the route that Monica did on Salt Lake, by just airing out the dirty laundry and putting it out there before it came out like this. Now she looks stupid.

Her little self-righteous spin she’s trying to do, and the nit-picking at Jessel over those ‘who was more broker’ contests, and why she’s not being ‘vulnerable’ and sharing her entire story, (which honestly just isn’t that interesting, sorry Sai) seems really really off-putting. Girl, you were a SIDE CHICK!!!

What about YOUR story Sai????

What about being a home wrecker?? what about getting pregnant to your married boss dude when you were certainly old enough to know how all of this works, and use protection. So it looks a little suspect that you were desperate to have this life you always dreamed of, after growing up in a really poor environment, with parents that didn’t even try to care for you, and David De Silva was the vehicle to give you that.

I did try to research his situation. He does seem to keep a low profile. So much so, that’s it’s kind of concerning. I really am not finding that much on the dude. All of the searches seem to direct me to Sai.

I recall in ep 1 she said, he sold his business or businesses, is retired, and now stays home and helps with the kids so she can do her influencing thing. She sort of eluded that he has money in that comment. But I could be wrong. I was wrong once before.

I was really wrong on September 5th, 2018, but that’s a whole-nother fucking story. Ladies, if something seems off, go with your gut!!

Before it’s too late!! Like if you’re seeing a dude, and you tell him something like, “I had a baby that died” and he says “I don’t care!” Ya know, do the math on that one, before you get invested.


I really doubt she was able to afford that 2 mill Brooklyn Brownstone on her ‘influencing’ income. I got into a little squabble with a TikToker this morning, she was trying to tell me this property is ‘Sai’s house’ you know, because she’s a millionaire, and David ‘doesn’t work.’ Like he’s living off of her or something. Seriously doubt that. If you’ve been paying attention, at all to her attitude and communication, this girl wasn’t about to marry some broke ass loser. Are you kidding me?? And she’s too stupid to know, that you don’t make it sound obvious. To 1 million people.

She sort of gives me early LuAnn de Lessep vibes. Even in the way she talks, and the verbiage that she uses – “now look at me, people are trying to look in MY brownstone.” That sounds so LuAnn back in the day. Remember how she bragged and bragged up a storm about being rich and married to the Count dude. Luann also came from nothing and knew that’s what she needed to do. Wasn’t her tagline in first season, “I don’t feel guilty for being privileged.” WTF ? Who says that?

Anywho, this is all still not verified info at this time, but I am inclinded to believe it, based on what I’m seeing of this chick,

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